The Personality Trait Linked To Happiness

Around 80 percent of people are thought to be optimists.

Around 80 percent of people are thought to be optimists.

Realists are significantly happier than both pessimists and optimists in the long-run, research reveals.

Pessimism and optimism are personality traits that lie at opposite ends of a spectrum.

Realists, meanwhile, sit halfway in between, occupying the middle ground.

Optimists may suffer in the long-term because they are often disappointed.

The regular disappointment can end up being a stronger emotion than the pleasure gained from anticipating positive outcomes.

The most optimistic people are 13.5 percent less happy than realists, the study found.

Around 80 percent of people are thought to be optimists.

The problem for pessimists is perhaps more obvious: they are constantly dreading the worst.

This dread can overtake any benefits gained from things turning out better than expected.

The most pessimistic people are 21.8 percent less happy than realists, the study also found.

Both optimists and pessimists make decisions based on biased false beliefs.

Dr Chris Dawson, study co-author, said:

“Plans based on inaccurate beliefs make for poor decisions and are bound to deliver worse outcomes than would rational, realistic beliefs, leading to lower well-being for both optimists and pessimists.

Particularly prone to this are decisions on employment, savings and any choice involving risk and uncertainty.

I think for many people, research that shows you don’t have to spend your days striving to think positively might come as a relief.

We see that being realistic about your future and making sound decisions based on evidence can bring a sense of well-being, without having to immerse yourself in relentless positivity.”

The study included 1,601 people who were tracked for over 18 years.

They reported their life satisfaction and any psychological distress each year.

People were also asked about their finances and their tendency to over- or under-estimate them.

The results showed that realists were most satisfied with their lives (life satisfaction is a measure of overall happiness, in contrast to momentary pleasure).

In the age of COVID-19, realism can be an advantage, said Professor David de Meza, the study’s first author:

“Optimists will see themselves as less susceptible to the risk of Covid-19 than others and are therefore less likely to take appropriate precautionary measures.

Pessimists, on the other hand, may be tempted to never leave their houses or send their children to school again.

Neither strategy seems like a suitable recipe for well-being.

Realists take measured risks based on our scientific understanding of the disease.”

The study was published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (de Meza & Dawson, 2020).

8 Ways This Personality Trait Leads To Success (M)

A review of research including almost 2 million people found that this personality trait nearly always had positive outcomes.

A review of research including almost 2 million people found that this personality trait nearly always had positive outcomes.

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The Advantage Of Being Easily Embarrassed

Embarrassment, it seems, is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Embarrassment, it seems, is nothing to be embarrassed about.

People who are easily embarrassed are seen as more trustworthy, research finds.

Not only that, but people who are easily embarrassed report higher levels of monogamy.

So, embarrassment can also be a sign of fidelity.

Dr Robb Willer, one of the study’s authors, said:

“Embarrassment is one emotional signature of a person to whom you can entrust valuable resources.

It’s part of the social glue that fosters trust and cooperation in everyday life.”

Embarrassment, it seems, is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Dr Matthew Feinberg, the study’s first author, said:

“Moderate levels of embarrassment are signs of virtue.

Our data suggests embarrassment is a good thing, not something you should fight.”

Of course, we are talking about normal levels of embarrassment, not the crippling problems that can affect people experiencing social anxiety disorder.

The typical signs of embarrassment are:

  • looking down,
  • while covering part of the face with the hand,
  • and grimacing or smirking.

Those experiencing shame, in comparison, typically cover their whole face.

Embarrassing moments

For the research 60 people were videotaped talking about embarrassing moments they had experienced.

These included things like:

  • public flatulence,
  • thinking an overweight woman was pregnant,
  • and giving money to an untidy person who was not actually panhandling.

The videos were analysed for the amount of embarrassment that people showed.

Afterwards they played a game designed to test generosity.

Again, this found a link between being easily embarrassed and being generous to others.

A final study had people judging a trained actor who acted out getting a perfect score on a test.

Some people watched a version where he was embarrassed about his success, others watched a version where he was pleased with his success.

It turned out that people trusted him more if he acted embarrassed.

Dr Feinberg said:

“You want to affiliate with them more, you feel comfortable trusting them.”

The study was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Feinberg et al., 2012).

The Serene Personality Trait Linked To A Longer Life (M)

People with this personality trait are 20 percent more likely to live past their 65th birthday.

People with this personality trait are 20 percent more likely to live past their 65th birthday.

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People Can Actually Smell These Personality Traits (M)

Some personality traits are easier to discern from sniffing your t-shirt than others.

Some personality traits are easier to discern from sniffing your t-shirt than others.

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The Forbidden Words The Most Honest People Use More (M)

These words have also surprisingly been linked to a greater vocabulary and even being more persuasive.

These words have also surprisingly been linked to a greater vocabulary and even being more persuasive.

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What Your Musical Taste Says About How You Think (M)

The songs that reveal whether you have an empathic  or systematising thinking style.

The songs that reveal whether you have an empathic  or systematising thinking style.

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Video Game Addiction Is Linked To 2 Personality Traits (M)

Signs of video game addiction include lying about time spent playing games and wanting to play less but being unable.

Signs of video game addiction include lying about time spent playing games and wanting to play less but being unable.

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