How Education Is Linked To Higher IQ (S)

Studies on half a million people reveal how education and IQ are linked.

Studies on half a million people reveal how education and IQ are linked.

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This Is People’s Happiest Point In The Week (S)

The analysis of tweets also revealed the times of day at which people are most emotional and analytical.

The analysis of tweets also revealed the times of day at which people are most emotional and analytical.

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The Sleep Pattern Linked To Lower Depression Risk (S)

The study of 32,000 nurses is the largest ever to look at the link between depression and chronotype.

The study of 32,000 nurses is the largest ever to look at the link between depression and chronotype.

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The Drugs That May Treat Depression By Restructuring The Brain (S)

The findings could help with new treatments for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and addictions.

The findings could help with new treatments for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and addictions.

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