The Most Attractive Lip Size And Shape

The most attractive lip size and shape might surprise you. A 50 percent boost is the best, but pay attention to the ratio of upper to lower lip.

The most attractive lip size and shape might surprise you. A 50 percent boost is the best, but pay attention to the ratio of upper to lower lip.

Many women are paying for cosmetic ‘enhancements’ to their lips that are making them less attractive, if new research is anything to go by.

The overfilled upper lip may not actually be the most attractive look, a study published in the journal JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery finds.

Scientists at the University of California showed a series of pictures of women’s faces to 150 judges.

Most attractive lip shape and size

Both the overall size of the lips and the ratio of top lip to bottom lip was digitally manipulated to see what was most attractive.

First they wanted to look at the general size of the lips, to see how much bigger was actually attractive (see below).

It turned out that increasing lip size by around 50 percent was the most attractive.

(Of course, this 50 percent figure will depend on how big your lips are to begin with.)

This one is marked ‘C’ in the image above.

Are heavy lower lips attractive?

Next they looked at the ratio of top lip to bottom lip (see below).

Bear in mind that many celebrities choose something that looks like the image on the right, marked ‘D’, with a heavy upper lip.

It turned out that the picture on the far-left marked ‘A’ was actually seen as most attractive.

Unsurprisingly to anyone with functioning eye balls, ‘D’, with a heavy upper lip, was the least attractive look.

In fact, it was the heavier lower lip that was rated most attractive.

Anyone thinking of augmenting their lips would do well to heed the advice of this study’s authors:

“We advocate preservation of the natural ratio or achieving a 1:2 ratio in lip augmentation procedures while avoiding the overfilled upper lip look frequently seen among celebrities.”

We shall have to wait with baited breath for the complementary study on the perfect ratio for a man’s lips…

The study was published in the journal JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery (Popenko et al., 2017).

Does Wearing Red Make You More Attractive?

Why wearing the colour red has a primitive effect on attraction, making both men and women more attractive.

Why wearing the colour red has a primitive effect on attraction, making both men and women more attractive.

Wearing the colour red makes both men and women more attractive to the opposite sex, studies find.

When men wear it, red sends signals of status and dominance to others.

When women wear it, the extra pull on men may have deeper, biological roots.

The study’s authors write:

“Our research demonstrates a parallel in the way that human and nonhuman male primates respond to red.

In doing so, our findings confirm what many women have long suspected and claimed – that men act like animals in the sexual realm.

As much as men might like to think that they respond to women in a thoughtful, sophisticated manner, it appears that at least to some degree, their preferences and predilections are, in a word, primitive.”

Red does make you more attractive

In one study, men were shown pictures of women in a shirt digitally coloured either blue or red.

The men were simply asked: “How pretty do you think this person is?”

Time after time, the same woman wearing red was rated as more attractive and sexually desirable than when she wore other colours, such as blue and grey.

Why red is the most attractive colour

A later study has found that men wearing red are also more attractive to women.

Professor Andrew Elliot, one of the study’s authors, said:

“We found that women view men in red as higher in status, more likely to make money and more likely to climb the social ladder.

And it’s this high-status judgment that leads to the attraction.”

Men wearing red were rated as more attractive, powerful and sexually desirable.

Professor Elliot continued:

“When women see red it triggers something deep and probably biologically engrained.

We say in our culture that men act like animals in the sexual realm.

It looks like women may be acting like animals as well in the same sort of way.”

Fascinatingly, neither sex was aware of the effect that the colour red was having on them.

The studies were published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General  (Elliot & Niesta et al., 2008; Elliot et al., 2010).

Why Are People So Mean To Nice People

Psychologists reveal why nice people sometimes get punished with meanness for their good behaviour.

Psychologists reveal why nice people sometimes get punished with meanness for their good behaviour.

People who are generous and cooperative can get punished by others for being ‘too good’, research finds.

Humans in all cultures can be suspicious of those who appear nicer or better than the rest.

Also, the top co-operators and nicest people make others look bad, so bringing them down a peg or two by being mean can be attractive to them.

That is why some of the nicest people can attract social punishment, meanness and even hatred.

The effect is even more pronounced in a competitive environment, like the workplace, the researchers found, where being shown up could have financial consequences.

Professor Pat Barclay, study co-author, said:

“Most of the time we like the cooperators, the good guys.

We like it when the bad guys get their comeuppance, and when non-cooperators are punished.

But some of the time, cooperators are the ones that get punished.

People will hate on the really good guys.

This pattern has been found in every culture in which it has been looked at.”

Why people are mean

Even relatively egalitarian hunter-gatherer societies demonstrate this phenomenon: the top hunters are socially targeted to stop them dominating the group.

Professor Barclay said:

“In a lot of these societies, they defend their equal status by bringing down somebody who could potentially lord things over everybody else.

You can imagine within an organization today the attitude, ‘Hey, you’re working too hard and making the rest of us look bad.’

In some organizations people are known for policing how hard others work, to make sure no one is raising the bar from what is expected.”

The results come from a study in which people played a cooperation game.

The top co-operators got ‘punished’ the most to avoid making the others look bad, the scientists found.

Professor Barclay thinks that being mean to co-operators may hinder people in protecting the environment or changing the status quo:

“It is a way of bringing those people back down, and stopping them from looking better than oneself in their attempts to protect the environment or address social inequality.”

The study was published in the journal Psychological Science (Pleasant & Barclay, 2018).

The Most Attractive Personality Traits, According To Research

These personality traits are more attractive in both a man and a woman.

These personality traits are more attractive in both a man and a woman.

Playfulness is one of the more attractive personality traits, psychologists have found.

Playful people are particularly keen for their partners to be playful.

The playful prefer someone who is funny, laidback and creative.

The five most attractive personality traits, though, are:

  1. kindness and understanding,
  2. intelligence,
  3. sense of humour,
  4. being fun loving,
  5. and having an exciting personality.

For a longer list of attractive personality traits, with links to the research studies, see below.

Signs of a playfulness person

Playful people enjoy teasing, wordplay, improvising and taking challenges in a light-hearted way.

They enjoy unusual things and are good at creating situations people can enjoy.

Playfulness seems to send a slightly different type of positive signal to men and women.

To women playfulness sends the signal that a man is not aggressive.

To a man it send the signal that a woman has vitality.

Dr René Proyer, the study’s first author, said:

“Therefore, this personality trait also seems important for the choice of partner — at least more so than the partner having a degree, good genes or being religious.”

The conclusions come from a survey of 327 young adults.

They were asked which traits they found desirable in a long-term partner.

Both men and women mostly agreed on the order of the traits.

However, women were more interested in a sense of humour and men in an exciting personality.

Dr Proyer said:

“Although we should be cautious while interpreting the data, this could be an indication that playful people are actually perceived as more attractive partners or that playfulness increasingly develops in the relationship.”

The study’s author write that playfulness may increase well-being:

“…individuals perceive playfulness as being beneficial to well-functioning romantic relationships by increasing the well-being of the partners, by maintaining the relationships’ excitement, and by conveying the each individual’s affection for his or her partner, and—more generally speaking—by more deeply cultivating the relationship.”

Attractive personality traits

Other personality traits often rated the most attractive to a wide variety of people include:

  • Intelligence and friendliness.
  • Kindness: when choosing a long-term partner, traits such as financial prospects and physical attractiveness are certainly important. However, it is kindness that people value above all else.
  • Being extraverted and having stable emotions: extraverts are generally outgoing, self-confident and cheerful and can also be impulsive, sensation-seekers. Emotional stability is linked to being better at dealing with stress and minor frustrations.
  • Being compassionate: being compassionate is particularly attractive to people who are highly empathetic or have a left-wing ideology.
  • Optimism: optimists mix well in long-term relationships with everyone.
  • Generosity: all kinds of generous acts are effective, from giving up time for charitable causes to just giving affection to others.
  • Non-conformity: both men and women prefer someone who ‘did their own thing’ rather than someone who ‘went along’ with everyone else.

Indeed, positive personality traits like those above can make a person appear more physically attractive.

Similarly, those displaying negative personality traits — like rudeness and unfairness — look physically less attractive to observers.

Narcissists and psychopaths

While the personality traits above are often attractive to most people, some personality traits are only attractive to certain people or in some situations.

For example:

  • Women are sometimes attracted to men with dark personality traits.
  • ‘Bad boys’ tend to be laid-back and extraverted, both of which are attractive traits — however, when narcissism and psychopathy reveal themselves, this is less attractive.
  • Although men say they prefer a smarter women, when a real living, breathing smarter women is close by, men shy away, preferring women of lower intelligence.
  • Being nice makes women more attractive to men, but can have the opposite effect for men on women.

The study was published in the American Journal of Play (Proyer & Wagner, 2015).

Dilated Pupils: 10 Messages My Eyes are Sending You

Dilated pupils can reveal how hard we’re thinking, how excited or disgusted we are, whether we’re interested and more…

Dilated pupils can reveal how hard we’re thinking, how excited or disgusted we are, whether we’re interested and more…

Our pupils, the black holes which let light into the eyes, don’t just help us see, dilated pupils can also signal what’s going on in our minds.

Here are 10 pieces of psychological research which show how dilated pupils reveal many aspects of thought.

1. Dilated pupils mean I’m thinking hard

Look into my eyes and ask me to name the cigar-smoking founder of psychoanalysis and you won’t see much change in my pupil size.

The name Sigmund Freud comes easily to my lips.

But ask me to explain the laws of cricket and watch my dilated pupils.

That’s because research has shown that the harder your brain works, the more your pupils dilate.

When Hess and Polt (1964) gave participants more and more difficult tasks to complete, their pupils got bigger and bigger.

2. My brain is overloaded

Keep watching my eyes closely and you’ll spot the point when explaining the laws of cricket gets too much.

Poock (1973) reported that when participants’ minds were loaded to 125 percent of their capacity, their pupils constricted.

It’ll be trying to explain a googly that will do it. (Don’t ask).

3. Dilated pupils and brain damage

The reason doctors and paramedics flash a light in patients’ eyes is to check their brains are working normally (and because it’s such an easy test to do).

They use the acronym PERRL: the Pupils should be Equal, Round and Reactive to Light.

If my brain is broken, say, because I’ve had a bump on the noggin, you won’t see PERRL.

There may well be other extremely subtle clues, like the blood pouring from my head.

4. You’re holding my interest

Dilated pupils can also signal whether I’m interested in what you’re saying.

White and Maltzman (1977) had participants listening to excerpts from three books: one was erotic, another involved mutilation while a third was neutral.

Their pupils widened at first for all three. But they only remained wide for the passages that were erotic or involved mutilation.

I’m likely to be interested in anything new, so my pupils will dilate a bit at first, but they’ll only stay dilated if I continue to be interested.

5. You’re turning me on

If things take a sexual turn then our eyes are also involved.

Both men and women’s get dilated pupils when they are sexually aroused (e.g. Bernick et al., 1971).

However, not everyone agrees dilated pupils are a signal of sexual arousal.

It tends to get tested by showing nude pictures to people and some argue that we’re just really interested in the nude form.

6. Dilated pupils and disgust

Just as I have dilated pupils when I’m interested or turned on, so they constrict when I’m disgusted.

Hess (1972) showed people pictures of injured children.

First people’s pupils dilated because of the shock and then they constricted to try and avoid the troubling images.

7. Whether I’m liberal or conservative

Should you happen to be carrying around pictures of politicians you might be able to work out whether I’m a liberal or a conservative just from my pupil size.

Barlow (1969) showed people pictures of Lyndon Johnson, George Wallace and Martin Luther King, Jr..

The liberals’ pupils dilated when they saw fellow liberals Johnson and King but constricted when they saw conservative Wallace.

Conservatives showed the opposite pattern.

8. I’m in pain

If you’ve had enough of this article now and want to cause me some pain in return, then why not stab me with a pencil?

If you’re watching closely you’ll see my pupils dilate.

Chapman et al. (1999) fired small electric shocks into people’s fingertips and measured how much their pupils dilated.

At maximum intensity the pupils dilated by about 0.2mm.

But that was only to a relatively tame current.

Imagine what you could do to my pupils if you plugged me into the mains.

9. I’m on drugs

…and you can narrow down the type by looking at my pupils.

Some drugs, like alcohol and opioids cause the pupils to constrict.

Others, like amphetamine, cocaine, LSD and mescaline cause dilated pupils.

Police officers know this and some use it as one way of checking if someone is off their face.

They generally look for dilated pupils to either less than 3mm or dilated to more than 6.5mm (Richman et al. 2004).

10. My personality

This one is not strictly related to pupil dilation, but it’s too good to leave out.

If you look closely at the coloured part of my eye, the iris, you might even get some clues as to my personality (Larsson et al., 2007).

Look closely for ‘crypts’ in my eyes (lines going away from the iris, labelled 1 above) and this suggests I’m a warm, tender-minded person. If you see furrows (labelled 3 above), then, watch out, I’m impulsive.

It seems that the same gene, Pax6, which affects part of the brain associated with approach-related behaviours (the left anterior cingulate cortex, if you really want to know) also induces tissue deficiencies in the iris.

Dilated pupils

As you’ll have noticed, the same pupil response can mean different things, although generally dilated pupils send a positive message and when they constrict it’s a negative one.

But exactly what it means depends on the situation (and whether someone has turned on a light).

This is all good fun to know, but can we really detect these tiny changes in people’s pupil size?

According to an fMRI imaging study, change in pupil size may be difficult for us to notice consciously, but we do seem to pick up on these very small changes unconsciously (Demos et al., 2008).

So changes in pupil size may be experienced, along with other verbal and nonverbal signals, as a gut instinct to either approach someone or run like hell.

Whether or not the eyes are windows to the soul, the pupils are certainly windows to the mind.

Image credit: Larsson et al. (2007)

The Most Attractive Jobs For A Romantic Partner

Two dating apps suggest the most attractive jobs for both a man and woman.

Two dating apps suggest the most attractive jobs for both a man and woman.

Pilots, entrepreneurs, firefighters and doctors are the most attractive professions for men, dating app behaviour suggests.

For women, it is physical therapists, interior designers, entrepreneurs (again!) and PR people that top the list.

(If your profession isn’t here, check out the full list at the bottom of the article.)

At least these are the most ‘right-swiped’ professions on Tinder, according to the company.

Dating sites sometimes release these morsels of information and we have no idea how scientific they are.

Alternative claims for the most attractive jobs come from Badoo, another dating company.

Most attractive jobs for a woman

They surveyed 5,000 heterosexual men and women aged 18 to 30 in the UK.

Their list looks a little different — perhaps reflecting the cultural divide between the US and the UK.

For women, the most attractive jobs were:

  1. Hairdresser
  2. Nurse
  3. Lawyer
  4. Entrepreneur
  5. Teacher

Most attractive jobs for a man

For men, the most attractive jobs were:

  1. Chef
  2. Engineer
  3. Entrepreneur
  4. Marketing
  5. Artist

It seems, whether you are a man or a woman, using Tinder or Badoo, it is time to become an entrepreneur.

Oh, by the way, have I told you about the new company I’m starting up…

Most attractive professions on Tinder

And here is the full list of most attractive professions for women from Tinder:

  1. Physical Therapist
  2. Interior Designer
  3. Entrepreneur
  4. PR
  5. Teacher
  6. College Student
  7. Speech Language Pathologist
  8. Pharmacist
  9. Social Media Manager
  10. Model
  11. Dental Hygienist
  12. Nurse
  13. Flight Attendant
  14. Personal Trainer
  15. Real Estate Agent

The same list for men:

  1. Pilot
  2. Entrepreneur
  3. Firefighter
  4. Doctor
  5. TV/Radio Personality
  6. Teacher
  7. Engineer
  8. Model
  9. Paramedic
  10. College Student
  11. Lawyer
  12. Personal Trainer
  13. Financial Advisor
  14. Police Officer
  15. Military

The data was sourced from Tinder and Badoo.

Black Hair Is Attractive On A Woman, Research Finds

Long black hair was rated as more attractive than medium-length black hair in the study.

Long black hair was rated as more attractive than medium-length black hair in the study.

While black hair is attractive on a woman, lighter and longer hair makes women look more attractive in some circumstances, research finds.

Having lighter hair was most strongly linked to higher ratings for attractiveness, youth and health.

However, there were some kinks in the findings.

For example, having medium-length blonde hair was rated more attractive than long blonde hair.

Long black hair, though, was rated as more attractive than medium-length black hair.

The study’s authors describe their results:

“…we found that lighter hair (blond and brown) compared to darker hair (black) is generally associated with perceptions of youth, health and attractiveness, and generally leads to more positive perceptions of relationship and parenting potential.”

Black hair compared to brown and blond

For the study, 110 men looked at images of women with different coloured hair and of different lengths.

The hair colours were blond, brown and black and the lengths short, medium and long.

They were asked about the women’s relationship potential, age, health and parenting capability.

Longer hair, though, was linked to lower perceptions of parenting ability.

The study’s authors view their findings as supporting evolutionary theories:

“Hair that is healthy and strong signifies overall physical
health, which in turn can signify one’s capability of conceiving and carrying a child.


Because hair tends to be thicker, healthier, and grow more quickly in younger women (ages 16-24) than older women, one would expect that younger women would wear their hair longer than older women to provide a more perceptible and powerful signal to reproductive potential.”

Hair gets darker with age

Similarly, from an evolutionary perspective, blonde hair signals youth as people’s hair gets darker with age, until it starts to turn white.

Other studies suggest, though, that blonde hair only has a rejuvenating effect when women are under 40.

There is also evidence that preferences for blonde or darker hair depend on how prevalent that hair colour is in the area.

Men seem to prefer blonde hair more in areas where it is already more naturally prevalent.

The study was published in The Journal of Social Psychology (Matz & Hinsz, 2017).

Beards Are Attractive – If Facial Hair Is Correct Length

Beards and facial hair can be attractive — it depends what you want from a relationship.

Beards and facial hair can be attractive — it depends what you want from a relationship.

Women judge fully bearded men to be a better bet for long-term relationships, one study finds.

This might be because it makes men look more ‘formidable’.

Certainly, beards make men look older and more aggressive.

Beards are also often judged to make men look like they have higher social status.

However, for short-term relationships, women judge stubble to be most attractive, the research found.

Are beards really attractive?

However, whether or not beards are attractive to women is a big area of controversy in beard-related psychological research.

Some studies find that bearded men are more attractive to women than the clean-shaven, others not (e.g. Reed & Blunk, 1990Muscarella & Cunningham, 1996).

The most recent research goes against both beards and being clean-shaven and is starting to show the benefits of stubble.

But do women prefer light stubble or heavy stubble?

The jury is still out, with one study suggesting light stubble (Neave & Shields, 2008) and another heavy stubble (Dixson & Brooks, 2013).

Facial hair study details

The study showed pictures of men with different levels of facial hair to over 8,000 women.

Men’s faces were also ‘masculinised’ and ‘feminised’ by computer manipulation to see what effect this would have.

Here is an example of the feminised male faces along with different beard growths:

Here are the masculinised faces with different beard lengths:

The results showed that the more faces were masculinised or feminised, the less attractive they were.

Stubble is attractive

Stubble was most attractive to women in a short-term context and full beards most attractive when considering a long-term relationship.

The study’s authors explain:

“…beards may be more attractive to women when considering long-term than short-term relationships as they indicate a male’s ability to successfully compete socially with other males for resources.

Interestingly, a longitudinal analysis of men’s facial hair fashions in London from 1871 to 1972 revealed that beards became more common when the marriage market was more male-biased and the degree of intrasexual competition to attract mates was augmented.”

Beards and facial hair not universally attractive

Remember that all these are ‘average’ findings across thousands of people.

There are, obviously, both beard-lovers and beard-haters out there.

The study is the latest in a long and illustrious line of important beard-related research.

Not all studies agree on whether beards are more attractive, although stubble does seem to be emerging as a strong favourite, especially for shorter term relationships.

The study was published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Dixson et al., 2016).

The Social Behaviour That Supports Brain Health (M)

Study explores the neural mechanisms of this social behaviour.

Study explores the neural mechanisms of this social behaviour.

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8 Behaviours That Are Contagious — Including Smiling And Yawning (M)

Yawning and laughter are famously contagious but can you guess the others?

Yawning and laughter are famously contagious but can you guess the others?

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