Scientists watched memories physically forming in the brain.
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Scientists watched memories physically forming in the brain.
Double your attention span by doing your learning here.
Double your attention span by doing your learning here.
Learning outside in a natural environment can double the attention span, new research finds.
The study of 9 and 10-year-olds found that when taught outside, they became more attentive and engaged.
Because of the ‘nature effect’, teachers were able to teach for twice as long as an indoor lesson.
Parks, trees and wildlife have been shown in many studies to increase the attention, motivation and physical activity of adults.
Studies have already shown that students demonstrate higher attention when they have a view of greenery from their classroom.
This study takes it to the next logical step.
Dr Ming Kuo, the study’s first author, said:
“We wanted to see if we could put the nature effect to work in a school setting.
If you took a bunch of squirmy third-graders outdoors for lessons, would they show a benefit of having a lesson in nature, or would they just be bouncing off the walls afterward?”
For the study, teachers held classes indoors and outdoors and compared the difference.
They counted the number of times they had to tell children to sit down and refocus on their work.
The results showed that children were more engaged during the outdoor session.
Outdoors, the teacher only had to redirect their attention half as many times.
The research also included a teacher who was skeptical about the benefits of teaching outdoors.
Dr Kuo said:
“Our teachers were able to teach uninterrupted for almost twice as long at a time after the outdoor lesson, and we saw the nature effect with our skeptical teacher as well.
We’re excited to discover a way to teach students and refresh their minds for the next lesson at the same time.
Teachers can have their cake and eat it too.”
The study was published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology (Kuo et al., 2018).
Two-thirds of Americans are deficient in this dietary metal, which boosts memory and learning.
Two-thirds of Americans are deficient in this dietary metal, which boosts memory and learning.
Magnesium supplements could improve both memory and learning, research finds.
The conclusions come from a study on rats that were given magnesium-L-threonate.
This enhanced many forms of memory and learning in comparison to a control group.
Only one-third of Americans are thought to get the recommended amount of magnesium in their diet.
Magnesium is found in:
Professor Guosong Liu, who led the study, said:
“”We found that increased brain magnesium enhanced many different forms of learning and memory in both young and aged rats.
[…]Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of many tissues in the body, including the brain and, in an earlier study, we demonstrated that magnesium promoted synaptic plasticity in cultured brain cells.
Therefore it was tempting to take our studies a step further and investigate whether an increase in brain magnesium levels enhanced cognitive function in animals.”
Dr Liu and colleagues developed a new compound of magnesium to help boost the levels in the brain.
The magnesium-L-threonate was used in rats of different ages.
The researchers found it increased the number of working synapses (connections between brain cells).
It also increased processes that are vital to both long- and short-term memory in the brain.
“Our findings suggest that elevating brain magnesium content via increasing magnesium intake might be a useful new strategy to enhance cognitive abilities.
Moreover, half the population of industrialized countries has a magnesium deficit, which increases with aging.
This may very well contribute to age-dependent memory decline; increasing magnesium intake might prevent or reduce such decline.”
The magnesium supplement worked despite the rats already getting sufficient levels of magnesium in their diet.
In other words it was necessary to boost the magnesium levels higher than ‘normal’.
The study was published in the journal Neuron (Slutsky et al., 2010).
Magnesium image from Shutterstock
One cause of low learning ability is an imbalance of proteins in the hippocampus that can be corrected by cinnamon.
One cause of low learning ability is an imbalance of proteins in the hippocampus that can be corrected by cinnamon.
The common household spice cinnamon could be used to enhance learning ability, a new study reveals.
Some people seem to have more difficulties with learning than others.
Some lab mice are the same.
But when lab mice that were poor learners were fed cinnamon their learning improved, the researchers found.
Dr Kalipada Pahan, who led the study, said:
“This would be one of the safest and the easiest approaches to convert poor learners to good learners.”
One cause of a low ability to learn is thought to be an imbalance of proteins in the hippocampus, the part of the brain vital for memory and learning.
Cinnamon, though, is transformed by the body into sodium benzoate: a drug used to treat brain damage that rebalances critical proteins.
In the study, mice were fed cinnamon for a month.
The results showed that the poor learners improved dramatically in terms of their learning and memory.
Dr Pahan said:
“We have successfully used cinnamon to reverse biochemical, cellular and anatomical changes that occur in the brains of mice with poor learning.”
Cinnamon, though, did not have any effect on the mice who were already good learners.
Dr Pahan said:
“Individual difference in learning and educational performance is a global issue.
We need to further test this approach in poor learners. If these results are replicated in poor learning students, it would be a remarkable advance.”
Cinnamon has also been found in previous research to reverse changes related to Parkinson’s in the brains of mice.
Along the way, they have discovered the best type of cinnamon to use (Ceylon versus Chinese), Dr Pahan explained:
“Although both types of cinnamon are metabolized into sodium benzoate, we have seen that Ceylon cinnamon is much more pure than Chinese cinnamon, as the latter contains coumarin, a hepatotoxic (liver damaging) molecule.”
The study was published in the Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology (Modi et al., 2016).
Question marks image from Shutterstock
The colour that boosted concentration was the reverse of what most people expected.
The colour that boosted concentration was the reverse of what most people expected.
Brightly coloured rooms can boost your concentration, new research finds.
This is the exact opposite of what most people expect, according to the same research.
Two-thirds of people believe that a bright red room was linked to discomfort, depression and annoyance.
When psychologists tested it, though, they found that vivid reds and yellows enhanced students’ concentration.
Aseel Al-Ayash, the study’s first author, said:
“Bright colors can support students’ learning performance by positively affecting psychological and physiological states.
If the reading tasks are difficult, the vivid colour conditions may increase arousal to optimal levels.”
This was the exact reverse of what most expected, Ms Al-Ayash said:
“In general, most participants believed that pale colors with high whiteness would be appropriate color schemes in learning environments, because they are considered calm and relaxing.
However, the calmness and relaxation aspects may not help students to be alert and active.
They performed better in the vivid color conditions, because these colors have arousing properties that stimulate neural activity.
If the task is boring, a red condition may stimulate individuals and enhance their performance.”
The finding is consistent with a century-old psychological finding called the Yerkes-Dodson Law.
This is simply the idea that people perform at their best when somewhat stimulated.
Too much and too little stimulation, though, tends to make people’s performance worse.
For the research participants read passages of text and had to answer questions afterwards.
They did this in six different rooms painted a variety of colours, including pale and vivid shades or red, blue and yellow.
The results showed that their reading comprehension was higher in the vividly painted red and yellow rooms.
The study was published in the journal Color Research and Application (Al-Ayash et al., 2016).
Learning a new route causes the brain to change its structure, a new study finds.
Learning a new route causes the brain to change its structure, a new study finds.
Brief navigational training is enough to change the hippocampus and how it is linked to other areas.
This is one of the first studies to suggest that learning really does cause changes to the brain’s structure.
Dr Tim Keller, the study’s first author, said:
“The hippocampus has long been known to be involved in spatial learning, but only recently has it been possible to measure changes in human brain tissues as synapses become modified during learning.
Our findings provide a better understanding of what causes the hippocampal changes and how they are related to communication across a network of areas involved in learning and representing cognitive maps of the world around us.”
For the study, people played a driving simulation game.
One group learned the same route over and over while another group learned 20 different routes.
Brain scans revealed that the hippocampi of those in the group that had learned the same route had changed.
The change was seen in the left posterior dentate gyrus, a part of the hippocampus central to spatial learning.
In addition, the connectivity between this region and others was increased.
Professor Marcel Just, the study’s co-author, said:
“The new discovery is that microscopic changes in the hippocampus are accompanied by rapid changes in the way the structure communicates with the rest of the brain.
We’re excited that these results show what re-wiring as a result of learning might refer to.
We now know, at least for this type of spatial learning, which area changes its structure and how it changes its communication with the rest of the brain.”
The study was published in the journal Neuroimage (Keller & Just, 2015).
Brain image from Shutterstock
Comparison of children in 12 countries reveals the most aggressive, and why.
Comparison of children in 12 countries reveals the most aggressive, and why.
Children who expect others to be aggressive are more aggressive themselves, new international research concludes.
Professor Kenneth A. Dodge, who led the study, said:
“When a child infers that he or she is being threatened by someone else and makes an attribution that the other person is acting with hostile intent, then that child is likely to react with aggression.
This study shows that this pattern is universal in every one of the 12 cultural groups studied worldwide.”
The research compared 1,299 children in the US, Italy, Jordan, Kenya Thailand, China — 12 countries in all.
Children were given scenarios to read involving common situations that could be interpreted ambiguously.
For example, when someone bumps into you it could be an aggressive move, but it’s more likely to be an accident.
Professor Dodge explained the results:
“Our research also indicates that cultures differ in their tendencies to socialize children to become defensive this way, and those differences account for why some cultures have children who act more aggressively than other cultures.
It points toward the need to change how we socialize our children, to become more benign and more forgiving and less defensive.
It will make our children less aggressive and our society more peaceful.”
Countries where children were the least aggressive included Sweden and China.
The most aggressive children were found in Italy and Jordan.
Professor Dodge thinks the way children are socialised is key:
“The findings point toward a new wrinkle to the Golden Rule,
Not only should we teach our children to do unto others as we would have them do unto ourselves, but also to think about others as we would have them think about us.
By teaching our children to give others the benefit of the doubt, we will help them grow up to be less aggressive, less anxious and more competent.”
The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Dodge et al., 2015).
Aggressive child image from Shutterstock
Study overturns long-held belief about how to treat kids with ADHD.
Study overturns long-held belief about how to treat kids with ADHD.
Excessive movement helps the learning of children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a new study finds.
Kids with ADHD often tap their feet, swing their legs and generally move around a lot.
This has often been considered behaviour that needs to be curbed.
New research finds, though, that excessive movement is key to their memory and helps them work on difficult cognitive tasks.
This suggests that traditional approaches to ADHD may be misguided.
Professor Mark Rapport, head of the Children’s Learning Clinic at the University of Central Florida, and one of the study’s authors, said:
“The typical interventions target reducing hyperactivity.
It’s exactly the opposite of what we should be doing for a majority of children with ADHD.
The message isn’t ‘Let them run around the room,’ but you need to be able to facilitate their movement so they can maintain the level of alertness necessary for cognitive activities.”
The study involved 52 boys, 29 of whom were diagnosed with ADHD.
All were asked to perform a series of tasks to check their working memory.
Working memory is vital to how we reason, learn and understand the world.
For example, the children had to sort out a series of letters and numbers.
While they performed the task, the children were observed and taped.
Professor Rapport explained that children with ADHD performed better when they moved around:
“What we’ve found is that when they’re moving the most, the majority of them perform better.
They have to move to maintain alertness.”
In contrast, children without ADHD performed worse when they moved around more.
The results tie in with a previous study finding that the excessive movement of hyperactive children is linked to their thinking.
When they are not thinking hard, they don’t move around so much.
The new study was published in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (Sarver et al., 2015).
Jumping child image from Shutterstock
Neuroscientists uncover the secret of how our brains learn new words.
Neuroscientists uncover the secret of how our brains learn new words.
The brain is able to learn words so quickly because it remembers how the whole word ‘looks’, a new study finds.
The researchers found that a small part of our brain is holistically tuned to recognising words as a whole, rather than as parts or through individual letters.
Dr Maximilian Riesenhuber, a neuroscientist at the Georgetown University Medical Center who led the study, said:
“We are not recognizing words by quickly spelling them out or identifying parts of words, as some researchers have suggested.
Instead, neurons in a small brain area remember how the whole word looks — using what could be called a visual dictionary,”
A part of the brain called the ‘visual word form area’ is vital to how we learn new words.
Close by in the visual cortex is the fusiform gyrus, an area which helps us recognise faces.
Dr Riesenhuber said:
“One area is selective for a whole face, allowing us to quickly recognize people, and the other is selective for a whole word, which helps us read quickly.”
For the study, 25 participants were asked to learn new words that were actually nonsense.
Their brains were scanned before and after the training to look at how it had changed.
The results showed that after learning the visual word form area began to respond to the nonsense words as though they were real words.
Dr Laurie Glezer, the study’s first authors, said:
“This study is the first of its kind to show how neurons change their tuning with learning words, demonstrating the brain’s plasticity.”
People with reading disabilities may find it easier to learn words as a whole, anecdotal evidence suggests, rather than breaking them down.
Dr Riesenhuber said:
“For people who cannot learn words by phonetically spelling them out — which is the usual method for teaching reading — learning the whole word as a visual object may be a good strategy.
The visual word form area does not care how the word sounds, just how the letters of the word look together.
The fact that this kind of learning only happens in one very small part of the brain is a nice example of selective plasticity in the brain.”
The study is published in The Journal of Neuroscience (Glezer et al., 2015).
Thinking child image from Shutterstock
Boost language learning with this tip.
Boost language learning with this tip.
Using gestures while trying to learn a new language can help boost memory, a new study finds.
The motor system, the part of the brain controlling movements, seems to be particularly important in language learning.
While many language learning systems already incorporate pictures to help people learn, this is one of the first studies to show the importance of gesture.
In the experiment, published in the journal Current Biology, participants tried to learn a made-up language called ‘Vimmish’, chosen so that people would never have heard it before (Mayer et al., 2015).
Groups were taught Vimmish, which sounds a bit like Italian, in a variety of ways to test which promoted the best recall.
Dr Katja Mayer, the study’s first author, explained the results:
“The subjects’ recollection was best in relation to terms they themselves had expressed using gestures.
When they heard the term and its translation and also observed a corresponding image, they were also better able to remember the translation.
By contrast, however, tracing a term or observing a gesture was no better than just hearing the term,”
The researchers found that gestures were slightly more helpful than images in helping people learn vocabulary.
The multisensory theory, which is supported by this study, is that the more senses are stimulated during learning, the better recall will be.
Professor Katharina von Kriegstein, who led the study, said
“If we’re on the phone with someone we know, for example, the areas of the brain responsible for facial recognition are active during the phone call.
It seems that the brain simulates the information not being captured by the eyes and creates it for itself,”
It may be that when different areas of the brain are recruited during learning, this helps memory.
Professor von Kriegstein said:
“That could well be so, but we don’t know how much the learning outcomes improve with the addition of more senses.
Ideally, however, the individual sensory impressions should match one another.
In other words, to learn the Spanish word for apple, the subject should make an apple gesture, taste an apple or look at a picture of an apple.
Language learning image from Shutterstock
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