Fearful Memories Can Be Erased Using Magnets (M)

By interfering with activity in the prefrontal cortex, scientists were able to interrupt memory consolidation.

By interfering with activity in the prefrontal cortex, scientists were able to interrupt memory consolidation.

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The Music That Reduces Epileptic Attacks (M)

Listening to the music just once helps to reduce the frequency of abnormal brain activity and seizures.

Listening to the music just once helps to reduce the frequency of abnormal brain activity and seizures.

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The Emotional Memories That Cause Insomnia (M)

Usually, sleep helps to break down the neuronal connections that might prolong unwanted memories.

Usually, sleep helps to break down the neuronal connections that might prolong unwanted memories.

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The Sleep Disorder Linked To Alzheimer’s (M)

Both diseases affect the hippocampus, which is part of the brain important for memory.

Both diseases affect the hippocampus, which is part of the brain important for memory.

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