The Most Psychopathic Region In The United States

The study is based on data from a personality survey conducted across the US.

The study is based on data from a personality survey conducted across the US.

Washington D.C. has by far the largest number of psychopaths compared with any US state.

The US capital — home to the federal government and many large global institutions — has the greatest percentage of people high on psychopathic traits like boldness, meanness and disinhibition.

Dr Ryan Murphy, the study’s author, write:

“The District of Columbia is measured to be far more psychopathic than any individual state in the country, a fact that can be readily explained either by its very high population density or by the type of person who may be drawn to a literal seat of power.

The presence of psychopaths in the District of Columbia is consistent with the conjecture that psychopaths are likely to be effective in the political sphere.”

Hot on D.C.’s psychopathic heels came Connecticut, as the most psychopathic state in the US (D.C. is not a state, but a district).

After this, the most psychopathic states are California, New Jersey, and in joint fourth, Wyoming and New York.

The least psychopathic states were West Virginia, Vermont, Tennessee, North Carolina and New Mexico.

The study is based on data from a personality survey conducted across the US.

Personality factors were converted into psychopathic scores, as Dr Murphy explains:

“Boldness corresponds to low neuroticism and high extraversion, meanness corresponds to low agreeableness, and disinhibition corresponds to low conscientiousness.”

Psychopaths are more likely to inhabit populous regions, writes Dr Murphy:

“Areas of the United States that are measured to be most psychopathic are those in the Northeast and other similarly populated regions.

The least psychopathic are predominantly rural areas.”

Here is the full list, in reverse order (least to most psychopathic):

48. West Virginia
47. Vermont
46. Tennessee
45. North Carolina
44. New Mexico
43. Oklahoma
42. Montana
41. Mississippi
40. Indiana
39. Oregon
38. New Hampshire
37. South Carolina
36. Nebraska
35. Kentucky
34. Washington
33. Missouri
32. Minnesota
31. Georgia
30. Kansas
29. Lousiana
28. Rhode Island
27. Pennsylvania
26. Alabama
25. Michigan
24. North Dakota
23. Idaho
22. Arkansas
21. Utah
20. Ohio
19. Texas
18. Colorado
17. Iowa
16. Florida
15. Arizona
14. Massachusetts
13. Delaware
12. South Dakota
11. Maryland
10. Virginia
9. Illinois
8. Nevada
7. Wisconsin
6. Maine
5. Wyoming
4. New York
3. New Jersey
2. California
1. Connecticut

The study was published in the journal Social Science Research Network (Murphy, 2018).

Why Most Psychopaths Make Such Bad Choices In Life

The research challenges stereotypes about psychopathic behaviour.

The research challenges stereotypes about psychopathic behaviour.

Psychopaths are not ‘aliens’, but people who make bad, short-sighted-decisions, argues a Harvard neuroscientist.

They are everyday human beings whose brains are wired differently to the rest of us.

The study found that psychopaths:

  1. focus mostly on reward,
  2. and don’t think much about the consequences of their actions.

This is quite different to most people whose natural response is to consider:

  1. what they can lose above what they can gain,
  2. and what the consequences will be of their actions.

Wired for risk

For the research, Dr Buckholtz and colleagues scanned the brains of 49 prison inmates.

Dr Josh Buckholtz, explained:

“For years, we have been focused on the idea that psychopaths are people who cannot generate emotion and that’s why they do all these terrible things.

But what what we care about with psychopaths is not the feelings they have or don’t have, it’s the choices they make.

Psychopaths commit an astonishing amount of crime, and this crime is both devastating to victims and astronomically costly to society as a whole.

And even though psychopaths are often portrayed as cold-blooded, almost alien predators, we have been showing that their emotional deficits may not actually be the primary driver of these bad choices.

Because it’s the choices of psychopaths that cause so much trouble, we’ve been trying to understand what goes on in their brains when the make decisions that involve trade-offs between the costs and benefits of action.

In this most recent paper…we are able to look at brain-based measures of reward and value and the communication between different brain regions that are involved in decision making.”

What the scans showed was that the brains of criminals were highly sensitive to rewards.

Dr Buckholtz said:

“So the more psychopathic a person is, the greater the magnitude of that striatal response.

That suggests that the way they are calculating the value rewards is dysregulated — they may over-represent the value of immediate reward.”

The ventral striatum is key in how we respond to rewards, Dr Buckholtz explained:

“We mapped the connections between the ventral striatum and other regions known to be involved in decision-making, specifically regions of the prefrontal cortex known to regulate striatal response.

When we did that, we found that connections between the striatum and the ventral medial prefrontal cortex were much weaker in people with psychopathy.”

Consequences ignored

What this means is that psychopaths don’t think very hard about the consequences of their actions: they are mostly focused on the rewards.

It turned out that the response in this area of the brain actually predicted the number of crimes the inmates had been convicted of.

Dr Buckholtz said:

“They’re not aliens, they’re people who make bad decisions.

The same kind of short-sighted, impulsive decision-making that we see in psychopathic individuals has also been noted in compulsive over-eaters and substance abusers.

If we can put this back into the domain of rigorous scientific analysis, we can see psychopaths aren’t inhuman, they’re exactly what you would expect from humans who have this particular kind of brain wiring dysfunction.”

The study was published in the journal Neuron (Buckholtz et al., 2017).

This Study Reveals What Psychopaths Really Feel—Or Don’t (M)

Psychopaths struggle with something that makes them even more detached than we realised.

Psychopaths struggle with something that makes them even more detached than we realised.

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How To Get A Psychopath To Feel Empathy

The findings could help teach psychopaths how to consider the thoughts and feelings of those around them.

The findings could help teach psychopaths how to consider the thoughts and feelings of those around them.

Psychopaths need some motivation to empathise with other people, something the rest of us do automatically.

That is because there is a paradox at the heart of the psychopath.

On the one hand, psychopaths display a callous disregard for other people’s feelings — as though they don’t care about them.

On the other, they can be very charming when they want — suggesting they have some insight into how others feel.

Dr Arielle Baskin-Sommers, who led the study, explained:

“Psychopaths can be extremely manipulative, which requires understanding of another’s thoughts.

But if they understand the thought of others, why do they inflict so much harm?”

Now, research shows that psychopaths can empathise, but they need some motivation.

In other words, psychopaths have to be given a good reason to consider the feelings of others.

The conclusions come from a study of inmates in maximum security prisons.

They played a computer game that encouraged them to empathise with another character in the game.

The majority of people do this automatically, but psychopaths don’t.

Dr Baskin-Sommers said:

“It is like speaking in front of a class: Your attention should not be on the audience, but it is impossible to ignore social cues such as eye rolling or yawning.

That reflects our automatic process of considering the thoughts of those around us.”

Psychopaths did not pick up clues about how the other person was thinking automatically.

However, when they were specifically asked to take the perspective of the other person, they could do it.

Psychopaths seem to only have the ability to consider other people’s feelings if they have a goal in mind.

The findings could be used to help teach psychopaths how to consider the thoughts and feelings of those around them.

The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Drayton et al., 2018).

Psychopaths In Everyday Life: How To Spot The Subtle Signs

Learn the key signs of a psychopath, from manipulative behaviour to a lack of empathy, and protect yourself from emotional harm.

What is a psychopath?

A psychopath is a person who exhibits a set of distinct personality traits, often characterised by a lack of empathy, manipulative behaviour, and a propensity for impulsivity and risk-taking.

Psychopathy is typically classified as a personality disorder, commonly linked with antisocial behaviour and a disregard for societal norms and rules.

While psychopaths are frequently portrayed in media as violent criminals, the reality is that many psychopaths operate under the radar, functioning in everyday life without being easily detected.

One of the most challenging aspects of dealing with a psychopath is that they can appear completely normal or even charming at first glance.

Psychopaths are adept at hiding their true nature, often masking their lack of empathy and manipulative tendencies with a veneer of normalcy.

Understanding the core traits of psychopathy can help in identifying and managing interactions with individuals who exhibit these characteristics.

Core traits of a psychopath

  • Lack of empathy and remorse.
  • Manipulative and deceptive behaviour.
  • Grandiose sense of self-worth.
  • Shallow emotions and superficial charm.

One of the primary traits of a psychopath is their complete lack of empathy.

They are incapable of understanding or caring about the feelings of others, even when those people are close friends or family members.

This lack of empathy extends to all areas of their lives, making it difficult for them to form genuine emotional connections.

Psychopaths are also highly manipulative and deceitful, using lies and charm to control others and get what they want.

They often engage in manipulative behaviour without guilt or remorse, seeing others as tools to be used for their own benefit.

Their grandiose sense of self-worth further complicates matters, as psychopaths typically believe they are superior to those around them.

This inflated ego can lead to a sense of entitlement, making them more likely to exploit or harm others without feeling any guilt.

While psychopaths can mimic emotions such as happiness or sadness, these feelings are often shallow and self-serving.

They use emotional displays as a means of manipulation rather than experiencing genuine emotions.

Behavioural indicators

  • Impulsivity and risk-taking.
  • Parasitic lifestyle.
  • Repeated criminal or antisocial behaviour.
  • Early behavioural problems and childhood signs.

Beyond their personality traits, psychopaths often exhibit specific behavioural patterns that can serve as warning signs.

One of these is impulsivity, which manifests in a tendency to act without thinking of the consequences.

Psychopaths are known for their risky behaviour, whether it involves breaking the law, engaging in reckless financial decisions, or taking physical risks.

Their impulsivity is often coupled with a lack of long-term goals, as they prefer immediate gratification over planning for the future.

Another common behavioural trait is a parasitic lifestyle, where the psychopath relies on others for financial support or resources without giving anything in return.

They may move from one person to another, exploiting friends, family, or romantic partners for as long as they are useful.

Psychopaths also have a tendency to engage in antisocial behaviour, including criminal activities.

While not all psychopaths are violent, many do engage in acts that violate societal rules, such as theft, fraud, or physical aggression.

Their criminal behaviour often escalates over time, and they are frequently unconcerned about the consequences of their actions.

Additionally, many psychopaths exhibit behavioural problems in childhood, which can include lying, stealing, cruelty to animals, or destructive tendencies.

These early signs can be a precursor to more severe antisocial behaviour in adulthood.

Psychopaths in everyday life

  • Psychopaths succeed in areas that reward ambition, ruthlessness, and manipulation.
  • They undermine colleagues.
  • The exploit personal relationships.

While the media often portrays psychopaths as violent criminals, many psychopaths function in everyday life without engaging in overtly criminal behaviour.

In fact, it is not uncommon for psychopaths to be highly successful in certain environments, particularly those that reward ambition, ruthlessness, and manipulation.

In personal relationships, psychopaths can be incredibly damaging due to their inability to form genuine emotional bonds.

They may charm their way into someone’s life, only to later exploit or harm that person without any feelings of remorse.

The lack of empathy and emotional connection can leave their partners or friends feeling confused, hurt, and betrayed.

In work environments, psychopaths can also cause significant harm.

They may undermine colleagues, manipulate superiors, or create a toxic environment through their need for control and power.

Despite these destructive tendencies, psychopaths often maintain an image of competence and charm, making it difficult for others to recognise their true nature.

Being aware of these more subtle signs of psychopathy can help in identifying and protecting oneself from potential harm.

Psychopathy across the spectrum

Not all psychopaths exhibit the same behaviours or traits, and psychopathy can manifest differently depending on the individual.

Some psychopaths are violent criminals who engage in overtly antisocial behaviour, while others may function in high-level corporate positions.

Corporate psychopaths often rise to positions of power within organisations, where their manipulative and ruthless traits are viewed as leadership qualities.

In these settings, their lack of empathy and willingness to exploit others may give them an advantage over those who are more emotionally attuned or ethical.

While these individuals may not engage in criminal activity, their behaviour can still cause harm to others, whether through manipulation, unethical business practices, or the creation of toxic work environments.

On the other end of the spectrum, criminal psychopaths are more likely to engage in behaviours that violate the law.

This can include anything from financial fraud to physical violence, and their disregard for societal rules makes them dangerous.

Despite the differences in their behaviour, the core traits of psychopathy—manipulation, lack of empathy, impulsivity, and grandiosity—are consistent across the spectrum.

Understanding this variability is crucial for identifying psychopathy in different contexts, from personal relationships to professional settings.

Protecting yourself

  • Set clear boundaries when dealing with a psychopath.
  • Avoid getting emotionally involved with a psychopath.
  • Maintain a professional distance from a psychopath at work.

If you suspect you are dealing with a psychopath, there are steps you can take to protect yourself.

One of the most important things is to recognise their manipulation tactics, which often involve charm, deceit, and emotional manipulation.

Psychopaths are skilled at using people to achieve their goals, and they may seem incredibly charismatic or helpful at first.

However, once they have gained your trust, they may begin to exploit you for their own benefit.

Setting clear boundaries is crucial when dealing with a psychopath, especially in personal relationships.

It is important to avoid becoming emotionally entangled with them, as they are unlikely to form genuine emotional connections and are more likely to cause harm.

In work environments, it is important to remain professional and document any interactions that seem manipulative or unethical.

Psychopaths may attempt to undermine your work or manipulate others against you, so maintaining clear communication and professional distance can help protect you.

By understanding their tactics and taking steps to protect yourself, you can limit the potential damage that a psychopath may cause in your life.

Understanding the causes

  • Genetic and environmental factors.
  • The neuroscience behind psychopathy.

The causes of psychopathy are complex and are thought to involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and neurological factors.

Research suggests that abnormalities in brain structure, particularly in areas related to empathy and emotional regulation, may contribute to psychopathic traits.

In addition to biological factors, early childhood experiences also play a role in the development of psychopathy.

Children who experience neglect, abuse, or a lack of parental attachment are at higher risk of developing psychopathic traits later in life.

While there is still much to learn about the exact causes of psychopathy, understanding these contributing factors can help in identifying potential early signs.

It is important to note that while psychopathy is a personality disorder, not all individuals with psychopathic traits engage in criminal or violent behaviour.

Some may lead relatively normal lives, functioning in society without causing significant harm to others.

However, the lack of empathy, manipulation, and impulsivity that characterise psychopathy make it a challenging disorder to treat.

Therapy and intervention can be helpful in managing some behaviours, but there is no known cure for psychopathy.

By understanding the underlying causes and the ways in which psychopathy manifests, it becomes easier to identify and navigate relationships with individuals who exhibit these traits.


Psychopaths Use These Words Twice As Often

Psychopaths use these words twice as often as non-psychopaths.

Psychopaths use these words twice as often as non-psychopaths.

Psychopaths use words related to food, sex and money twice as often as non-psychopaths, a study finds.

Psychopaths are also less likely to use words related to family, religion and social needs.

The trends in word use reflect how psychopaths display excessive selfishness, detachment and emotional flatness.

The results come from an analysis of stories told by 14 psychopathic murderers in Canadian prisons.

They were compared with 38 convicted murderers who were not psychopaths.

Each criminal talked about their crime in detail and then the words they used were analysed.

Along with words related to money, sex and food, psychopaths were also more likely to explain their crimes using explanatory words like ‘because’, ‘since’ and ‘so that’.

Professor Jeff Hancock, the study’s first author, said:

“Previous work has looked at how psychopaths use language.

Our paper is the first to show that you can use automated tools to detect the distinct speech patterns of psychopaths.”

Psychopaths were found to be less fluent in their speech, perhaps to frame their story in the most positive way possible.

The study was published in the journal Legal and Criminological Psychology (Hancock et al., 2011).

How Psychopaths Deceive And Dominate: 12 Essential Psychology Studies (P)

Forget Hollywood portrayals of cunning masterminds – psychopaths on average are not that smart, although they can be surprisingly subtle, especially when female.

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Forget Hollywood portrayals of cunning masterminds – psychopaths on average are not that smart, although they can be surprisingly subtle, especially when female.

Still, their willingness to lie and manipulate in pursuit of rewards can be chilling.

This article reveals 12 psychology studies on psychopathy, exploring their personality characteristics, the dark secrets they hide and why some psychopaths can be relatively 'successful'.

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Test Your Personality: Do You Have The Hidden Marks Of A Psychopath? (M)

Two key personality traits might reveal if you’re harbouring a psychopathic side.

Two key personality traits might reveal if you're harbouring a psychopathic side.

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