4 Steps to Raising Narcissistic and Violent Children (M)
While little is spoken of it, some children do physically assault their parents.
While little is spoken of it, some children do physically assault their parents.
Creating narcissists: the parental behaviour that convinces children they are better than other people.
Narcissists people prefer countries to be run by the military or strong leaders.
Narcissists people prefer countries to be run by the military or strong leaders.
Narcissists are not fans of democracy, research finds.
People with narcissistic self-views prefer countries to be run by the military or strong leaders.
Narcissists think that democratically elected governments are not good at maintaining order.
The results of the study are probably explained by the fact that narcissists do not tolerate views that differ from their own.
As the study’s title has it, narcissists believe that: “It’s my way or the highway.”
People with high self-esteem, though, tend to support democracies.
The study’s authors write:
“Narcissists have high feelings of self-worth, but tend to be defensive: They are easily threatened by criticisms or conflicting views.”
In contrast, non-narcissists tend to be willing to trust others and have higher self-esteem.
The conclusions come from surveys of 407 people in the US and 405 in Poland.
The results of both found that people with high self-esteem tended to support democracies.
Narcissists, though, who often have low self-esteem, did not generally support democracy.
Dr Aleksandra Cichocka, study co-author, said:
“The jury is out on whether the new generations are becoming more narcissistic than previous ones, but it is important to monitor how societal changes can affect the self.
We need to make sure we are not fostering feelings of entitlement or expectations of special treatment.
In the end, these processes may have important implications for our social and political attitudes.”
The study was published in the British Journal of Social Psychology (Marchlewska et al., 2018).
This type of narcissism is often a result of parental invalidation.
Despite their destructive effect, narcissistic leaders are often paid more because they are better at taking credit for other people’s success.
Narcissists are prone to a classic bias in thinking.
The conclusion comes from an analysis of art works by Van Gogh, Picasso, Dali and others.
A possible reason that narcissism is on the rise.
Many narcissists see their narcissism as a positive quality — they are almost proud of it.
While narcissism is often considered a bad thing, not all aspects of the trait are negative.
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