The Simplest Sign Of A Cheating Partner

This sign triples the chance of a cheating partner.

This sign triples the chance of a cheating partner.

People who have cheated in the past are three times more likely to be unfaithful in their next relationship, research reveals.

Many people keep repeating the same patterns in relationships.

Fully 44 percent of people in the study reported cheating on their partner during their current relationship.

Almost one-third said that they knew their partner had cheated on them in the past.

Both men and women were equally likely to report cheating and being cheated on.

Those who have been cheated on are particularly alert for the signs, being four times more likely to suspect their current partner.

The study’s authors write:

“Our results indicated a threefold increase in the likelihood that a person will engage in infidelity if they already have a history of engaging in extra-dyadic sexual involvement [infidelity], and a two-to fourfold increase in the likelihood of having an partner engage in infidelity if a person knew about or suspected infidelity from a past relationship partner.

These findings suggests that previous engagement in infidelity is an important risk factor predicting engagement in infidelity in a subsequent relationship.”

The results come from a survey of 484 people who were asked about their relationship history going back five years.

They were asked whether they had cheated in their current or on a previous partner, as well as the same information about their partner.

Although 44% reported cheating in their current relationship, people in the study were unmarried and the rates are lower among married people.

One fascinating nuance was that the people who had cheated were no more likely to be suspicious of their current partner than those who hadn’t.

The authors write:

“Prior infidelity emerged as an important risk factor for infidelity in next relationships.

Individuals with previous partners who have engaged in infidelity may be at increased risk for partnering with individuals in later relationships who also engage in infidelity because these individuals may be more likely to contribute to relationship contexts associated with higher risk of infidelity.”

It is not true that cheaters always cheat, though, they write:

“…although a history of infidelity may be an important risk factor of which to be aware, it is not necessarily true that someone who is “once a cheater” is “always a cheater.”

Understanding what distinguishes those who experience repeated infidelity from those who do not remains an important next step…”

The study was published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior (Knopp et al., 2017).

These 2 Personality Types Are The Most Compatible

People prefer a certain personality type in a romantic partner, study demonstrates.

People prefer a certain personality type in a romantic partner, study demonstrates.

People with similar personalities are the most compatible, research finds.

Extraverts get on with other extraverts, conscientious people are happy with other conscientious people, the agreeable love other agreeable people — and so on.

There was no evidence in this study that opposites attract.

Romantic partners also get on better — at least initially — when they have similar attitudes.

For a happy marriage, though, it is a similar personality that works best.

Similar attitudes, which are easier to gauge than personality, may help people with similar personalities find each other.

The study’s authors write:

“People may be attracted to those who have similar attitudes, values, and beliefs and even marry them – at least in part – on the basis of this similarity because attitudes are highly visible and salient characteristics and they are fundamental to the way people lead their lives.”

The conclusions come from a study of 291 newlyweds who were asked about their personality, attitudes and marital satisfaction.

The results showed that the couples who had similar personalities were happier together.

Attitudes — whether similar or not — made no different to marital satisfaction.

The authors write:

“…once people are in a committed relationship, it is primarily personality similarity that influences marital happiness because being in a committed relationship entails regular interaction and requires extensive coordination in dealing with tasks, issues and problems of daily living.

Whereas personality similarity is likely to facilitate this process, personality differences may result in more friction and conflict in daily life.

As far as attitudes are concerned, people who chose to marry each other should be well aware of how similar or different they are on these domains because attitudes are very visible and salient.

This suggests that attitudinal and value differences, when they exist, are part of a conscious decision to stay together on the basis of other important considerations.”

The study was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Luo & Klohnen, 2005).

The Sign Of A Happy Long-Term Relationship

The positive pattern was seen whether or not couples were satisfied with their relationship.

The positive pattern was seen whether or not couples were satisfied with their relationship.

Humour and acceptance replace bickering in happy long-term relationships, research finds.

While heated disagreements can plague the early years of marriage, these often turn to tenderness with age.

The positive pattern was seen whether or not couples were satisfied with their relationship.

The findings make a nonsense of the idea that positive emotions die away with age, as some psychologists claim.

In fact, people focus more on positive emotions and experiences as they age.

Professor Robert Levenson, who leads the ongoing research, said:

“Our findings shed light on one of the great paradoxes of late life.

Despite experiencing the loss of friends and family, older people in stable marriages are relatively happy and experience low rates of depression and anxiety.

Marriage has been good for their mental health.”

The study involved 87 couples who had been married for between 15 and 35 years.

Their emotional interactions were tracked for 13 years.

The results revealed that humour and affection increased over the years.

At the same time, criticism and defensiveness decreased.

Dr Alice Verstaen, study co-author, said:

“Given the links between positive emotion and health, these findings underscore the importance of intimate relationships as people age, and the potential health benefits associated with marriage.”

Women tended to become less emotionally expressive with age and also to dominate their husbands more.

Professor Levenson concluded:

“These results provide behavioral evidence that is consistent with research suggesting that, as we age, we become more focused on the positives in our lives.”

The results are the latest to emerge from the 25-year UC Berkeley study that has followed 150 long-term marriages from 1989.

The study was published in the journal Emotion (Verstaen et al., 2018).

The 5 Best Ways To Improve Your Relationship

“Relationships are like cars in that you have to do certain things to keep them running…”

“Relationships are like cars in that you have to do certain things to keep them running…”

The five best ways to improve your relationship are revealed by a review of 35 different psychology studies on 12,273 people.

These are:

  1. Being open about your feelings with your partner,
  2. being fun and upbeat,
  3. assuring your partner you are committed,
  4. sharing household tasks,
  5. and sharing your social network.

Crucially, though, your partner must notice these behaviours, or the effort is wasted.

Professor Brian Ogolsky, the study’s first author, said:

“Relationships are like cars in that you have to do certain things to keep them running, especially when your goal is to strengthen and preserve your bond with your partner.”

Being open involves both sharing your feelings as well as eliciting your partner’s feelings.

Professor Ogolsky said:

“It’s also important to assure your partner that you’re in the relationship for the long haul, to divide household chores and responsibilities equally, and to make an effort to include your partner’s friends and family in some of your activities.”

Professor Ogolsky explained the benefits of using these strategies:

“Persons who use any of these maintenance strategies will not only be more satisfied with and committed to their relationship, they are also likely to continue to love and, yes, even like each other throughout its duration.”

Letting your partner see the effort you are making is crucial, said Professor Ogolsky:

“Say you’ve arrived home from work and your intention all day has been to buy some flowers for your partner and surprise her with dinner.

Then you get wrapped up in a business phone call and your good intentions fall by the wayside.

You may feel as if you’ve put considerable effort into your relationship, but your partner didn’t see it so it does you no good.”

Even relatively modest efforts can be beneficial, said Professor Ogolsky:

“Even a small attempt at maintenance, such as asking how your partner’s day was, sending a humorous text to make him laugh, or picking up the phone and calling your mother- or father-in-law, can have a positive impact on your relationship and make you happier.”

The study was published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (Ogolsky & Bowers, 2012).

This Emotion Is Key To Long-Term Relationship Success (M)

An emotion that helps with appreciating your partner and feeling appreciated by them.

An emotion that helps with appreciating your partner and feeling appreciated by them.

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3 Personality Traits That Are Signs Of A Cheating Partner

Research has identified three ways to predict adultery

Research has identified three ways to predict adultery.

Adultery is predicted by having a neurotic partner with low self-esteem and being suspicious that they are having an affair, research finds.

People who are neurotic tend to have less control over their impulses, so are more likely to act on an opportunity.

Those with low self-esteem may seek validation by having an affair.

Being suspicious of a partner is also predictive of adultery because people are surprisingly good at intuitively reading the signs of infidelity.

In one study, a stranger was able to spot a relationship cheat just by watching a couple interacting for a few minutes.

The conclusions come from a nationally representative survey of 2,291 people who had been married for at least 12 months.

The results showed that there was a 2.3% chance of adultery in each year.

Other studies have suggested that infidelity may affect up to 75% of relationships.

Neuroticism was an important predictor of adultery, the study’s authors write:

“…neuroticism was significantly and positively associated with infidelity, which is similar to what has been reported regarding an association between neuroticism and perceived likelihood of engaging in an affair.”

Neurotic people may be more likely to act on opportunities, the authors write:

“…it may be that impulsivity is the aspect of neuroticism that gives rise to increased likelihood of infidelity, as it has been hypothesized that people with high impulsivity and low dependability may be more likely to act on sexual opportunities.”

On top of neuroticism, low self-esteem and being suspicious, adultery was also predicted by marital dissatisfaction and being less religious.

Men were also more likely to cheat when their partner was pregnant.

Being religious was linked to lower levels of infidelity, the researchers also found.

The study was published in the Journal of Family Psychology (Whisman et al., 2007).

How IQ Can Predict A Long And Happy Marriage

Can intelligence help predict how long a marriage will last?

Can intelligence help predict how long a marriage will last?

A man’s verbal intelligence helps to predict a longer marriage, suggesting it is also happier, research finds.

Higher verbal IQ also predicts getting married earlier in the relationship.

Higher verbal intelligence is particularly attractive to younger women, the study found.

Perhaps in the long haul of a marriage it’s most important to have someone who can make good conversation.

Longer marriage

In fact, all aspects of intelligence helped to predict length of marriage, it was just verbal intelligence that stood out — maybe because it is easier to spot than numerical or logical intelligence.

Another important factor in the marital equation the researchers developed was the man’s car.

Men with newer and more expensive cars were also more likely to remain married for longer.

The psychologists used the car as a signal of the man’s social status.

In other words, it is really higher social status that is linked to a longer marriage.

The study’s authors write:

“In parallel to the effect of a peacock’s mysterious tail on its mating success […] human intelligence has a direct positive impact on human mating prospects in terms of marriage.”

The authors conclude that:

“…verbal intelligence, i.e. the type of intelligence that is easier to observe, was found to especially predict the likelihood of getting married, while the harder-to-observe numerical and logical intelligence were also found to predict the likelihood to stay married, to an equal extent as verbal intelligence.”

The study was published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences (Aspara et al., 2018).

The #1 Thing People Look For In A Partner (M)

Researchers looked at couple’s height, weight, physical health, finances, drug use, intelligence, personality, happiness and much more.

Researchers looked at couple's height, weight, physical health, finances, drug use, intelligence, personality, happiness and much more.

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Valuing These Relationships Makes People Happier And Healthier

These relationships can help us stave off loneliness.

These relationships can help us stave off loneliness.

People who value their friendships are healthier and happier, research finds.

As we get older, relationships with friends can become more important for health and happiness than relationships with family members.

With age, friends can play a stronger role in predicting how long we will live than our families.

It may be partly because we choose our friends and not our families (well, not most of them, anyway).

Friends who have stood the test of time are particularly valuable.

Dr William Chopik, the study’s author, said:

“Friendships become even more important as we age.

Keeping a few really good friends around can make a world of difference for our health and well-being.

So it’s smart to invest in the friendships that make you happiest.”

A first study surveyed 271,053 from almost 100 countries.

This found both friends and family were linked to people’s happiness and health.

However, the benefits of friendship became stronger with age.

Dr Chopik said:

“There are now a few studies starting to show just how important friendships can be for older adults.

Summaries of these studies show that friendships predict day-to-day happiness more and ultimately how long we’ll live, more so than spousal and family relationships.”

A second study of 7,481 older adults found friendships could be both a significant source of strain as well as happiness.

However, friends may help to fight against loneliness, Dr Chopik said:

“Friendships help us stave off loneliness but are often harder to maintain across the lifespan.

If a friendship has survived the test of time, you know it must be a good one – a person you turn to for help and advice often and a person you wanted in your life.”

The study was published in the journal Personal Relationships (Chopik, 2017).

The Healthiest Personality Trait For A Long-Term Partner

The personality trait is linked to healthier and more stable relationships.

The personality trait is linked to healthier and more stable relationships.

Having a conscientious partner is best for one’s health, research finds.

A conscientious partner also tends to have more stable relationships.

That is quite apart from the benefit of living with someone who can hold down a job and who puts the bins out.

Professor Brent Roberts, the study’s first author, said:

“Highly conscientious people are more organized and responsible and tend to follow through with their obligations, to be more impulse controlled and to follow rules.”

Conscientious people are also more likely to exercise, less likely to smoke or take drugs or dangerous risks.

However, not much research has looked at how personality affects people’s relationships.

Professor Roberts said:

“There’s been kind of an individualistic bias in personality research.

But human beings are not islands.

We are an incredibly interdependent species.”

The study asked 2,000 couples over 50-years-old in the US about their health and personality.

The results showed that conscientious people had better health.

But this study is the first to show that partners of people who are conscientious also have better health.

The benefit was even there for people who were highly conscientious themselves.

Professor Roberts said:

“It appears that even if you are really highly conscientious, you can still benefit from a spouse’s conscientiousness.

It makes sense that regardless of what your attributes are, if you have people in your social network that have resources, such as conscientiousness, that can always help.”

Women also saw an added health benefit if their man was both conscientious and neurotic.

But the effect was only small, Professor Roberts said:

“The effect here is not much larger than the effect of aspirin on cardiovascular health, which is a well-known small effect.”

The study was published in the journal Psychological Science (Roberts et al., 2009).

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