How Listening To Music At Bedtime Affects Sleep (M)
Around two-thirds of people use music to help them sleep, but what if the music is so catchy it causes an ‘earworm’?
Around two-thirds of people use music to help them sleep, but what if the music is so catchy it causes an ‘earworm’?
Break-ups and rejection make people reach for a downbeat aesthetic experience.
Break-ups and rejection make people reach for a downbeat aesthetic experience.
Sad music and gloomy movies help to soothe the pain of relationship problems, research finds.
People having difficulties in their personal relationships are more likely to choose tearjerker dramas and downbeat music.
This is unusual, because sad people usually prefer fun comedies and upbeat music to turn their mood around.
However, there is something about experiencing relationship problems, such as a break-up, that makes people want similar emotional companionship.
The study’s authors write:
“Consumers seek and experience emotional companionship with music, films, novels, and the fine arts as a substitute for lost and troubled relationships.”
In one experiment, people recalled an experience involving a loss.
For some it was a relationship loss, for others it was an impersonal loss, like losing a competition.
Those who thought about losing a competition wanted to be cheered up with happy music.
But, those who thought about losing a relationship wanted sombre music.
The authors write:
“Emotional experiences of aesthetic products are important to our happiness and well-being.
Music, movies, paintings, or novels that are compatible with our current mood and feelings, akin to an empathic friend, are more appreciated when we experience broken or failing relationships.”
Another experiment showed that people preferred angry music when they were frustrated by being interrupted, or someone being late.
In other words, a personal hassle made people want negatively valenced music.
However, people who experienced impersonal hassles, like a loss of internet connection, wanted upbeat music to take their mind off it.
So, sadness caused by other people makes us yearn for similar aesthetic experiences.
Maybe this is because being rejected by others makes us crave emotional companionship, which sad music and movies provide.
The study was published in the Journal of Consumer Research (Lee et al., 2013).
Learning an instrument enhances critical areas of the brain.
Learning an instrument enhances critical areas of the brain.
Musical training provides lasting improvements to attention and focus, research finds.
Musicians have greater control over their attention and are less distracted.
The more musical training a person has, the better they can control their attention.
Musicians also develop better memories, previous studies have shown.
Brain imaging research has even shown critical areas of the brain to be different in musicians.
Changes in the dorsolateral frontal regions (the top front of your head), in particular, are linked to better memory, error detection and goal-oriented behaviour in musicians.
Dr Paulo Barraza, the study’s lead author, said:
“Our study investigated the effects of systematic musical training on the main components of the attentional system.
Our findings demonstrate greater inhibitory attentional control abilities in musicians than non-musicians.
Professional musicians are able to more quickly and accurately respond to and focus on what is important to perform a task, and more effectively filter out incongruent and irrelevant stimuli than non-musicians.
In addition, the advantages are enhanced with increased years of training.”
The conclusions come from a study of 18 professional pianists with an average of 12 years of practice, who were compared with non-musicians.
All were given tests of their attentional systems.
The results showed that musicians were better at ignoring distractions while doing a complex task.
Dr David Medina, the study’s first author, said:
“Our findings of the relationship between musical training and improvement of attentional skills could be useful in clinical or educational fields, for instance, in strengthening the ability of ADHD individuals to manage distractions or the development of school programs encouraging the development of cognitive abilities through the deliberate practice of music.”
The study was published in the journal Heliyon (Medina & Barraza, 2019).
The brain’s response to this music is akin to money and food.
The brain’s response to this music is akin to money and food.
Music that is surprising or unexpected sends a burst of pleasure through the brain, a study shows.
The reason is that when listening to music, our brains appear to predict what to expect next — even when it is new.
We have learnt certain musical patterns from our lifetime’s experience of music.
So, when the musician strikes an unexpected chord, the brain’s reward centres light up.
For the study, people were played musical extracts that sounded either pleasant or unpleasant.
When people were surprised by the music, more activation was seen in the nucleus accumbens, a part of the brain linked to musical pleasure.
Mr Ben Gold, the study’s first author, said:
“This study adds to our understanding of how abstract stimuli like music activate the pleasure centres of our brains.
Our results demonstrate that musical events can elicit formally-modelled reward prediction errors like those observed for concrete rewards such as food or money, and that these signals support learning.
This implies that predictive processing might play a much wider role in reward and pleasure than previously realized.”
The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Gold et al., 2019).
For more creative insight, it is better to work in silence or with only steady background noise.
For more creative insight, it is better to work in silence or with only steady background noise.
Many people believe that music can enhance creativity, but a recent study finds the reverse.
Instead of boosting creativity, people are less creative while listening to music, psychologists have found.
Unlike background noise, music may distract from a creative task, rather than enhance it.
For more creative insight, it is better to work in silence or with only steady background noise.
The conclusions come from a study in which people took a standard psychological test of verbal insight.
People were given three words, such as ‘dress’, ‘dial’ and ‘flower’.
They are asked to find another single word that can be put with all three to make three new words or phrases.
[See the bottom of the article for the answer.]The researchers then tested three different types of background music:
All of these they compared to the steady, but quiet, background noise you might get in a library.
The results showed that all the different types of music — even instrumental without lyrics — impaired people’s ability on the creativity test.
Dr Neil McLatchie, study co-author, said:
“We found strong evidence of impaired performance when playing background music in comparison to quiet background conditions.”
A further study tested if it made any difference if people regularly listened to music while working and if the music put them in a better mood.
The results still showed that for creativity, it was better to work in silence or with a ‘steady state’ background noise.
The study’s authors write:
“To conclude, the findings here challenge the popular view that music enhances creativity, and instead demonstrate that music, regardless of the presence of semantic content (no lyrics, familiar lyrics or unfamiliar lyrics), consistently disrupts creative performance in insight problem solving.”
→ The answer is ‘sun’, making sundress, sundial and sunflower.
The study was published in the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology (Threadgold et al., 2019).
Listening to the music just once helps to reduce the frequency of abnormal brain activity and seizures.
We reveal ourselves through our musical preferences and our personalities are also shaped by them.
Vital turning points and formative relationships are played out to the soundtrack of our teens and young adulthood — never to be forgotten.
How to use music to give your brain a boost.
People walking on a treadmill reported feeling thy were exerting themselves less while listening to this music.
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