The Surprising Effect Of Artificial Sweeteners On Weight Loss

Low calorie sweeteners are supposed to help people lose weight, but do they?

Low calorie sweeteners are supposed to help people lose weight, but do they?

Low calorie sweeteners are supposed to help people lose weight, but they are actually contributing to type 2 diabetes and weight gain, a review of different studies reveals.

Low calorie sweeteners are consumed as a substitute to simple sugars including sucrose, glucose and fructose or fruit sugar.

The artificial sweeteners market is growing fast and is expected to reach $2.2 billion in 2020.

Despite the marketing that artificial sweeteners provides fewer calories and so lead to weight loss, consumers are more likely to gain weight.

According to Professor Peter Clifton, the lead author of this study, in the past 20 years, consumption of low calorie sweeteners has increased by 200 percent among children and 54 percent among adults.

However, recent studies show that low calorie sweeteners can have several harmful effects on the human body.

For example, a study suggests that artificial sweeteners have an appetite-stimulating effect on the brain, causing people to eat more.

Another study over seven years on 5,158 American adults found that people who had a high intake of artificial sweeteners put on more weight compared to nonusers.

Professor Clifton said:

“Consumers of artificial sweeteners do not reduce their overall intake of sugar.

They use both sugar and low-calorie sweeteners and may psychologically feel they can indulge in their favourite foods.

Artificial sweeteners also change the gut bacteria which may lead to weight gain and risk of type 2 diabetes.”

Although it is not clear why, artificially sweetened beverages have been shown to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, dementia, and death.

Professor Clifton and his team reviewed 13 studies in which they suggest an association between artificially sweetened beverages and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

One study found that changing from artificially sweetened beverages to natural fruit juice would reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 7 percent.

Professor Clifton concluded:

“A better option than low-calorie sweeteners is to stick to a healthy diet, which includes plenty of whole grains, dairy, seafood, legumes, vegetables and fruits and plain water.”

The study was published in Current Atherosclerosis Reports (Kim et al., 2019).

The Apple Drink That Boosts Weight Loss

The drink can boost weight loss without exercise or changing diet.

The drink can boost weight loss without exercise or changing diet.

Apple cider vinegar can boost weight loss without exercise or changing diet, research finds.

People in one study who added two teaspoons of vinegar to their diet per day lost weight.

They achieved this without making any other changes to their diet or doing more exercise.

The vinegar also led to lower levels of triglycerides, which is an indicator of better heart health.

Whether or not the vinegar is of the apple cider variety, probably makes little difference.

To make the vinegar more palatable, it can simply be stirred into a glass of water, or any other drink, to help reduce the sharp taste.

Alternatively, it can be drizzled on a salad, added to a smoothie or used to add zest to another food.

Other benefits of vinegar include that it may lower blood pressure and help inhibit the spiking of blood sugar after eating.

For the study, 175 people in Japan were split into three groups.

One acted as a control and ate their normal diet, another group added a single teaspoon of vinegar per day, while a third added two teaspoons per day.

The results showed that after 12 weeks, those who had added two teaspoons had lost between 2 to 4 pounds in weight.

They also had lower triglyceride levels.

The other two groups did not lose significant amounts of weight.

The study’s authors conclude:

“The present study is the first to demonstrate that vinegar reduces body weight, BMI, and body fat mass in obese Japanese subjects.

Furthermore, continuous vinegar intake was found to lower serum triglyceride levels.”

Animal studies have previously found that acetic acid, the main component of vinegar, can reduce body fat.

The authors write of vinegar’s other benefits:

“Vinegar has a very long history, going back to Babylonia in 5,000 BC.

We have found that intake of vinegar lowers blood pressure, improves hypercholesterolemia, and inhibits postprandial hyperglycemia.”

The study was published in the journal Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry (Kondo et al., 2009).

The Foods That Boost Weight Loss And Reduce Heart Disease

Eating these foods has considerable health benefits, scientists have found.

Eating these foods has considerable health benefits, scientists have found.

Eating more fibre-rich foods, like fruits and vegetables, could decrease the risk of heart disease by 30%, research concludes.

Higher fibre intake has also been linked to weight loss and lower cholesterol levels.

Studies conducted over almost 40 years find that eating around 25-29 grams of dietary fibre a day has clear health benefits.

Most people, though, consume less than 20 grams per day.

In the US, the average intake is 15 grams per day.

Fibre-rich foods reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, (15-30%), heart disease, stroke type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer (15-24%)

Fibre-rich foods include vegetables, fruits, whole grains and pulses.

Professor Jim Mann, study co-author, said:

“Our findings provide convincing evidence for nutrition guidelines to focus on increasing dietary fibre and on replacing refined grains with whole grains.

This reduces incidence risk and mortality from a broad range of important diseases.”

The study included data from 135 million people in almost two hundred different studies.

The results clearly showed that the more dietary fibre people consumed, the more they were protected against a wide variety of diseases.

Professor Mann said:

“The health benefits of fibre are supported by over 100 years of research into its chemistry, physical properties, physiology and effects on metabolism.

Fibre-rich whole foods that require chewing and retain much of their structure in the gut increase satiety and help weight control and can favourably influence lipid and glucose levels.

The breakdown of fibre in the large bowel by the resident bacteria has additional wide-ranging effects including protection from colorectal cancer.”

The study was published in the journal The Lancet (Reynolds et al., 2019).

A Common Drink That Doubles Weight Loss

Researchers have found that around 50 percent of the obese are deficient in a mineral contained in this drink.

Researchers have found that around 50 percent of the obese are deficient in a mineral contained in this drink.

A couple of glasses of fat-free milk each day can double weight loss, research finds.

A study of 322 overweight people revealed that those drinking two glasses of low-fat milk each day doubled their weight loss compared to those who drank around half-a-glass.

The reason could be down to the calcium and vitamin D contained in milk.

Researchers have found that around 50 percent of obese people are deficient in calcium.

In addition, among the general population, around half are deficient in vitamin D.

Higher calcium levels appear to reduce the desire for food.

A deficiency in calcium, though, can drive the appetite as a way of obtaining more of the essential mineral.

Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium.

Researchers find that consuming dairy products can help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

It is also linked to reduced body fat and increased muscle growth.

Although people sometimes avoid dairy when trying to lose weight, there is evidence that normal intake is not fattening.

A study of 19,614 men followed them for 12 years, tracking what they ate and any change in weight.

The results revealed that those consuming three servings of dairy each day did not gain weight.

Dr Greg Miller, an expert in food science and human nutrition, said:

“The good news for the public is that you can follow the MyPyramid recommendation for 3 servings of dairy foods each day and get the nutrition benefits without concern of extra weight gain.

If you’re cutting calories to lose weight, it’s important to get your 3 servings of dairy foods each day for good health and to enhance your weight loss efforts.”

The study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Rajpathak et al., 2006).

The Vitamin That Doubles Weight Loss & Reduces Inflammation

50 percent of people are deficient in this vitamin.

50 percent of people are deficient in this vitamin.

Having sufficient levels of vitamin D in the body can double weight loss and shed belly fat, research finds.

Around half the world’s population is deficient in vitamin D.

One study has shown a doubling of weight loss from drinking milk, which contains high levels of calcium and vitamin D, both of which are linked to weight loss.

Foods that are rich in vitamin D include oily fish and eggs, but most people get their vitamin D from the action of sunlight on the skin.

For the current study, 218 obese and overweight women were split into two groups.

All of them had a vitamin D deficiency.

Both groups were put on a weight loss programme, but only half were given 2,000 IU of vitamin D each day.

At the end of the 12 months of the study, the women with sufficient levels of vitamin D in their body had lost 19 pounds.

However, those with low levels of vitamin D had only lost 12 pounds.

Dr Anne McTiernan, study co-author, said:

“This suggests women trying to lose weight might want to have their D levels checked by their provider and replenish their vitamin D levels either through supplements or sun and then have their D levels rechecked after a few months to make sure they’ve risen to a healthy level.”

Those taking vitamin D also reduced the levels of inflammation in their bodies.

Dr Catherine Duggan, study co-author, said:

“An overweight person’s body is in a state of chronic inflammation and all of these inflammation proteins that the body produces can cause things like elevated risk for cancer and diabetes.

Vitamin D helped with that. It could make the condition of being overweight less stressful on the body.”

The study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Mason et al., 2014).

This Emotion Is Your Best Weapon Against Weight Loss Struggles (M)

Setback often lead people trying to lose weight to give up — but there is a solution.

Setback often lead people trying to lose weight to give up -- but there is a solution.

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The Most Effective Way To Shed Belly Fat Fast

This can actually melt belly fat.

This can actually melt belly fat.

The best way to shed belly fat is exercise, according to the research.

People lose more visceral (belly) fat while exercising than they do taking weight loss medication.

Exercise can actually melt belly fat.

One reason is that exercise stimulates the release of a signalling molecule called interleukin-6.

It is released from the skeletal muscle and plays an important role in breaking down fats in healthy people.

High levels of belly fat are linked to cancer, dementia, cardio-metabolic disease and early death.

Dr Anne-Sophie Wedell-Neergaard, the study’s first author, said:

“The take home for the general audience is ‘do exercise’.

We all know that exercise promotes better health, and now we also know that regular exercise training reduces abdominal fat mass and thereby potentially also the risk of developing cardio-metabolic diseases.”

The study involved 53 people who did several 45-minute sessions per week on an exercise bike.

The results showed that fat was reduced by 8 percent, or 225 grams in 12 weeks.

However, some people were given a drug that blocks the action of interleukin-6.

Instead of losing weight, this group gained 278 grams of fat, despite exercising.

The study helps show that it is interleukin-6 that is causally involved in weight loss.

Dr Wedell-Neergaard said:

“To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that interleukin-6 has a physiological role in regulating visceral fat mass in humans.”

Diet, of course, is also helpful in shedding belly fat.

Unfortunately, there is no miracle food that can reduce belly fat on its own.

However, eating a heart-healthy diet high in fibre can help to reduce abdominal fat.

Dr Wedell-Neergaard said:

“It is important to stress that when you start exercising, you may increase body weight due to increased muscle mass.

So, in addition to measuring your overall body weight, it would be useful, and maybe more important, to measure waist circumference to keep track of the loss of visceral fat mass and to stay motivated.”

The study was published in the journal Cell Metabolism (Wedell-Neergaard et al., 2018).

The Surprising Effect Of Weight Loss On Happiness (M)

Some clinical trials have shown that weight loss is associated with improved mood, but that is not the whole picture.

Some clinical trials have shown that weight loss is associated with improved mood, but that is not the whole picture.

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Easy Weight Loss: This Oil Reduces Belly Fat

Use this oil for cooking to achieve more weight loss.

Use this oil for cooking to achieve more weight loss.

Consuming 15 to 30 g of coconut oil in the daily diet can reduce belly fat, research finds.

Coconut oil can also reduce hunger pangs and appetite and this can help with weight loss.

A meta-analysis of different studies suggests that replacing long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) with medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) over the long-term can lead to weight lost and reduce belly fat.

Coconut oil, palm kernel oil, desiccated coconut and raw coconut meat contain good amount of MCTs.

Most fats and oils in our diet, such as soybean, sunflower oil, and olive oil contain LCTs.

MCTs, though, can increase the body’s ability to burn calories since they break down easily and are absorbed by the cells rapidly.

As a result MCTs are not stored as fat in the body and are sent quickly from the digestive tract to the liver to turn into energy or ketone bodies.

Belly fat

Visceral fat lies deep in the belly and is wrapped around the organs including the stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines.

Visceral belly fat is also called “active fat” since this type of fat can build up in the arteries and also lead to dangerous health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.

This fat is different with the subcutaneous fat that is stored under the skin and you can feel it in different parts of your body, such as the arms and legs.

If the belly is sticking out then it is likely that you have stored visceral fat.

If a man’s waist measures 40 inches or more and if a woman’s waist measures 35 inches or more that indicates an excess of visceral fat and health-related issues.

Making changes to diet and lifestyle towards losing weight can help get rid of this active fat.

The study was published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Mumme & Stonehouse, 2015).

This Antioxidant Supplement Leads To Weight Loss

Overweight people who took this antioxidant supplement managed to slim down without diet or exercise.

Overweight people who took this antioxidant supplement managed to slim down without diet or exercise.

Lipoic acid, also known as alpha lipoic acid (ALA), is a strong antioxidant which helps people to lose weight.

In a clinical trial, when this dietary supplement was given to overweight or obese people, it made them lose body fat and body weight.

Patients who took 600 milligrams per day of the R form of lipoic acid (R-LA) managed to slim down in 24 weeks without changing their diet or physical activity.

Dr Balz Frei, study co-author, said:

“The data clearly showed a loss in body weight and body fat in people taking lipoic acid supplements.

Particularly in women and in the heaviest participants.”

Lipoic acid is a medium-chain fatty acid that is naturally found in plant and animal products like broccoli, spinach, and organ meats.

Our body makes small amounts of lipoic acid, which is essential for regulating the metabolism and generating energy.

Supplementation of lipoic acid seems to offer some additional benefits irrespective of its role in energy production.

Lipoic acid supplements sold over-the-counter assert benefits including blood sugar and cholesterol level reduction, and powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

It is also used as an additional treatment for diabetes, age-related cognitive decline, and heart disease.

Dr Alexander Michels, study co-author, said:

“Scientists have been researching the potential health benefits of lipoic acid supplements for decades, including how it might enhance healthy aging and mitigate cardiovascular disease.

In both rodent models and small-scale human clinical trials, researchers at the LPI have demonstrated the beneficial effects of lipoic acid on oxidative stress, lipid metabolism and circadian rhythm.”

According to Professor Tory Hagen, the study’s lead author, this research looked into two issues that have often been ignored in past clinical trials.

Professor Hagen explained:

“Many existing clinical studies using lipoic acid have focused on volunteers with pre-existing conditions like diabetes, making it difficult to determine if lipoic acid supplements simply act as a disease treatment or have other beneficial health effects.

Another issue is the formulation of the supplement.

Many previous studies have used the S form of lipoic acid, which is a product of industrial synthesis and not found in nature.

We only used the R form of lipoic acid — the form found in the body naturally.”

The research team saw that those patients who lost weight had reduced blood triglyceride levels, the main component of body fat.

Professor Hagen said:

“By the end of the study, some markers of inflammation declined.

The findings also suggest that lipoic acid supplementation provides a mild reduction in oxidative stress.

It is not a perfect panacea, but our results show that lipoic acid supplements can be beneficial.”

The study was published in The Journal of Nutrition (Bobe et al., 2020).

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