Memory: The Weirdest Ever Fact is Actually True

This fact about memory might seem depressing, but it is critical to useful recall.

This fact about memory might seem depressing, but it is critical to useful recall.

Recalling one memory actually leads to the forgetting of other competing memories, a study confirms.

It is one of the single most surprising facts about memory, now isolated by neuroscience research.

Although many scientists believed the brain must work this way, it has been demonstrated.

Dr Maria Wimber, a cognitive neuroscientist and the study’s first author, said:

“Though there has been an emerging belief within the academic field that the brain has this inhibitory mechanism, I think a lot of people are surprised to hear that recalling memories has this darker side of making us forget others by actually suppressing them.”

The study monitored people’s brain activity while they tried to recall images they had been shown earlier.

By measuring activity in tiny sections of the brain, the neuroscientists were able to track individual memories.

They found that as one memory was recalled, others were suppressed.

Each subsequent time a target memory was recalled, it became stronger, while the others became weaker.

Dr Michael Anderson, a neuroscientist who co-led the study, said:

“People are used to thinking of forgetting as something passive.

Our research reveals that people are more engaged than they realize in shaping what they remember of their lives.

The idea that the very act of remembering can cause forgetting is surprising, and could tell us more about selective memory and even self deception.”

The process is believed to be critical to how memory and learning work.

Here’s how I’ve explained it previously:

“The idea that forgetting helps you learn seems counter-intuitive, but think of it this way: imagine if you created a brain that could remember and recall everything.

When this amazing brain was trying to remember where it parked the car, it would immediately bring to mind all the car parks it had ever seen, then it would have to sort through the lot.

Obviously the only one that’s of interest is the most recent.

And this is generally true of most of our memories.

Recent events are usually much more important than ones that happened a long time ago.

To make your super-brain quicker and more useful in the real world you’d have to build in some system for discounting old, useless info.

In fact, of course, we all have one of these super-brains with a discounting system: we call it ‘forgetting’.”

Dr Wimber suggested another situation in which forgetting is useful:

“Forgetting is often viewed as a negative thing, but of course, it can be incredibly useful when trying to overcome a negative memory from our past.

So there are opportunities for this to be applied in areas to really help people.”

He continued:

“It has significance for anything that relies on memory, but a really good example is that of eyewitness testimonies.

When a witness is asked to recall specific information about an event, and they are quizzed time and time again, it could well be to the detriment of associated memories — giving the impression that their memory is sketchy.

In fact, the repeated recall is causing them to forget these details.”

The study was published in the journal Nature Neuroscience (Wimber et al., 2015).

Forgetfulness Is Common Even Among Young — Sometimes With Tragic Consequences (M)

In the United States, since 1998 almost 1,000 children have died in the car after their caregiver forgot about them.

In the United States, since 1998 almost 1,000 children have died in the car after their caregiver forgot about them.

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Exercise Stimulates Neurons In Brain’s Memory And Learning Centres

The beneficial effects of exercise on the hippocampus, an area critical for memory and learning.

The beneficial effects of exercise on the hippocampus, an area critical for memory and learning.

Being physically active is essential for maintaining mental health and what is more, improves hippocampal function related to learning and memory, a study shows.

Exercise stimulates the production of chemical signals important for neuronal development in the hippocampus.

Mr Ki Yun Lee, the study’s first author, said:

“The hippocampus is a crucial area for learning and memory, and therefore cognitive health.”

During physical activity our muscle fibres contract and by doing so certain chemical compounds are released into the blood vessels and circulated around the body, including the hippocampus.

Swimming, cycling, bicep curls, push-ups, sit-ups, squats, are examples of sporting activities that involve muscle contraction (tightening, lengthening, or shortening of muscles).

The researchers wanted to find out how muscle signals are converted and used for neuronal activity and development in the hippocampus.

Knowing the beneficial effects of exercise on the hippocampus could lead to specific exercise-based interventions to overcome neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Hippocampal neurons

For this study, samples containing mice muscle cells were obtained and kept in the lab in cell culture plates.

When the muscle cells were grown, they began to contract and release chemical signals in the plates.

Then those cultures containing chemical signals were added to another culture which held hippocampal neurons and astrocytes (supportive cells).

The team also used various techniques to track neurons’ electrical activity and so they were able to examine how the hippocampal cells were influenced by the chemical signals.

They found that hippocampal neurons, when receiving the chemical signals from contracting muscles, started to produce larger and more frequent electrical signals.

These suggest that neurons of the hippocampus were flourishing and healthy while at the same time developing a powerful network.

Furthermore, they looked at the mediating role of astrocytes in order to understand what biological mechanism links exercise to brain health.

Mr Lee said:

“Astrocytes are the first responders in the brain before the compounds from muscles reach the neurons.”

When astrocytes were removed from the cell cultures, the team saw that hippocampal neurons began to generate more electrical signals.

This indicates an absence of astrocytes, Mr Lee said:

“Astrocytes play a critical role in mediating the effects of exercise.

By regulating neuronal activity and preventing hyperexcitability of neurons, astrocytes contribute to the balance necessary for optimal brain function.”

He added:

“Ultimately, our research may contribute to the development of more effective exercise regimens for cognitive disorders such as ‘s disease.”

The study was published in the journal Neuroscience (Lee et al., 2023).

10 Foods That Improve Memory In Young And Old Alike

Improvements in working memory, long-term memory, executive function and more…

Improvements in working memory, long-term memory, executive function and more…

The Mediterranean diet can improve your memory no matter where you live or what your age, research shows.

A review of 18 separate studies carried out over 5 years has found that memory was particularly positively affected by the Mediterranean diet.

People on the ‘MedDiet’ saw improvements in their working memory, long-term memory and visual memory, the researchers found.

Positive effects were also seen for attention and language.

Here are ten typical ingredients of the MedDiet:

  • Green leafy vegetables,
  • other vegetables,
  • nuts,
  • berries,
  • beans,
  • whole grains,
  • fish,
  • poultry,
  • olive oil
  • and wine.

The MedDiet also has relatively little red meat, little dairy and uses olive oil as the largest source of fat.

Mr Roy Hardman, the study’s first author, said:

“The most surprising result was that the positive effects were found in countries around the whole world.

So regardless of being located outside of what is considered the Mediterranean region, the positive cognitive effects of a higher adherence to a MedDiet were similar in all evaluated papers.”

Mr Hardman went on:

“Why is a higher adherence to the MedDiet related to slowing down the rate of cognitive decline?

The MedDiet offers the opportunity to change some of the modifiable risk factors.

These include reducing inflammatory responses, increasing micronutrients, improving vitamin and mineral imbalances, changing lipid profiles by using olive oils as the main source of dietary fats, maintaining weight and potentially reducing obesity, improving polyphenols in the blood, improving cellular energy metabolism and maybe changing the gut micro-biota, although this has not been examined to a larger extent yet.”

The benefits to memory extended to the young as well as the old, the researchers also found.

Mr Hardman said:

“I would therefore recommend people to try to adhere or switch to a MedDiet, even at an older age.

I follow the diet patterns and do not eat any red meats, chicken or pork.

I have fish two-three times per week and adhere to a Mediterranean style of eating.”

The study was published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, (Hardman et al., 2016).

This Beverage Reversed Normal Age-Related Memory Loss in Three Months

Drinking this could reduce your brain age twenty years in just three months.

Drinking this could reduce your brain age twenty years in just three months.

Cocoa flavanoids — like those contained in a cup of cocoa — can reverse age-related memory loss in older adults, a study finds.

This is the first direct evidence that an important component of memory decline that comes with age can be improved with a simple dietary change.

Typically, normal age-related memory declines are noticeable to people in their fifties and sixties: things like forgetting where the keys are or having trouble recalling a name or word.

These changes are much less severe than those which typically occur as a result of devastating dementias like Alzheimer’s disease.

The study, published in Nature Neuroscience, found a high-flavanol diet could restore aspects of older people’s memory back to that of a typical 30- or 40-year-old (Brickman et al., 2014).

The changes were clearly visible in brain scans, as Dr. Adam M. Brickman, the study’s lead author explained:

“When we imaged our research subjects’ brains, we found noticeable improvements in the function of the dentate gyrus in those who consumed the high-cocoa-flavanol drink.”

The image below shows the dentate gyrus in green (this is part of the hippocampus).

Previous research has shown that it is changes in this area of the brain that are associated with normal age-related memory loss.


Participants in the study were 37 healthy people aged between 50 and 69.

They were randomised into two groups, one of which was given a high-flavanol diet (900mg of flavanols per day) and the other given a low-flavanol diet (10mg per day).

At the end of the three-month period of the study, participants on the high-flavanoid diet showed improvements on memory tests.

Professor Scott A. Small, one of the study’s authors, explained the results:

“If a participant had the memory of a typical 60-year-old at the beginning of the study, after three months that person on average had the memory of a typical 30- or 40-year-old.”

Flavanols are also found in tea leaves, and certain fruits and vegetables, although the exact amounts and forms vary widely.

The researchers cautioned that people should not eat more chocolate as the critical flavanoids are not present at the required levels — the dietary supplement used in the study was specially formulated.

Image credit: Lab of Scott A. Small, M.D.

Mushroom Extract Grows New Brain Cells And Boosts Memory (M)

A study shows that the active compounds in these unusual mushrooms enhances memory and stimulates brain cell growth.

A study shows that the active compounds in these unusual mushrooms enhances memory and stimulates brain cell growth.

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Why Traumatic Memories Are So Hard To Suppress

PTSD is thought to affect around one-third of people who experience a traumatic event.

PTSD is thought to affect around one-third of people who experience a traumatic event.

People who have experienced traumas find it harder to suppress emotional memories, research reveals.

The reason could be neural disruption in areas of the brain linked to suppressing memories.

The study helps to explain why people exposed to car accidents, medical issues or other traumas continue to relive emotional memories.

People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) find memories of a traumatic event continue to intrude and incapacitate them.

This happens even when they try to suppress the memory.

The conclusions come from a study of 48 people, some with PTSD, some who had been exposed to trauma, but not developed PTSD, and a control group.

Everyone was shown pictures and asked to suppress some of them.

The results showed that people who had been exposed to traumas found it harder to suppress the memory than the control group.

Dr Danielle R. Sullivan, the study’s first author, explained the results of brain scans conducted alongside the behavioural test:

“Neuroimaging data revealed that trauma-exposed individuals showed reduced activation in the right middle frontal gyrus, a critical region for memory suppression, during a memory suppression task and were less likely to successfully suppress memory compared to non-trauma exposed individuals.

These results suggest that trauma exposure is associated with neural and behavioral disruptions in memory suppression and point to the possibility that difficulty in active suppression of memories may be just one of several likely factors contributing to the development of PTSD.”

PTSD can be a result of a road accident, a violent personal assault, serious medical problems or other traumatic events.

People experiencing PTSD may have trouble sleeping and difficulty concentrating.

PTSD is thought to affect around one-third of people who experience a traumatic event.

PTSD is usually treated by either ‘watchful waiting’, antidepressants or psychological therapies.

The study was published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research (Sullivan et al., 2019).

20 Everyday Activities That Keep Memory and Thinking Sharp (M)

These 20 activities have been linked to reduced risk of developing memory and thinking problems.

These 20 activities have been linked to reduced risk of developing memory and thinking problems.

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These Blood Pressure Meds Fight Memory Loss

Almost half of Americans are living with high blood pressure and it is a risk factor for cognitive decline and dementia, along with other diseases.

Almost half of Americans are living with high blood pressure and it is a risk factor for cognitive decline and dementia, along with other diseases.

Two types of blood pressure medications are linked to better memory over time, a review of the research reveals.

Both ACE-inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers could reduce the risk of mild cognitive impairment by almost one-fifth.

Mild cognitive impairment, characterised by problems with memory, language and thinking greater than those expected with age, can be a precursor to dementia.

Dr Daniel A. Nation, study co-author, said:

“Research has been mixed on which medicines have the most benefit to cognition.

Studies of angiotensin II receptor blockers and angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have suggested these medicines may confer the greatest benefit to long-term cognition, while other studies have shown the benefits of calcium channel blockers and diuretics on reducing dementia risk.”

The researchers looked at 14 different studies including almost 13,000 people across six countries.

The results showed that the drugs linked to better memory recall crossed the blood-brain barrier.

People in the studies were primarily taking the drugs for high blood pressure.

Almost half of Americans are living with high blood pressure and it is a risk factor for cognitive decline and dementia, along with other diseases.

Dr Nation said:

“Hypertension occurs decades prior to the onset of dementia symptoms, affecting blood flow not only in the body but also to the brain.

Treating hypertension is likely to have long-term beneficial effects on brain health and cognitive function later.”

These are the names of common drugs that do cross the blood-brain barrier that are used to treat hypertension:

  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors): enalapril, lisinopril, ramipril, captopril, benazepril.
  • Angiotensin-receptor blocker (ARBs, sartans): valsartan, candesartan, losartan, irbesartan.

Dr Jean K. Ho, the study’s first author, said:

“These findings represent the most powerful evidence to-date linking brain-penetrant ACE-inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers to better memory.

It suggests that people who are being treated for hypertension may be protected from cognitive decline if they medications that cross the blood-brain barrier.”

Blood pressure is considered elevated above 120/80 mm/Hg although medication is not normally recommended until the reading is 140/90 mm/Hg.

Between the two readings, people are told to modify their diet and exercise habits.

The study was published in the journal Hypertension (Ho et al., 2021).

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