How To Get Over Infidelity And Become Stronger (S)
It is possible to recover from infidelity and even become stronger as a couple.
It is possible to recover from infidelity and even become stronger as a couple.
Getting married at this age linked to lowest divorce risk.
The link between marriage and depression.
The best type of support to give your partner.
The best type of support to give your partner.
Giving more emotional support can improve relationships considerably, new research finds.
Partners who receive more empathy, concern and acceptance experienced more positive emotions and had higher relationship satisfaction.
Men, in particular, can improve their relationship by giving women more support of any type.
However, men have a tendency to give advice, when what women often prefer is emotional support, such as empathy.
Women can also improve their relationship by giving men more emotional support.
The conclusions come from a study of 114 newlywed couples.
All were asked about how much of two types of support they received from their partner:
Overall, the results revealed that the best type of support to provide was emotional.
The study’s authors explain:
“…receiving more emotional support was associated with more favorable affect and higher relationship satisfaction regardless of support preferences.
Also, wives who received more informational support from their husbands had higher relationship satisfaction regardless of support preferences.”
However, not everyone likes the same type of support.
Some people get more out of empathy and concern, while others prefer straightforward advice.
Both too much or too little advice can be a source of irritation.
The study’s authors explain:
“Husbands who experienced underprovision of informational support from their wives, experienced less favorable affect.
In contrast, wives who experienced overprovision of informational support from their husbands experienced higher depressive symptoms.”
While there were differences in the types of support partners preferred, everyone was happy to get emotional support.
So, if you are not sure if your partner wants empathy or advice, the default should be empathy first.
The study was published in the Journal of Family Psychology (Lorenzo et al., 2018).
This activity causes untold relationship distress.
This activity causes untold relationship distress.
Sharing out the dishwashing duties more fairly could be one of the best ways to improve a relationship, new research suggests.
Out of all household chores, (not) doing the dishes is the most likely to damage a relationship.
Women in heterosexual relationships who did more dishes than their partners reported:
The study looked at different household tasks including shopping, cleaning and laundry.
It revealed that there is something particularly irritating about doing the dishes.
Dr Dan Carlson, who led the study, thinks it is because dishwashing is a thankless task, unlike cooking which attracts praise.
Also, it is yucky.
Men are picking up some of the slack in the household chores department, research has found.
Between 1999 and 2006 the couples who shared dishwashing duty rose from 16% to 29%.
Per week, men now do 4 hours of housework compared with two in 1965.
Still way off a perfect score for men, but an improving trend.
The study’s authors write:
“Contrary to arguments of a stalled gender revolution, the authors find that contemporary couples more often share all routine tasks (other than shopping) than couples in the past, with the greatest change in dishwashing and laundry.
The equal sharing of housework is more positively related to sexual intimacy and relationship satisfaction among more recent cohorts and more negatively related to marital discord.”
Of course, men will argue that their share is done in other areas, like lawn mowing, car cleaning and DIY.
However, men still avoid the least desirable jobs, like cleaning the toilet and the laundry.
Naturally, this can create resentment — especially when other couples are seen to share out the work more equally.
The study was published in the journal Socius (Carlson et al., 2018).
Plus: the best way to feel better after a breakup.
This hormone linked to dissatisfaction with current partner and more flirting with others.
When is the turning point where a relationship becomes serious?
The type of car that is more attractive to women.
The type of car that is more attractive to women.
Men with flashy cars are seen by others as being more interested in short-term sexual relationships, new research finds.
Indeed, women interested in a short-term relationship also found men with flashy cars more attractive.
However, people did not think a man with a flashy car would make a good life partner.
Instead, those looking long-term preferred someone with more sensible taste — presumably so he’s got money left over for the family.
Dr Daniel Kruger, study co-author, said:
“Participants demonstrated an intuitive understanding that men investing in the display of goods featuring exaggerated sensory properties have reproductive strategies with higher mating effort and greater interest in short-term sexual relationships, as well as lower paternal investment and interest in long-term committed romantic relationships than men investing in practical considerations.”
For the study, both men and women read descriptions of two men purchasing a new car.
The authors explain:
“One man purchased a new car for the sake of reliability (frugal investment); the other purchased a used car and allocated the remaining funds to conspicuous display features (new paint, larger wheels, louder sound system).”
And the results:
“Participants rated the man who invested in flashy display higher on mating effort, lower on parental investment, higher on interest in brief sexual affairs, lower on interest in long-term committed romantic relationships, higher in attractiveness to women for brief sexual affairs, and lower in attractiveness to women for long-term committed romantic relationships, compared to the man with a frugal investment strategy.”
Generally, men prefer to show off their money more than women.
However, showing off your spending power is not always the best policy.
Sometimes it is better to show off your prudence — depending on the signal you want to send.
The study was published in the journal Evolutionary Psychological Science (Kruger & Kruger, 2018).
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