The Emotional Memories That Cause Insomnia (M)
Usually, sleep helps to break down the neuronal connections that might prolong unwanted memories.
Usually, sleep helps to break down the neuronal connections that might prolong unwanted memories.
The results held even when participants in the study were followed up 3 years later.
Both diseases affect the hippocampus, which is part of the brain important for memory.
Some parents bring up children who find it hard to control their aggression.
The hard problem of consciousness: where does my soul live?
The emotion is linked to fewer memory problems and better problem solving and judgement.
Almost one-in-five of the US population suffers from social or general anxiety.
Your brain on and off caffeine.
This type of narcissism is often a result of parental invalidation.
Most people reported that they found better ways to cope with their pain after the programme.
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