Double Weight Loss By Changing WHEN You Eat

Weight loss is not just about what you eat, but also about when you eat.

Weight loss is not just about what you eat, but also about when you eat.

Avoiding consuming too many calories in the evening is the key to weight loss, research finds.

Snacking late at night, especially, stops the body from burning fat.

That is because the body is still using the accessible carbohydrates that have just been eaten.

However, people who eat less in the evening bring forward the point where the body starts burning fat.

At the same time, breakfast can help to sustain weight loss.

One recent study found that a high-protein breakfast can even double weight loss.

Professor Carl Johnson, study co-author:

“There are a lot of studies on both animals and humans that suggest it’s not only about how much you eat, but rather when you eat.

Our research looked to test the findings of existing fasting studies by asking real humans to participate in a multi-day test for two different meal time routines.

What we found is that the body’s circadian rhythms regulate nighttime fat burning.”

The body’s circadian rhythms are mental, physical and behavioural changes that follow a daily cycle.

The study included six people who came into the lab to be monitored closely in a whole-room respiratory chamber.

The chamber measures exactly how much energy people expend over a period and their metabolism.

The results showed that when people people ate a meal in the evening, the body stopped burning fat.

Dr Kevin Kelly, the study’s first author, explained the results:

“The late-evening snack session resulted in less lipids oxidized than in the breakfast session.

This confirms that the timing of meals during the daytime and nighttime cycle affects how ingested food is used versus stored, and that any food ingested prior to bedtime will delay the burning of fat during sleep.”

The study was published in the journal PLOS Biology (Kelly et al., 2020).

The Weight Loss Technique That Is 100% More Effective

The easy technique can help to double weight loss.

The easy technique can help to double weight loss.

The more a person weighs themselves, the more weight they lose, research finds.

Similarly, keeping a note of what is eaten is consistently linked to weight loss by studies.

Taking a quick note of daily diet and exercise habits has been shown to double weight loss by one study.

The process of making notes does not have to be complicated — in fact, most people find it easy.

Simply sending a text message or email is enough.

Noting down details of diet and exercise probably works by making people more aware of their own habits.

Habits tend to work automatically and outside our conscious awareness.

Note-taking and weighing draw attention to those habits so they can be consciously addressed.

The current study involved 975 people who were tracked over twelve months.

People in the study were using internet-enabled scales.

The results showed that people who stepped on their scales more often lost an average of an extra 2 pounds.

Dr Matthew Sperrin, the study’s first author, said:

“In this study we wanted to know more about the ways that engagement with weighing scales indicates the users’ behaviour, something that is only possible with recent advances in technology.”

Dr Sperrin explained the results:

“…we were able to spot a strong correlation between self-weighing and weight-loss, particularly that the more a patient weighed themselves, the more weight they were shown to lose.

Is it the weight change that encourages people to more closely monitor their weight or is it the monitoring that encourages the weight change?

This is something we would be keen to investigate further now that we know that the information gathered by connected health devices can be re-purposed and meaningfully used for the purpose of research.”

The study was published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (Sperrin et al., 2016).

Weight Loss: The Common Drink That Helps Burn Fat

Drinking this will result in greater fat-burning and weight loss.

Drinking this will result in greater fat-burning and weight loss.

Those who want to increase fat burning and weight loss might find drinking a strong cup of coffee 30 minutes before exercise very effective.

Consuming a strong coffee containing 3 mg of caffeine per kilogram of body weight half-an-hour before a moderate intensity activity greatly enhances burning fat, a study shows.

For instance, a 70 kg or 154 pound person, to ingest 3 mg per kg of body weight requires 210 mg of caffeine in a drink.

A 250 ml cup of coffee typically contains 100 mg of caffeine and a single shot of espresso contains 64 mg caffeine.

Caffeine is a psychoactive substance and a natural stimulant found in coffee beans, cocoa beans, tea leaves, guarana, and kola nuts.

The research team also found that caffeine’s effects are more noticeable if the exercise is done in the afternoon instead of in the morning.

Caffeine, due to its ergogenic [performance enhancing] potential, has been widely sold in the form of supplements to increase sports performance or endurance activities, and aid fat loss.

However, the scientific evidence behind beneficial claims of these supplements is insufficient.

Dr Francisco Amaro-Gahete, the study’s lead author, said:

“The recommendation to exercise on an empty stomach in the morning to increase fat oxidation is commonplace.

However, this recommendation may be lacking a scientific basis, as it is unknown whether this increase is due to exercising in the morning or due to going without food for a longer period of time.”

The aim of this study was to find out if caffeine really enhances fat oxidation or fat burning during exercise.

A group of adults were asked to complete an exercise test four times a week.

They had to take 3 mg/kg of caffeine at 8am or 5pm (half an hour before aerobic exercise) randomly.

Dr Amaro-Gahete said:

“The results of our study showed that acute caffeine ingestion 30 minutes before performing an aerobic exercise test increased maximum fat oxidation during exercise regardless of the time of day.”

The results showed that acute caffeine ingestion followed by moderate-intensity aerobic exercise in the afternoon was more effective in fat burning compared to the morning.

A study on trained athletes found that ergogenic effects from caffeine were more pronounced during cycling performance in the morning than the evening (Boyett et al., 2016).

The study was published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (Ramírez-Maldonado et al., 2021).

This Popular Vitamin Can Double Weight Loss And Reduce Belly Fat

People with higher levels of this vitamin in their body tend to lose more weight when dieting.

People with higher levels of this vitamin in their body tend to lose more weight when dieting.

A variety of common vitamins and minerals have been linked to weight loss.

High levels of vitamin D, though, have repeatedly been linked to weight loss and a reduction in belly fat.

People with higher levels of vitamin D in their body tend to lose more weight when dieting.

One study has shown that drinking milk, which contains calcium and vitamin D, can double weight loss.

The study included 218 overweight women who were tracked as they took part in an exercise and diet programme that lasted for one year.

Half of the group took a vitamin D supplement of 2,000 IU per day.

Dr Duggan explained the results:

“We were quite surprised to see that vitamin D had an effect on an inflammation biomarker only among women who lost at least 5 percent of their baseline weight.

That suggests vitamin D can augment the effect of weight loss on inflammation.”

Up to 50 percent of people may have a vitamin D deficiency.

A deficiency in this vitamin has been linked to increased inflammation the body.

Foods rich in vitamin D include eggs, oily fish like salmon, mushrooms, dairy and foods that are fortified with it, including cereals and juices.

Dr Catherine Duggan, the study’s first author, said:

“We know from our previous studies that by losing weight, people can reduce their overall levels of inflammation, and there is some evidence suggesting that taking vitamin D supplements can have a similar effect if one has insufficient levels of the nutrient.”

Along with its involvement in weight loss, vitamin D may also have a beneficial effect on cancer risk.

Dr Duggan:

“It is thought that this state of chronic inflammation is pro-tumorigenic, that is, it encourages the growth of cancer cells.

Weight loss reduces inflammation, and thus represents another mechanism for reducing cancer risk.

If ensuring that vitamin D levels are replete, or at an optimum level, can decrease inflammation over and above that of weight loss alone, that can be an important addition to the tools people can use to reduce their cancer risk.”

The study was published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research (Duggan et al., 2015).

The Most Unexpected Barrier To Weight Loss

Weight loss is hard enough without this surprising barrier.

Weight loss is hard enough without this surprising barrier.

People trying to lose weight often face criticism from their own family, surprising research shows.

Losing weight is hard enough without loved ones failing to be supportive.

Women criticised by their family about their weight ended up putting on more weight, the study showed.

In contrast, those that received unconditional acceptance from their family lost over five times as much.

Professor Christine Logel, the study’s first author, said:

“When we feel bad about our bodies, we often turn to loved ones — families, friends and romantic partners — for support and advice.

How they respond can have a bigger effect than we might think.”

The Canadian study involved hundreds of young women followed for around 9 months.

They were asked about their weight, how they felt about it and what their loved ones thought.

The results revealed that women who did not receive many messages of acceptance from their family put on an average of 5.5 pounds.

Those that received acceptance from loved ones, though, lost an average of 1 pound.

Professor Logel said:

“On average, the women in the study were at the high end of Health Canada’s BMI recommendations, so the healthiest thing is for them to maintain the weight they have and not be so hard on themselves.

But many of the women were still very concerned about how much they weigh, and most talked to their loved ones about it.”

Feeling better about themselves likely encouraged people in the study to eat more healthily.

Acceptance may also reduce stress, leading to less weight gain.

Professor Logel said:

“Lots of research finds that social support improves our health.

An important part of social support is feeling that our loved ones accept us just the way we are.

We all know someone who points out our weight gain or offers to help us lose weight.

These results suggest that these comments are misguided.”

The study was published in the journal Personal Relationships (Logel et al., 2014).

This Weight Loss Technique Instantly Reduces Food Cravings

People using this strategy find that it is easier to resist acting on their desires.

People using this strategy find that it is easier to resist acting on their desires.

Mindfulness is a proven strategy to reduce cravings for food, cigarettes and alcohol, a review concludes.

Multiple studies have found that mindfulness can instantly reduce cravings.

Mindfulness involves the acceptance of moment-by-moment experiences, such as the desire to eat, smoke or drink.

Acceptance involves seeing cravings as a normal result of stress or other problems in life.

Over time, people practising mindfulness find that it is easier to resist acting on their desires.

Mindfulness helps the mind simply acknowledge these cravings and then let them mentally flow away.

Being mindful occupies the part of the mind that generates cravings, studies suggest.

Mindfulness also emphasises the separation between thoughts and feelings and the self.

In other words, it is possible to think and feel, without acting on those thoughts and feelings.

Dr Katy Tapper, the study’s author, said:

“The research suggests that certain mindfulness-based strategies may help prevent or interrupt cravings by occupying a part of our mind that contributes to the development of cravings.

Whether mindfulness strategies are more effective than alternative strategies, such as engaging in visual imagery, has yet to be established.

However, there is also some evidence to suggest that engaging in regular mindfulness practice may reduce the extent to which people feel the need to react to their cravings, though further research is needed to confirm such an effect.”

Here are some mindfulness exercises to try.

The study was published in the journal Clinical Psychology Review (Tapper, 2018).

Weight Loss: Over 1,000 Psychologists Agree On Most Common Barrier

Over one thousand psychologists agree on the biggest barrier to weight loss.

Over one thousand psychologists agree on the biggest barrier to weight loss.

The greatest barrier to weight loss is emotional eating, a survey of psychologists finds.

Losing weight is about addressing the issues behind emotional eating.

So said almost every psychologist polled about successful weight loss.

Emotional eating refers to the way in which the emotions can trigger eating.

One example might be responding to feeling bored by eating a bag of chips.

Another might be reacting to feeling sad by eating ice cream.

Emotional eating often begins in childhood when treats are given as rewards for good behaviour.

Psychologists help people break the cycle of emotional eating by identifying situations and feelings that trigger it.

Changing the habit is about spotting the triggers and then changing the response.

Strategies psychologists recommend to help with this process include mindfulness, cognitive therapy and problem-solving.

Professor Norman B. Anderson, an expert on mind/body health, said:

“Anyone who has ever tried to lose a few pounds and keep them off knows that doing so isn’t easy.

The good news is that research and clinical experience have shown that, in addition to behavioral approaches, cognitive behavioral therapy that targets emotional barriers helps people lose weight.”

The survey included 1,328 licensed psychologists who were asked how they helped their clients lose weight.

The need to target emotional issues was highlighted by 92 percent of respondents.

Professor Anderson said:

“Although it is generally accepted that weight problems are most often caused by a combination of biological, emotional, behavioral and environmental issues, these new results show the key role of stress and emotional regulation in losing weight.

Therefore, the best weight loss tactics should integrate strategies to address emotion and behavior as well as lifestyle approaches to exercise and making healthy eating choices.”

The study was conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center for the American Psychological Association.

The Effect Being Called ‘Fat’ Has On 10-Year-Old Girls, 9 Years Later (M)

The startling connection between childhood labels and adult obesity.

The startling connection between childhood labels and adult obesity.

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The Breakfast That Quadruples Weight Loss In The Long-Term

People following this diet lost four times as much weight as those just following a standard low-carb diet all day long.

People following this diet lost four times as much weight as those just following a standard low-carb diet all day long.

Having a large meal for breakfast that is rich in protein and carbs is linked to weight loss, research finds.

Dieters then stuck to a low calorie, low-carb diet for the rest of the day.

People following this diet lost four times as much weight as those just following a standard low-carb diet all day long.

Dr Daniela Jakubowicz and colleagues show that the success of a diet over the long-term relies on its ability to make you feel full and reduce carving for carbs and sweets.

They recruited 94 physically inactive obese women and divided them into two group to see if having a big breakfast high in protein and carbohydrates is more effective than a strict low-carb diet.

The very low-carb diet contained 1,085 calories a day based on 78 grams of fat, 51 grams of protein, and 17 grams of carbohydrates.

For participants who were on this diet, breakfast was the smallest meal throughout the day, containing just 290 calories.

Dieters could have milk, eggs, meat, fruit, cereal, and bread for breakfast but the amount of carbohydrates was only 7 grams and protein 12 grams.

The big-breakfast diet group consumed 1,240 calories per day consisting of 97 grams of carbohydrates, 93 grams of protein, and 46 grams of fat.

Their breakfast was 610 calories containing 58 grams of carbs, 47 grams of protein, and 22 grams of fat.

Their lunch was 395 calories containing 34 grams of carbs, 28 grams of protein, and 13 grams of fat.

Their dinner was 235 calories grams 5 gram of carbs, 18 grams of protein, and 26 grams of fat.

The study period was eight months in which the first four months focused on losing weight and the last four months focused maintaining weight.

The strict low-carb group lost 28 pounds (12.7 kg) and the big-breakfast group lost 23 pounds (10.5 kg).

At eight months, however, the low-carb dieters regained 18 pounds (8.2 kg) whereas those on the big-breakfast diet kept losing weight and lost an extra 16.5 pounds (7.5 kg).

On average, those eating a big breakfast lost 21 percent of their weight but those on the low-carb diet only lost 4.5 percent of their weight.

In addition, after consuming their big breakfast, participants felt more full and craved fewer carbs and sweets.

Dr Jakubowicz said:

“Most weight loss studies have determined that a very low carbohydrate diet is not a good method to reduce weight.

It exacerbates the craving for carbohydrates and slows metabolism.

As a result, after a short period of weight loss, there is a quick return to obesity.”

Dr Jakubowicz believes that the big-breakfast diet works as over 15 years she has successfully used this diet plan on her patients.

It keeps appetite under control and lowers cravings for sugars or starches such as sweets, dessert, potatoes, pasta and bread.

It also contains more fruit and vegetables which will increase level of vitamins and fibre intake.

Dr Jakubowicz added:

“Only five percent of carbohydrate-restrictive diets are successful after two years.

Most carbohydrate-restrictive diets do not address addictive eating impulses.”

The study was presented at the Endocrine Society 90th Annual Meeting in San Francisco.


Weight Loss: Awareness Of This Emotion Helps People Eat Less

Head and neck pain and problems sleeping are common signs of this emotion.

Head and neck pain and problems sleeping are common signs of this emotion.

Reducing stress can help people control their weight, a study finds.

Overweight mothers ate less fast-food and fewer high-fat snacks after taking a stress reduction course.

The course focused on how the stressed mothers could lead a more healthy lifestyle and not on lecturing them.

For example, they were shown how to recognise when they were stressed and to take a deep breath to cope with it.

Mothers watched videos that helped them with prioritising and time management.

Dr Mei-Wei Chang, the study’s first author, said:

“We used the women’s testimonies in the videos and showed their interactions with their families to raise awareness about stressors.

After watching the videos, a lot of intervention participants said, ‘This is the first time I’ve realized I am so stressed out’ — because they’ve lived a stressful life.

Many of these women are aware of feeling impatient, and having head and neck pain and trouble sleeping — but they don’t know those are signs of stress.”

The study included 338 overweight mothers on low incomes who all had children under 5-years-old.

Many were facing a number of difficulties, including poor living conditions, unstable relationships and financial problems.

Of the total, 212 participants were shown videos in which other women like them gave testimonials about food preparation, healthy eating, exercise and managing stress.

They also had access to an online support group.

The results showed that mothers who reduced their stress also decreased their consumption of high-fat foods.

Dr Chang said:

“It’s not that these women didn’t want to eat healthier.

If you don’t know how to manage stress, then when you are so stressed out, why would you care about what you eat?”

The tips mothers were given were very practical, such as using a chart to assign jobs to their children and rewarding kids for being well-behaved.

For stress management, mothers were encouraged not to blame themselves, but instead to think about how they could solve the problem.

Dr Chang said:

“I learned a lot from those women.

Everything needs to be practical and applicable to daily life — anytime, anywhere.”

Self-awareness of stress is important, said Dr Chang:

“We raised their awareness about stressors in their lives, and unfortunately a lot of these problems are not within their control.

So we teach them ways to control their negative emotions — remember that this is temporary, and you can get through it.

And give them confidence to look to the future.”

→ Read on: self-compassion is vital for stress reduction.

The study was published in the journal Nutrients (Chang et al., 2021).

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