The Healthiest Way To Handle Arguments In A Relationship (S)

Plus, the two worst ways of dealing with arguments.

Plus, the two worst ways of dealing with arguments.

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How Reading Fiction Can Change Your Behaviour (S)

The key to experiencing fiction more powerfully is to literally ‘lose’ your sense of self in it.

The key to experiencing fiction more powerfully is to literally 'lose' your sense of self in it.

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The Exercise That Enhances Memory (S)

Exercise sparked more activity in important parts of the hippocampus — a brain region linked to memory.

Exercise sparked more activity in important parts of the hippocampus -- a brain region linked to memory.

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The Sleep Pattern That Indicates Good Mental Health (S)

This sleep pattern was also linked to lower blood pressure and less risk of heart disease.

This sleep pattern was also linked to lower blood pressure and less risk of heart disease.

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Research Reveals One More Reason To Be Honest (S)

Many people tell half-truths to help smooth awkward social situations — but is it necessary?

Many people tell half-truths to help smooth awkward social situations -- but is it necessary?

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The Head Tilt That Makes You More Attractive (S)

The study used computer-generated models of male and female faces that were tilted upwards or downwards.

The study used computer-generated models of male and female faces that were tilted upwards or downwards.

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