The Diet That Makes People Depressed (M)

The diet has an inflammatory effect on the brain which can lead to depression.

The diet has an inflammatory effect on the brain which can lead to depression.

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This Mind-Body Practice Reduces Depression And Anxiety (M)

Depression is thought to affect one-in-seven adults in the US during their lives.

Depression is thought to affect one-in-seven adults in the US during their lives.

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Research Reveals If Cannabis Improves Mental Health (M)

The second most common medicinal use of cannabis is for mental health problems.

The second most common medicinal use of cannabis is for mental health problems.

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How Neurofeedback Can Improve Attention (M)

People can learn to control their brain waves when they are given feedback about the electrical activity in their brains.

People can learn to control their brain waves when they are given feedback about the electrical activity in their brains.

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