Meditation: Best Technique For Anxious And Depressed

The safest type of meditation for the anxious and depressed.

The safest type of meditation for the anxious and depressed.
Over one-quarter of people report unpleasant experiences while meditating, according to new research.
These include feeling afraid and experiencing distorted emotions.
While meditation is often thought of as a purely beneficial experience, this study finds otherwise.
People with negative patterns of thinking, such as anxiety or depression, are more likely to have bad experiences while meditating, the research found.
For the study, 1,232 people were asked a simple question:

"Have you ...

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This Is The Most Unhealthy Emotion (M)

The emotion is linked to increased inflammation, which is associated with many chronic health conditions.

The emotion is linked to increased inflammation, which is associated with many chronic health conditions.

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Social Media Only Has Tiny Effect On Happiness (M)

Almost all of a person’s satisfaction with life has nothing to do with using social media.

Almost all of a person's satisfaction with life has nothing to do with using social media.

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How Your Sleep Quality Affects Alzheimer’s Risk (M)

Sleep can help to clear the brain of toxic substances that lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

Sleep can help to clear the brain of toxic substances that lead to Alzheimer's disease.

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