Are Painful Events More Stressful When Uncertain Or When Predictable?

For the research, people played a game during which they were sometimes given mild electric shocks.

For the research, people played a game during which they were sometimes given mild electric shocks.

Electric shocks are more painful when they are uncertain than when they are definitely coming, a new study finds.

It confirms just how stressful uncertainty can be compared with knowing what is coming.

Dr Robb Rutledge, one of the study’s authors, explained:

“When applying for a job, you’ll probably feel more relaxed if you think it’s a long shot or if you’re confident that it’s in the bag.

The most stressful scenario is when you really don’t know.

It’s the uncertainty that makes us anxious.

The same is likely to apply in many familiar situations, whether it’s waiting for medical results or information on train delays.”

For the research, people played a game during which they were sometimes given mild electric shocks.

Sometimes people could predict when they were going to get a shock, other times they could not.

It was the unpredictable nature of the shocks which made them more stressful, the results showed.

Mr Archy de Berker, the study’s first author, said:

“It turns out that it’s much worse not knowing you are going to get a shock than knowing you definitely will or won’t.

We saw exactly the same effects in our physiological measures – people sweat more and their pupils get bigger when they are more uncertain.”

Dr Sven Bestmann, one of the study’s co-authors, said:

“From an evolutionary perspective, our finding that stress responses are tuned to environmental uncertainty suggests that it may have offered some survival benefit.

Appropriate stress responses might be useful for learning about uncertain, dangerous things in the environment.

Modern life comes with many potential sources of uncertainty and stress, but it has also introduced ways of addressing them.

For example, taxi apps that show where a car is can offer peace of mind by reducing the uncertainty about when it will arrive.

Real-time information boards at bus stops and train platforms perform a similar role, although this can be undermined by unspecified delays which cause stress for passengers and staff alike.”

The study was published in the journal Nature Communications (de Berker et al., 2016).

Looking up image from Shutterstock

Rage Disorder Linked To Common Parasite Carried By 30% of People

Around 30% of people are thought to carry the parasite often caught from a common domestic pet.

Around 30% of people are thought to carry the parasite often caught from a common domestic pet.

People with impulsive anger problems could have a parasite in their brain, a new study suggests.

Those who continually display behaviours like road-rage could be infected with a common parasite rather than having a psychological disorder.

Around 30% of people are thought to carry the toxoplasma gondii parasite — it is often present in, and caught from, cat faeces.

Professor Emil Coccaro, who led the research said:

“Our work suggests that latent infection with the toxoplasma gondii parasite may change brain chemistry in a fashion that increases the risk of aggressive behavior.

However, we do not know if this relationship is causal, and not everyone that tests positive for toxoplasmosis will have aggression issues.”

The conclusions come from a study of 358 adults.

The results showed that people with ‘intermittent explosive disorder’ (that’s rage issues to you and me!) were twice as likely to test positive for the toxoplasma gondii parasite in comparison to a healthy control group (22% versus 9%).

Across all the people in the study, those who tested positive for the toxoplasma gondii parasite had significantly higher levels of aggression and anger.

Dr Royce Lee, a study co-author, said:

“Correlation is not causation, and this is definitely not a sign that people should get rid of their cats.

We don’t yet understand the mechanisms involved–it could be an increased inflammatory response, direct brain modulation by the parasite, or even reverse causation where aggressive individuals tend to have more cats or eat more undercooked meat.

Our study signals the need for more research and more evidence in humans.

Professor Coccaro said:

“It will take experimental studies to see if treating a latent toxoplasmosis infection with medication reduces aggressiveness.

If we can learn more, it could provide rational to treat IED in toxoplasmosis-positive patients by first treating the latent infection.”

The study was published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (Coccaro et al., 2016).

Image credit: Alvaro Tapia

54 Common Drugs Linked To Mental Confusion and Delirium

Serious temporary problems with brain function linked to commonly used drugs.

Serious temporary problems with brain function linked to commonly used drugs.

Common antibiotics could be linked to serious temporary problems with brain function, a new review concludes.

The review found that 54 different antibiotics were linked with cases of delirium.

Delirium is mental confusion often accompanied by agitation and even hallucinations.

Dr Shamik Bhattacharyya, the study’s first author, said:

“People who have delirium are more likely to have other complications, go into a nursing home instead of going home after being in the hospital and are more likely to die than people who do not develop delirium.

Any efforts we can make to help identify the cause of delirium have the potential to be greatly beneficial.”

Since all the patients had an active infection, the study can’t rule out the possibility that that could have been the cause of the delirium.

Dr Bhattacharyya said:

“More research is needed, but these antibiotics should be considered as a possible cause of delirium.

Recognition of different patterns of toxicity could lead to a quicker diagnosis and hopefully prevent of some of the negative consequences for people with delirium and other brain problems.”

The study was published in the journal Neurology (Bhattacharyya et al., 2016).

Image credit: cora alvarez

Crucial New Genetic Discovery Made About Schizophrenia — A Mental Illness That Changes Perceptions of Reality

The research involved 700 people who had schizophrenia and donated their brains for research after their deaths.

The research involved 700 people who had schizophrenia and donated their brains for research after their deaths.

Scientist have made a major breakthrough in the understanding of schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is a very serious mental health condition which tends to run in families.

It’s long been suspected that there is a strong genetic component (it’s about 90% inherited).

Now scientists have discovered the genes that cause problems with a process called synaptic pruning.

Synaptic pruning is the process by which unneeded connections between brain cells are destroyed during childhood.

In normal development this helps speed up the brain — we don’t need the incredible number of neurons and connections we grow as infants.

In schizophrenia, though, it looks like this process of pruning goes into overdrive.

Dr Thomas Lehner, a director at the National Institute of Mental Health, explained:

“Normally, pruning gets rid of excess connections we no longer need, streamlining our brain for optimal performance, but too much pruning can impair mental function.

It could help explain schizophrenia’s delayed age-of-onset of symptoms in late adolescence/early adulthood and shrinkage of the brain’s working tissue.

Interventions that put the brakes on this pruning process-gone-awry could prove transformative.”

The research involved 700 people who had schizophrenia and donated their brains for research after their deaths.

This and other genetic data was compared with people who did not have schizophrenia.

Finding the gene that is responsible, at least in part, is a major breakthrough.

However, it will be years before new treatments or preventative strategies can be developed from this information.

Dr Steve McCarroll, one of the study’s authors, said:

“Since schizophrenia was first described over a century ago, its underlying biology has been a black box, in part because it has been virtually impossible to model the disorder in cells or animals.

The human genome is providing a powerful new way in to this disease.

Understanding these genetic effects on risk is a way of prying open that block box, peering inside and starting to see actual biological mechanisms.”

The study was published in the journal Nature (Sekar et al., 2016).

90% Have Experienced Phantom Vibration Syndrome — Have You?

If the hallucination is irritating, there could be a way to reduce its effect.

If the hallucination is irritating, there could be a way to reduce its effect.

Phantom vibration syndrome is when it feels like your phone is vibrating in your pocket…

…but actually there’s no incoming call, text message or other alert.

It’s a hallucination that 90% of people with mobile phones say has happened to them.

Dr Robert Rosenberg, author of a new study on the modern phenomenon, said the hallucination is easily produced:

“[The] phone sifts around in your pocket, “I’m getting a call.”

Your pant leg rustles, “I’m getting a text.”

You have a muscle spasm in your leg, “I’m getting another call again.”

But the whole time, just a phantom vibration.”

Phantom vibration syndrome was first identified in the era of pagers.

The hallucination could be down to a kind of bodily habit, Dr Rosenberg said:

“Think about wearing a pair of glasses.

If you’re accustomed to your glasses and they almost become a part of you, you can forget that you’re even wearing them sometimes.

The phone in your pocket is like this.

Through bodily habit, your phone actually becomes a part of you and you become trained to perceive the phone’s vibrations as an incoming call or text.

So, due to these kinds of habits, it becomes really easy to misperceive other similar sensations.”

There is no reason to be concerned by the hallucination but if it’s irritating there could be a way to reduce its effect.

Dr Rosenberg suggests moving the phone around to different pockets.

This should help stop the bad habit forming — or at least slow it down.

Watch the accompanying video from Georgia Tech:

The study was published in the journal Computers In Human Behavior (Rosenberg, 2015).

Puffing man image from Shutterstock

The Diet That Could Help Fight Schizophrenia

The diet may also help combat side-effects of drugs used to treat schizophrenia.

The diet may also help combat side-effects of drugs used to treat schizophrenia.

A diet favoured by body-builders could help treat schizophrenia.

The research is based on a study of mice, who were fed a so-called ‘ketogenic’ diet.

The diet is high in fat but low in carbohydrates.

Dr Zoltan Sarnyai, who led the study, said:

“Most of a person’s energy would come from fat.

So the diet would consist of butter, cheese, salmon, etc.

Initially it would be used in addition to medication in an in-patient setting where the patient’s diet could be controlled.”

In the research, the mice displayed fewer animal behaviours related to schizophrenia, compared with a control group.

Dr Sarnyai said the diet may also help combat side-effects of drugs used to treat schizophrenia:

“It’s another advantage that it works against the weight gain, cardiovascular issues and type-two diabetes we see as common side-effects of drugs given to control schizophrenia.”

The study was published in the journal Schizophrenia Research.(Kraeuter et al., 2015)

Mental illness image from Shutterstock

Smartphone Use is Out of Control — This Graph Says It All

The average time some people use their phones each day is twice what they guess.

The average time some people use their phones each day is twice what they guess.

Young people use their smartphones for an average of five hours per day, a new study finds.

That’s one-third of the time they are awake.

Along the way they check their phones fully 85 times per day.

The study asked people to guess how much they used their smartphones.

This was compared with data from an app installed on the phone which measured their actual usage.

The study included 23 people between the ages of 18 and 33.

Most of the usage came in small bursts lasting as little as 30 seconds.

Below is the graph showing people’s smartphone usage in black blocks over two weeks.

Time of day runs along the bottom of the graph and each day of the two weeks runs vertically.

The lines running across indicate the two Saturdays.


People were checking the time, their email, social media alerts or playing music.

Dr David Ellis, one of the study’s authors, said:

“Psychologists typically rely on self-report data when quantifying mobile phone usage in studies, but our work suggests that estimated smartphone use should be interpreted with caution.”

The study was published in the journal PLOS ONE (Andrews et al., 2015).

Phones and relationships image from Shutterstock

The Serious Eating Disorder Linked to These Microorganisms

A serious psychological condition that affects over 3 million Americans.

A serious psychological condition that affects over 3 million Americans.

Anorexia nervosa may be partly related to a bacterial imbalance in the gut, a new study finds.

There are trillions of bacteria in the gut — these have been increasingly linked by scientists to brain function.

This new frontier of research has been dubbed the ‘gut-brain axis’.

Anorexia a serious condition that affects over 3 million Americans.

It also has the highest risk of death of any psychological disorder.

Dr Ian Carroll, one of the study’s authors, said:

“Other studies have linked gut bacteria to weight regulation and behavior.

Since people with anorexia nervosa exhibit extreme weight dysregulation, we decided to study this relationship further.”

The study compared fecal samples of women with anorexia before and after treatment.

Before treatment the women had gut bacteria with much lower diversity.

Low diversity is a sign of poor health.

After treatment, with their weight restored, bacterial diversity had increased, but it was still not as high as healthy individuals.

Dr Carroll said:

“We’re not saying that altering gut bacteria will be the magic bullet for people with anorexia nervosa.

Other important factors are at play, obviously.

But the gut microbiota is clearly important for a variety of health and brain-related issues in humans.

And it could be important for people with anorexia nervosa.”

Nevertheless, this could offer hope for a new type of treatment, said Dr Cynthia Bulik, another study author:

“Currently available treatments for anorexia nervosa are suboptimal.

In addition, the process of weight gain and renourishment can be extremely uncomfortable for patients.

Often, patients are discharged from the hospital, and within months and sometimes weeks they find themselves losing weight again and facing readmission.

If specific alterations in their microbiota could make renourishment less uncomfortable, help patients regulate their weight, and positively affect behavior, then we might see fewer readmissions and more cures.”

The study was published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine (Kleiman et al., 2015).

Anorexia image from Shutterstock

Ease Mental And Physical Pain With This Type of Spiritual Belief

Study reveals how spiritual beliefs affect physical and mental health.

Study reveals how spiritual beliefs affect physical and mental health.

People who believe God loves them and forgives them have better mental health, a new study finds.

In contrast, those who hold negative spiritual beliefs tend to have worse mental health.

Negative spiritual beliefs include believing that God is punishing you or feeling abandoned.

Professor Brick Johnstone, one of the study’s authors, said:

“In general, the more religious or spiritual you are, the healthier you are, which makes sense.

But for some individuals, even if they have even the smallest degree of negative spirituality — basically, when individuals believe they’re ill because they’ve done something wrong and God is punishing them — their health is worse.”

Almost 200 people with a variety of health conditions were included in the study.

Amongst the ailments, some had cancer, some brain injuries, while others were healthy.

Everyone was divided into two groups:

  • Positive spirituality: felt loved and accepted by a higher power.
  • Negative spirituality: felt abandoned or punished by a higher power.

Those with negative spirituality reported being in more pain and having worse mental health.

Even small amounts of negative spirituality were linked to lower levels of health.

Professor Johnstone said:

“Previous research has shown that about 10 percent of people have negative spiritual beliefs; for example, believing that if they don’t do something right, God won’t love them.

That’s a negative aspect of religion when people believe, ‘God is not supportive of me.

What kind of hope do I have?’

However, when people firmly believe God loves and forgives them despite their shortcomings, they had significantly better mental health.”

The study was published in the Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health (Jones et al., 2015).

Holding sun image from Shutterstock

This Supplement May Reduce Risk of Psychotic Disorders

First study to show a positive effect of this supplement on serious mental illness.

First study to show a positive effect of this supplement on serious mental illness.

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown for the first time to reduce the long-term risk of developing psychotic disorders.

The conclusion comes from a study of 13-25 year-olds in Australia.

The young people in the study were all deemed at risk of developing psychotic disorders later in life.

Half took a 3-month course of omega-3 and the remainder took a placebo.

They were originally followed up for over a year.

In the omega-3 group only 2 of 41 young people had developed a psychotic disorder in comparison to 11 of 41 in the placebo group.

In the study’s latest instalment, the two groups have been followed up 7 years later.

The results are still encouraging.

Just four people originally in the omega-3 group have gone on to develop a psychotic disorder in the intervening 7 years.

In the control group, 16 have developed a psychotic disorder since the study began.

Early treatment of psychotic disorders like schizophrenia is key.

This study provides one way to help some people who are at high-risk to avoid anti-psychotic medication, which has considerable side-effects.

The study was published in the journal Nature Communications (Amminger et al., 2015).

Heal mind image from Shutterstock

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