Why The Politically Clueless Don’t Know They Are Clueless (S)

The type of people who know the least about politics.

The type of people who know the least about politics.

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Many Antidepressants Tied To Higher Dementia Risk, Large Study Finds (S)

Safer alternatives should be considered by doctors, the researchers advise.

Safer alternatives should be considered by doctors, the researchers advise.

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How To Overcome Embarrassment (S)

People were asked about embarrassing situations like farting in a yoga class or getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

People were asked about embarrassing situations like farting in a yoga class or getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

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The Best Strain Of Cannabis For Depression, Anxiety & Stress (S)

One puff of this type of cannabis can help treat the symptoms of depression. Study also tests effect on anxiety and stress.

One puff of this type of cannabis can help treat the symptoms of depression. Study also tests effect on anxiety and stress.

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Do Narcissists Know They Are Narcissists? (S)

Narcissistic rate themselves as more intelligent, likeable, attractive and funny — but, do they know they are biased?

Narcissistic rate themselves as more intelligent, likeable, attractive and funny -- but, do they know they are biased?

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