It may be useful for people with antisocial or even violent tendencies.
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It may be useful for people with antisocial or even violent tendencies.
Eating this fruit once a day is neuroprotective.
Children’s brain are particularly sensitive early on — in the womb and through their first years of life.
Children’s brain are particularly sensitive early on — in the womb and through their first years of life.
Eating more fruit during pregnancy increases the cognitive skills of children, new research finds.
The study was inspired by previous resea rch finding that mothers who eat more fruit have smarter children, when measured at one-year-old.
Another study has found that children fed a healthier diet from an early age have a higher IQ,
Children who were breastfed and later given plenty of fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods had IQs up to two points higher at age 8.
Children’s brain are particularly sensitive early on — in the womb and through their first years of life.
Junk food and ready-made baby meals have both been linked to lower IQs in children when they reach 8-years-old.
Meanwhile, a diet low in sugars, fats and processed foods consumed at a young age may increase intelligence.
Dr Claire Scavuzzo, study co-author, said:
“Our findings replicated what was found in humans and fruit flies.
In a controlled, isolated way we were able to confirm a role for prenatal fruit exposure on the cognitive development of newborns.
We see this as especially valuable information for pregnant mothers, as this offers a nonpharmacological, dietary intervention to boost infant brain development.”
The latest study was carried out on rats.
The results showed that pregnant rats fed fruit juice gave birth to babies with better memories.
Ms Rachel Ward-Flanagan, the study’s first author, said:
“Our results show that there is significant cognitive benefit for the offspring of mothers that ingest more fruit during pregnancy.”
Ms Ward-Flanagan continued:
“The idea that nutrition may also impact mental health and cognition has only recently started to gain traction.
People want to be able give their kids the best possible start in life, and from our findings, it seems that a diet enriched with fruit is a possible way to do so.”
The study was published in the journal PLOS ONE (Ward-Flanagan et al., 2020).
Moving to this diet can put brain health in jeopardy and increase the risk of nutrient deficiency.
Moving to this diet can put brain health in jeopardy and increase the risk of nutrient deficiency.
A vegan diet can increase the risk of brain malnutrition and damage due to lack of essential nutrients, new research finds.
While a plant-based diet is an effective way to combat heart disease and cancer and it supports environmental sustainability, there are dangers.
Choline is mainly found in meat and, like omega-3 fatty acids, is an essential nutrient that has to be obtained from food.
This vitamin-like essential nutrient is also produced by the liver, but the amount is too small to fulfill the body’s requirements.
Choline is part of lecithin which is known for its effect in treating memory disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Egg yolk, beef, fish, chicken, wheat germ, soy beans, dairy products, peanuts, almonds are good source of this nutrient and smaller amounts are found in broccoli, cauliflower, spinach and baked beans.
For example, 100g of cooked beef liver provides 431mg of choline, one boiled egg provides nearly 150mg of choline, and 100g cod fish provides 84mg of choline.
Whereas, 100g of broccoli contains 40mg of choline, 100g of baked beans contains 31mg, and a 100g of spinach contains 25mg of choline.
Promoting healthy plant-based foods to protect the environment is important, but restricting eggs, animal protein, and dairy can reduce choline and other essential nutrients.
According to the US Institute of Medicine the minimum daily intake of choline for men is 550mg and 425mg for women.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women require at least 450mg and 550mg choline per day respectively, due to the crucial role of this nutrient in infant development.
Despite these daily requirements, national dietary surveys show that choline intake on average is low in the US, Europe and Australia.
Choline is not only essential for brain health but also influences liver function as shortfalls in this nutrient can cause cell damage and irregularities in fat metabolism.
These insights come from a study authored by Dr Emma Derbyshire who said:
“This is….concerning given that current trends appear to be towards meat reduction and plant-based diets.”
Currently, choline is excluded from UK dietary guidelines, food composition databases and dietary surveys.
Dr Derbyshire said:
“Given the important physiological roles of choline and authorisation of certain health claims, it is questionable why choline has been overlooked for so long in the UK.
More needs to be done to educate healthcare professionals and consumers about the importance of a choline-rich diet, and how to achieve this.
If choline is not obtained in the levels needed from dietary sources per se then supplementation strategies will be required, especially in relation to key stages of the life cycle, such as pregnancy, when choline intakes are critical to infant development.”
The study was published in the journal BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health (Derbyshire, 2019).
The supplement can help glutamate receptors work more effectively.
This common health condition is linked to lower than normal zinc levels, a study found.
This common health condition is linked to lower than normal zinc levels, a study found.
High blood pressure can be related to zinc deficiency by changing the way that sodium is handled in kidneys, research finds.
People with chronic diseases like kidney failure or type 2 diabetes are deficient in zinc.
Zinc is a mineral vital for the immune system, wound healing, cognitive functions, vision, taste, smell and so on.
Cacao, red meats, cashew nuts, peanuts, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, shellfish, dairy products, and eggs are good sources of zinc.
Now, a study reveals that people who have lower than normal zinc levels are more likely to develop hypertension.
Sodium is filtered by the kidneys either by sending it back into the bloodstream or passing it into the urine.
A pathway called the sodium chloride co-transporter (NCC) is responsible for filtration of sodium in the kidney.
Normally, less sodium in the urine indicates higher blood pressure and so NCC is important for controlling blood pressure.
Zinc plays an important role here as it helps regulate specific proteins which are causing the NCC activity.
The study compared healthy mice that had normal zinc levels to mice that were zinc deficient.
Sodium excretion in the urine was low in mice with zinc deficiency and they had high blood pressure.
After feeding these mice a zinc-rich diet, their zinc level began to improve.
Once they were no longer zinc deficient, their urinary sodium levels improved and their blood pressure dropped.
The research team wrote:
“These significant findings demonstrate that enhanced renal [sodium] reabsorption plays a critical role in [zinc-deficiency]-induced hypertension.
Understanding the specific mechanisms by which [zinc deficiency] contributes to [blood pressure] dysregulation may have an important effect on the treatment of hypertension in chronic disease settings.”
Sodium is a mineral and an important electrolyte that helps keep the body’s water in balance.
It is key to maintaining normal blood pressure levels as well as being necessary for muscle and nerve function.
However, consuming salt or foods high in salt will increase the sodium level in the bloodstream and damage the balance and so the kidneys cannot remove the sodium.
Higher blood pressure is the result and, if this abnormality is left uncontrolled, it will harm the delicate blood vessels around the kidneys.
Injured kidney arteries cannot filter blood well enough and deliver blood to the kidney tissue, resulting in chronic kidney disease.
The study was published in American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology (Williams et al., 2019).
This plant-based nutrient can keep us avoid disability and disease into old age.
This plant-based nutrient can keep us avoid disability and disease into old age.
Dietary fibre consumed from fruits, cereals and breads are linked to aging successfully over many years.
The surprising benefits of fibre-rich foods has been underestimated, but Australian researchers reveal that fibre makes a big difference in order to age successfully.
They studied 1,609 adults who were 49 years and older for 10 years to find out the relationship between healthy aging and carbohydrate nutrition.
Total carbohydrate intake, total fiber intake, sugar intake, glycemic load and glycemic index factors were examined.
Fibre had the largest impact on what the researchers called ‘successful aging.’
Successful aging was defined as the absence of:
Professor Bamini Gopinath, the study’s lead author, said:
“Out of all the variables that we looked at, fiber intake — which is a type of carbohydrate that the body can’t digest — had the strongest influence.
Essentially, we found that those who had the highest intake of fiber or total fiber actually had an almost 80 percent greater likelihood of living a long and healthy life over a 10-year follow-up.
That is, they were less likely to suffer from hypertension, diabetes, dementia, depression, and functional disability.”
We might expect that sugar intake would have a big impact on healthy aging, but in this study it was not linked to successful aging.
Professor Gopinath pointed out that the older adults who participated in this study had a low intake of carbonated and sugary drinks in their diet.
The study was published in The Journals of Gerontology: Series A (Gopinath et al., 2016).
The link between poor sleep and nutritional deficiency is particularly strong in women.
The remedy reduces symptoms in people experiencing the symptoms of depression.
The remedy reduces symptoms in people experiencing the symptoms of depression.
Eating better reduces depression symptoms, new research finds.
Three common diets have similar positive effects, whether people are trying to lose weight, reduce fat or just improve the nutrients in their diet.
There is no need for a special depression-busting diet: simply eating more fruit and veg and avoiding junk food will help.
Dietary changes are particularly beneficial for women, the scientists found.
Dr Joseph Firth, the study’s first author, said:
“The overall evidence for the effects of diet on mood and mental well-being had up to now yet to be assessed.
But our recent meta-analysis has done just that; showing that adopting a healthier diet can boost people’s mood.
However, it has no clear effects on anxiety.”
The conclusions come from almost 46,000 people who were involved in every existing clinical trial looking at diet and mental health problems.
The results showed that all three types of diet — a nutrient boosting, weight loss and fat reduction diet — ease depression symptoms.
Dr Firth said:
“This is actually good news.
The similar effects from any type of dietary improvement suggests that highly-specific or specialised diets are unnecessary for the average individual.
Instead, just making simple changes is equally beneficial for mental health.
In particular, eating more nutrient-dense meals which are high in fibre and vegetables, while cutting back on fast-foods and refined sugars appears to be sufficient for avoiding the potentially negative psychological effects of a ‘junk food’ diet.”
Exercise will boost the positive effects of diet changes, said Dr Brendon Stubbs, study co-author:
“…when dietary interventions were combined with exercise, a greater improvement in depressive symptoms was experienced by people.”
It is not yet clear how diet improves mental health, said Dr Firth:
“It could be through reducing obesity, inflammation, or fatigue—all of which are linked to diet and impact upon mental health.
And further research is still required to examine the effects of dietary interventions in people with clinically-diagnosed psychiatric conditions.”
The study was published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine (Firth et al., 2019).
Increased intake of this vitamin is particularly important for reducing depression risk.
Increased intake of this vitamin is particularly important for reducing depression risk.
A healthy diet including plenty of folates is linked to lower depression risk, research finds.
Folates include vitamin B9, folacin and folic acid.
Some of the best dietary sources of folates include:
Folate levels are particularly high in chickpeas, yeast extract, lentils and broad beans.
Losing weight is also linked to a lower risk of depression.
In contrast, eating junk food, sugar and processed foods was linked to increased depression risk by the study.
People who ate more foods like sausages, sugary snacks and drinks, manufactured foods and processed potatoes had higher depression risk.
The conclusion comes from a Finnish study of over 2,000 middle-aged men.
They were tracked for up to 20 years while their diet and mental health was monitored.
In another related study, 140 men and women were assigned to one of two groups.
One group ate a healthy diet while the other continued as normal.
The results again showed that a healthy diet including higher intake of vegetables, fruits, whole-grains and fish was linked to lower depression risk.
Increased intake of folates is particularly important.
Dr Anu Ruusunen, the study’s author, said:
“The study reinforces the hypothesis that a healthy diet has potential not only in the warding off of depression, but also in its prevention.”
The studies were published by the University of Eastern Finland (Ruusunen et al., 2013).
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