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Up to one-third of people are ‘highly sensitive’.
Up to one-third of people are ‘highly sensitive’.
Up to one-third of people have particularly ‘sensitive’ brains, psychologists find.
People with this trait tend to pay more attention to their experience, which is what produces their sensitivity.
It also means they need time to reflect on their experiences.
Psychologists call this a sensory processing sensitivity (SPS).
People with a sensory processing sensitivity tend to agree with statements like these (the full list is below):
SPS is a personality trait not a disorder or a condition.
In other words, it is just the way that some people are.
Sensitive people can be prone to emotional outbursts, procrastination, and withdrawal.
However, they also process things more deeply, have a greater appreciation for beauty, are more conscientious, have higher levels of creativity and deeper bonds with others.
Dr Bianca Acevedo, the study’s first author, explains:
“Behaviorally, we observe it as being more careful and cautious when approaching new things.
Another broad way of thinking about it, that biologists have been using to understand people’s individual differences in responses to different things, is that the person with high sensitivity will be more responsive, both for better and for worse.”
For the study, people who were shown descriptions of happy, sad and neutral events then asked to rest, while their brains were scanned.
Dr Acevedo explained the results:
“What we found was a pattern that suggested that during this rest, after doing something that was emotionally evocative, their brain showed activity that suggested depth of processing and this depth of processing is a cardinal feature of high sensitivity.”
Sensitive people demonstrated greater connectivity between the hippocampus and the precuneus.
This circuit is vital to how memories are consolidated and retrieved.
However, there were weaker connections in circuits that help people process and control their emotions.
This could help explain why sensitive people can be prone to overstimulation and anxiety.
One of the best ways of coping with being highly sensitive is to take a break, said Dr Acevedo said:
“For all of us, but especially for the highly sensitive, taking a few minutes’ break and not necessarily doing anything but relaxing can be beneficial.
We’ve seen it at the behavioral level and the level of the brain.”
To find out if you are highly sensitive, think about whether you agree with each of the statements below.
Agreeing with 14 of these statements suggests you are a highly sensitive person.
A positive answer means agreeing that it is at least somewhat true of you.
These statements are from the highly sensitive person test.
→ Read on: being highly sensitive is in the genes.
The study was published in the journal Neuropsychobiology (Acevedo et al., 2021).
Compared with fight or flight, freezing is one of the lesser-known automatic responses to threat, along with fright and faint.
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