These Personality Traits Improve With Age (M)

How people’s personality tends to change as they get older.

How people's personality tends to change as they get older.

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A Simple Technique To Deal With Relationship Conflicts (M)

People are often too close to their own personal relationships to think about them clearly.

People are often too close to their own personal relationships to think about them clearly.

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The Effects Of Meditation On The Brain (M)

Transcendental Meditation is thought to be one of the most widely used types of meditation around the world.

Transcendental Meditation is thought to be one of the most widely used types of meditation around the world.

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Why Older People Will Always Be Biased Against The Young (M)

Older people tend to think kids these days are less intelligent, less well-read and more disrespectful.

Older people tend to think kids these days are less intelligent, less well-read and more disrespectful.

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