Introducing the sexually unoriented

The first survey of asexuality has just been published drawing on work done ten years ago investigating sexuality. It was found that 1% of participants claimed never to have felt sexually attracted to anyone, while 2% had never had sex. Asexuals are now making a claim for recognition in society as a genuine alternative orientation.

Both The Independent and The Guardian report this with a moderate level of credulity. Still, both hint at ’causes’ of asexuality including: a reaction to a highly sexed society and the effect of social stress on sexual desire.

> From The Independent and The Guardian

Have you ever been stalked?

One in five women and one in twenty men will suffer from being stalked at some point in their lives. It is still a very little understood and often disturbing crime. To investigate this area the Network for Surviving Stalking in conjunction with the Uni of Leicester are conducting research. If you have ever been stalked then they are conducting a survey you can take part in online.

> From BBC News

> Go to the Stalking Survey

Surgeons operate on baby to stop seizures

Epilepsy is a debilitating illness which doctors are still struggling to understand. What we do understand is that it is a kind of electrical storm in the brain. At its most extreme it can make a person’s life very hard to lead. Even apart from the immediate physical problems associated with seizures, memory loss is a freqent side-effect. Imagine how difficult it would be to lead your life if you temporarily lost your memory three times a day for an hour at a time.

For a child, memory loss is an even greater problem. It is very difficult to learn about the world if you are continually interrupted and have to start again. When epilepsy is at its most extreme, an extreme intervention is sometimes necessary. One method for dealing with epilepsy is by surgically disconnecting the two hemispheres of the brain.

> From The Guardian

> Succinct information about types of epileptic fits and how to deal with them from Epilepsy Action

US Supreme Court judge suggests more orgies

“He is the conservative bastion of the US supreme court, a favourite of President Bush, and a hunting partner of the vice-president. He has argued vociferously against abortion rights, and in favour of anti-sodomy laws. But it turns out that there is another side to Justice Antonin Scalia: he thinks Americans ought to be having more orgies.”

We’re all used to putting the world to rights with random ideas that float into our heads. But to announce this fact during a speech at Harvard Uni takes some balls.

> From The Guardian

The girl with the X-ray eyes

If you need any more evidence for people’s incredible gullibility, then here it is. She’s from Russia, she has ‘medical vision’ that enables her to look inside you and diagnose your ailments. And all for only a small fee. Of course she’s been a huge hit in Russia but now she’s over here and managed to secure herself a TV gig.

But here in Britain we’re above all that, aren’t we? Apparently not. On ITV’s This Morning she diagnosed Fern Briton’s sore ankle and convinced the resident doctor, Chris Steele, to rush to the hospital for a scan. The man is a medical doctor for God’s sake!

When the real scientists, headed by Professor Richard Wiseman, moved in, the scam was soon exposed. But the fact remains that we want to believe. We really want to believe.

> From The Guardian

Teens don’t need no health education

Latest figures show that the number of teenagers smoking is still on the increase, especially amongst young girls. Until its ban in the UK two years ago, the main culprit for its steady increase had to be tobacco advertising. For the frightening array of methods that tobacco companies use to target children, check out Ash.

Now there is an advertising war on, and the Government is fighting back. Their heavy campaigning seems to be having an effect on adults, amongst whom smoking is steadily declining. But commentators do not seem to know quite how to target children and teenagers. Efforts at education appear sporadic and ham-fisted.

It probably comes down to the old reverse psychology. The more you tell a teenager not to do something the more rebellious it feels to do it. Let’s just hope that the UK ban on advertising has some trickle down effect to children as well.
> From BBC News

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