This Fun Personality Trait Indicates High IQ

People with high intelligence tend to have this quality.

People with high intelligence tend to have this quality.

Extravert get higher scores on IQ tests, a study finds.

People who are outgoing, talkative and energetic perform better on tests of verbal and abstract reasoning, psychologists found.

Extraverts are generally self-confident and cheerful and can also be impulsive, sensation-seekers.

The conclusions come from a study that tested the effects of background music on how people perform on IQ tests.

The study also revealed that extraverts are better at dealing with noisy conditions when carrying out intellectual tasks.

Introverts find background noise and music much more distracting.

For the study, 118 people took IQ tests, sometimes in silence and other times with background noise.

The background noise was either music or simulated office noise.

The results showed that extraverts got higher scores on the IQ tests, whether it was noisy or not.

However, everyone tended to perform better on the test in silence.

So, background noise generally made everyone’s performance worse.

The worst type of noise for performance was the simulated office noise.

Still, extraverts coped much better on the tests in noisy conditions than introverts.

The study’s authors write:

“This study found a positive correlation between extraversion and IQ, suggesting the relationship between intelligence and extraversion may be a bit more complex than it appears at first sight.


…extraversion and introversion are intimately associated with different intellectual styles and intelligence profiles.


Introverts were found to perform relatively better on verbal tests, and extraverts on performance tests.”

The study was published in the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology (Dobbs et al., 2011).

The Personality Traits More Vital To Success Than IQ

Genetics is important for giving us our start in life, but effort is required to reach our full potential.

Genetics is important for giving us our start in life, but effort is required to reach our full potential.

Skills above and beyond IQ are vital to success, genetic research finds.

Many ‘non-cognitive skills’ are linked to higher educational attainment, earning more money and even living longer.

Persistence, motivation and self-control are all examples of non-cognitive skills.

Similarly, personality traits like emotional stability, curiosity and being industrious and orderly are linked to success.

Inheriting these types of traits is just as important as inheriting raw brain power, if not more so, the researchers found.

The conclusions come from a large genetic analysis, Dr Daniel Belsky, study co-author, explained:

“Genetic studies of educational attainment were initiated with the goal of identifying genes that influenced cognitive abilities.

But it turns out they’ve also identified genetics that influence a range of other skills and characteristics.

What was most surprising to me about our results was that these noncognitive skills contributed just as much to the heritability of educational attainment as cognitive ability.”

The study analysed genetic and cognitive test data from almost 1.5 million people.

It found that 43 percent of the influence of genes on educational attainment comes from cognitive abilities.

The remainder — 57 percent — is from noncognitive abilities.

Professor Paige Harden, study co-author, said:

“Motivation, persistence, grit, curiosity, self-control, growth mindset—these are just a few of the things that people have suggested are important noncognitive skills.

For personality and risk behavior, we saw relationships we expected; noncognitive skills genetics were associated with less risky behavior and a personality profile we associate with maturity, and social and professional competency.

But the results for mental health were a surprise.”

Professor Harden is referring to the finding that genes linked to educational attainment were also associated with mental health problems.

These genes increased the risk of OCD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and anorexia.

Professor Harden said:

“This is an example of what geneticists call pleiotropy.

Our result warns us against a simplistic view of genetic variants being good or bad.

The same genetic variant that predisposes someone to go further in school might also elevate their risk of developing schizophrenia or another serious mental disorder.”

While genetics is important for giving us our start in life, effort is required to reach our full potential.

Professor Harden said:

“Genetic influence must always be understood through the lens of history and social structures.

These results tell us about what is, not what could be.

Nothing about our study should discourage investments in ensuring that all children reach their maximum potential.”

The study was published in the journal Nature Genetics (Demange et al., 2021).

This Strong Personality Trait Indicates High IQ

Higher intelligence is associated with this personality type.

Higher intelligence is associated with this personality type.

People whose personalities can accept vagueness and confusion tend to have a higher IQ, research finds.

Those who accept ambiguity tend to be open-minded, creative and relaxed about problems that do not have a definitive answer.

Given that the world is filled with grey areas, this allows those who can accept ambiguity to make better decisions.

Other personality traits linked to high IQ are taking risks, being conscientious and being competitive.

Conscientiousness is a sign of higher fluid intelligence, which is the speed at which the brain works.

People with higher IQs are also more likely to have ‘Type A’ personalities, which are characterised by a competitive nature.

The conclusions come from a study of 820 people in the UK who completed assessments of their personality and intelligence.

The personality traits are part of the High Potential Traits Inventory, which is, the authors write a:

“…measure of personality traits directly relevant to workplace behaviours, thoughts and perceptions of the self and others at work.”

Four personality factors were linked to intelligence.

Being able to cope with vagueness is a strong sign of high IQ, the authors write:

“This study found that multiple intelligence measures were predictive of higher tolerance of uncertainty.

Previous researchers have found that more intelligent
individuals are able to adequately adapt to and evaluate
changing work tasks, leading to greater accuracy in decision-making.”

People who are curious also had higher IQs the study found:

“Curiosity – marked by high openness, creativity, imagination, and cognitive complexity – was hypothesised to associate with higher levels of intelligence.

individuals high on curiosity exhibited higher levels of WM ability.”

The study was published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences (Furnham & Treglown, 2018).

How High Intelligence Affects Drinking Habits (M)

Your intelligence could influence how much alcohol you consume.

Your intelligence could influence how much alcohol you consume.

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The Emotion That Is An Unexpected Sign Of High IQ

This sign is not normally linked to being smart.

This sign is not normally linked to being smart.

Happiness is a sign of high intelligence, research finds.

People who are more satisfied with their life and their job score higher on tests of general mental ability.

Satisfaction with life is one of the two major aspects of happiness, along with the feeling of positive emotions in the moment.

The results come from 33 studies on almost 50,000 people.

Along with finding a link between happiness and higher IQ, the study also found that higher IQ was linked to greater job satisfaction.

More intelligent people tend to earn more and have more complex jobs.

Complexity is likely to be more rewarding.

Naturally, then, when highly intelligent people are not challenged in their job, they are not as happy.

The study’s authors conclude:

“…smarter people may be happier both at work and in their everyday lives as a function of their higher attained job complexity and income.

We also found that, when holding complexity and income constant, GMA [general mental ability, or IQ] has a negative relationship with job satisfaction, which may be due to feelings of boredom and frustration at work experienced by high GMA individuals at “average” levels of complexity and income.”

The study was published in the Journal of Vocational Behavior (Gonzalez-Mulé et al., 2017).

A Surprising Sign Of A High IQ Brain

High IQ brains have greater functional connectivity and higher synchronisation, but this has an unexpected real-world effect.

High IQ brains have greater functional connectivity and higher synchronisation, but this has an unexpected real-world effect.

Intelligent people take longer to solve difficult problems than those with lower IQs, a study finds.

The reason seems to be that people with higher IQs avoid jumping to conclusions, which means they are more likely to end up with the correct answer.

On simpler problems, though, people with high IQs do indeed answer more quickly.

Greater functional connectivity

The conclusions come from a study of 650 people who were given a series of logical problems to solve, which became steadily harder.

From a combination of brain scans and simulations of brain activity, the researchers found that the brains of smarter people took longer to solve difficult problems.

High IQ brains have greater functional connectivity and higher synchronisation.

It is these properties that allow the more intelligent brain to ‘hold out’ while complex information is being processed.

Dr Michael Schirner, the study’s first author, said:

“Synchronization, i.e., the formation of functional networks in the brain, alters the properties of working memory and thus the ability to ‘endure’ prolonged periods without a decision.

In more challenging tasks, you have to store previous progress in working memory while you explore other solution paths and then integrate these into each other.

This gathering of evidence for a particular solution may sometimes takes longer, but it also leads to better results.

We were able to use the model to show how excitation-inhibition balance at the global level of the whole brain network affects decision-making and working memory at the more granular level of individual neural groups.”

Brain simulations

To reach their conclusions, the researchers used simulations of brain activity, personalised for each of the 650 people in the study.

Professor Petra Ritter, study co-author, explained:

“We can reproduce the activity of individual brains very efficiently.

We found out in the process that these in silico brains behave differently from one another—and in the same way as their biological counterparts. Our virtual avatars match the intellectual performance and reaction times of their biological analogues.”

The simulations revealed that the brains of people with lower IQs cannot wait until all the various areas of the brain have finished their processing steps before ‘jumping to conclusions’.

In contrast, greater synchrony in high IQ brains allowed time for all the brain regions to complete their processing and deliver up an answer that was more likely to be correct.


The study was published in the journal Nature Communications (Shirner et al., 2023).

Hearing This Statement Can Shrink Your IQ By 30%

Not only does hearing this statement lower IQ, it also makes people more aggressive, other studies have shown.

Not only does hearing this statement lower IQ, it also makes people more aggressive, other studies have shown.

Being socially rejected massively reduces a person’s effective IQ, research finds.

People told, “you will end up alone in life” experienced drops in analytical reasoning skills of 30 percent.

Their IQs also dropped around 25 percent.

Not only does rejection lower IQ, it also makes people more aggressive, other studies have shown.

The results suggest that intelligence may have evolved primarily to facilitate social relations.

For the study, people took a personality test and some were then told (falsely) that it indicated they would end up alone in life.

Afterwards they were given an IQ test.

The study’s authors explain the results:

“In all three studies, people exhibited significant cognitive decrements after they were told that they were likely to end up alone in life.

Thus, the prospect of social exclusion reduced people’s capacity for intelligent thought.

Moreover, the decrements in intelligent performance qualified as large effects every time.”

The researchers think that people’s IQ drops because they are in distress:

“…we can best explain the pattern of cognitive decrements by proposing that social exclusion constitutes a threatening, aversive event but that people strive to suppress their emotional distress, and the resulting drain on their executive function impairs their controlled processes.”

In other words, being told they would end up alone made it harder for them to concentrate, because they were trying to suppress negative emotions.

There is an intimate link between intelligence and social relations, the authors write:

“Our results are more consistent with the view that
intelligence evolved as a means to support and facilitate social relations rather than to compensate for the absence of their advantages.


Our findings could even be taken to suggest that people responded as if being excluded from social groups removed the need for intelligent thought.”

The study was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Baumeister et al., 2002).

A Healthy Sign Of High IQ

It could be possible to increase your IQ.

It could be possible to increase your IQ.

Young adults who are fitter have a higher IQ and are more likely to go on to higher education, research finds.

Higher IQ is linked to a higher heart and lung capacity, not to muscular strength.

Heart and lung capacity was most strongly linked to verbal comprehension and logical thinking skills.

Professor Michael Nilsson, one of the study’s authors, said:

 “Being fit means that you also have good heart and lung capacity and that your brain gets plenty of oxygen.

This may be one of the reasons why we can see a clear link with fitness, but not with muscular strength.

We are also seeing that there are growth factors that are important.”

The researchers found that the link is down to environmental factors, not genes.

In other words, it could be possible to increase your IQ by getting fitter.

Dr Maria Åberg, the study’s first author, said:

“We have also shown that those youngsters who improve their physical fitness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance.

This being the case, physical education is a subject that has an important place in schools, and is an absolute must if we want to do well in maths and other theoretical subjects.”

The conclusions come from a study of 1.2 million Swedish men doing their military service, who were born between 1950 and 1976.

Another study have shown that two hours of extra physical activity per week can boost children’s performance in school (Käll et al., 2014).

Children doing more exercise doubled their chances of hitting national learning goals in that study.

The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Aberg et al., 2009).

The Clothes That Make People Appear More Intelligent

How to use clothes to appear more competent.

How to use clothes to appear more competent.

Wearing more clothing makes you look more competent, a study finds.

Something as simple as taking off a sweater is enough to make you look less competent, the researchers found.

The finding applies to both men and women, said Dr Kurt Gray, the study’s first author:

“An important thing about our study is that, unlike much previous research, ours applies to both sexes.

It also calls into question the nature of objectification because people without clothes are not seen as mindless objects, but they are instead attributed a different kind of mind.”

The effect occurs because seeing more flesh encourages us to think about a person’s body, rather than their mind.

Dr Gray said:

“We also show that this effect can happen even without the removal of clothes.

Simply focusing on someone’s attractiveness, in essence concentrating on their body rather than their mind, makes you see her or him as less of an agent [someone who acts and plans] more of an experiencer.”

Showing bare skin, though, does have some advantages, explained Dr Gray:

“A focus on the body, and the increased perception of sensitivity and emotion it elicits might be good for lovers in the bedroom.

Others appear to be less inclined to harm people with bare skin and more inclined to protect them.

In one experiment, for example, people viewing male subjects with their shirts off were less inclined to give those subjects uncomfortable electric shocks than when the men had their shirts on.”

The study’s authors write:

“Even more than robbing someone of agency, the increased experience that may accompany body perceptions may lead those who are characterized in terms of their bodies to be seen as more reactive and emotional, traits that may also serve to work against career advancement.”

The study was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Gray et al., 2011).

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