America: Happiest and Saddest States

Data from over 178,000 Americans in 2013 reveals the happiest and saddest states in the US.

Data from over 178,000 Americans in 2013 reveals the happiest and saddest states in the US.

North Dakota is the happiest state in the US while West Virginia is down at the bottom of the list.

The data comes from interviews with 178,000 Americans across all 50 states conducted by Gallup and Healthways in 2013.

In the following image, darker green means happier people:


The scores are averages made up of five different factors, three of which have a more psychological aspect:

  • Purpose: Liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals
  • Social: Having supportive relationships and love in your life
  • Community: Liking where you live, feeling safe and having pride in your community

The other two relate to physical and financial matters:

  • Financial: Managing your economic life to reduce stress and increase security
  • Physical: Having good health and enough energy to get things done daily

Here are the average scores across all five factors for the top 10 states:

j83lp8avwkkstdis-tvvqqAnd here are the bottom 10 states:


The Midwestern and Western states did best, with 9 of the 10 highest scoring states being in these areas.

Overall the Gallup survey found that national happiness across the US has been at around the same level since the index began in 2008.

Image credits: Antoine Robiez & Gallup

Making Music Dramatically Improves Young Children’s Behaviour

Children become 30 times more helpful after making music compared with listening to a story.

Children become 30 times more helpful after making music compared with listening to a story.

Both singing and playing a musical instrument can improve young children’s behaviour, according to a recent study.

The study found that children who’d been making music were more helpful to each other and had better problem-solving skills than those who’d listened to a story (Davies et al., 2013).

The results shed light on an age-old question: is music just a happy byproduct of the human mind or does it serve some purpose?

Dramatic results

To reach this conclusion, the study randomly allocated 24 four-year-olds to two different groups:

  • Music: in this group they played percussion and sang.
  • Story: children in this group sat quietly and listened to a story.

Afterwards the children were given tests of both cooperation and helping behaviour.

Some of the results were dramatic: children who’d been in the music group were over 30 times more likely to be helpful than those in the story group.

The findings were also dramatic for cooperation. Children who were in the music group were 6 times more likely to cooperate when tested afterwards.

The study’s lead author, Rie Davies, said:

This study highlights the need for schools and parents to understand the important role music making has in children’s lives in terms of social bonding and helping behaviours.  Music making in class, particularly singing, may encourage pupils with learning differences and emotional difficulties feel less alienated in the school environment.”

The prosocial function of music

These results support a previous study which also found beneficial effects of music on young children’s behaviour (Kirschner & Tomasello, 2010).

The authors of that study argue that this evidence suggests music is more than just an interesting byproduct of the human mind–in fact it serves important functions:

“One of these functions could have been the maintenance of social bonds and prosocial commitment among the members of individual social groups, ultimately increasing cooperation and prosocial ingroup behavior.” (Kirschner & Tomasello, 2010).

They conclude by saying:

“…human children today have an innate proclivity to produce and to enjoy musical behaviors like the ones used in our study. This proclivity together with music’s efficiency in coordinating voice and action — thereby highlighting the shared intention of acting together as a “we” unit — encouraged the children in our study to behave more cooperatively and pro-socially towards each other.”

→ Read on: 10 Magical Effects Music Has On the Mind & Music and Memory: 5 Awesome New Psychology Studies

Image credit: Philippa Willetts

Urban Living: Green Spaces Improve Your Mental Health

Moving to greener urban areas boosts mental health for at least three years.

Moving to greener urban areas boosts mental health for at least three years.

A new study, which included over 1,000 participants, is one of the first to examine the long-term effects of green spaces on mental health (Alcock et al., 2014).

People in the study were followed over five years, in which time some moved to greener urban areas and some to less green urban areas.

The results showed that, on average, people who moved to greener urban areas felt an immediate improvement in their mental health.

This boost could still be measured fully three years after they moved.

For those who moved to less green areas, the pattern wasn’t quite what you’d expect.

Instead people suffered a drop in mental health even before they moved–but this recovered to its previous levels over time.

The study controlled for factors that might have been associated with the move. For example, moving to a worse neighbourhood might have been brought about by work problems. But, when employment, along with education and income, were taken into account, the effects were still present.

The lead author Ian Alcock said:

“We’ve shown that individuals who move to greener areas have significant and long-lasting improvements in mental health. These findings are important for urban planners thinking about introducing new green spaces to our towns and cities, suggesting they could provide long term and sustained benefits for local communities.”

It’s fascinating that the boost to mental health is sustained over a relatively long period of time.

We might expect that people would get used to their new surroundings and then their mental health would drift back to its previous levels.

This is typically what happens when people get a pay increase. Initially they are happier, but they soon get used to the extra income and their overall level of happiness falls back to its previous level.

We don’t know exactly what it is about greener urban areas that causes these sustainable gains in happiness, but it’s probably no coincidence that:

Image credit: Trey Ratcliff

How to Easily Improve Your Memory

10 surprising and mostly easy ways to improve your memory.

10 surprising and mostly easy ways to improve your memory.

Many of the methods for improving memory–like exercise, chunking, building associations or brain training–involve a fair amount of mental effort.

So here are ten (mostly) very easy ways to improve your memory that are supported by research.

With two or three exceptions, most people can do these with very little effort or expense.

1. Clench your right fist

If you squeeze your right hand into a fist during learning, it can aid memory.

Later on, to aid recall, squeeze your left hand into a fist.

In study by Propper et al. (2013), participants who squeezed their right fist during learning and their left during recall, did better than control groups clenching the other fist or not clenching at all.

2. Chew gum

Chewing gum can help you stay focused on a task and so improve your memory.

A study by Morgan et al. (2013) tested the audio memory of those chewing gum, compared with those who didn’t.

The gum chewers had improved short-term memory compared with non-chewers.

3. Go to sleep

One of the many benefits of sleep is that it makes memory stronger.

That’s because the brain is surprisingly busy during sleep and one of the things it’s doing is working on our memories.

Not only does sleep make our memories stronger, it also restructures and reorganises them.

Studies have shown, for example, that people are more likely to dream about things with a higher value to them, and are subsequently more likely to recall those things (Oudiette et al., 2013).

And, if what’s important to you is learning to play the piano, you could even try listening to the piece while you nap, as one study has shown this helps cement the memory (Anthony et al., 2012).

More on how the mind learns during sleep.

4. Go for a walk

Many people suffer memory problems with advancing years.

But, walking just six miles a week helps to preserve memory in old age.

One study has found that older people who walked six to nine miles per week had greater gray matter volume nine years later than those who were more sedentary (Erickson et al., 2010).

5. Stop smoking

Although the physical benefits of quitting smoking are well-known, it’s less well-known that it will also benefit memory.

That’s because smoking damages the memory, and quitting can almost restore it to normal function (Hefferman et al., 2011).

That’s one more reason to quit (or to be happy that you don’t smoke).

6. Ignore stereotypes

If you think your memory will get much worse with age, then it probably will. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Older people who are reminded of stereotypes about age and memory perform worse in tests (Hess et al., 2003).

So, suffer fewer memory problems with age by paying no heed to the stereotypes.

7. Read Facebook posts

One study has found that people’s memories are much stronger for posts on Facebook than for sentences from books, or even people’s faces.

Mickes et al. (2013) found that Facebook posts were probably easier to remember because they were ‘mind-ready’: they were already in an easily digestible format and written in spontaneous natural speech.

Facebook is also full of juicy gossip, which probably doesn’t hurt!

8. Sniff rosemary

The smell of the essential oil, rosemary, has been shown to improve long-term memory, mental arithmetic and prospective memory–remembering to do things at certain times.

In one study, participants who sat in a room infused with the scent of rosemary performed better on a memory task than a control group (McCready & Moss, 2013).

9. Lose weight

Like smoking, putting on weight is associated with memory problems–but these are also reversible.

Lose some of the weight and memory function is likely to return.

Petterson et al. (2013) found that older, overweight, women whose weight dropped from an average of 85kg (188 pounds) to 77kg (171 pounds), over six months, saw improved memory function.

10. Turn off the computer and sit quietly

Now that you’ve read this article, it’s time to turn off the computer, tablet or phone and sit quietly.

That’s because when we are idle, the brain is actually still performing important memory functions.

Professor Erik Fransén explains:

“The brain is made to go into a less active state, which we might think is wasteful; but [is] probably [when] memory consolidation […] takes place […].

“When we max out our active states with technology […] we remove from the brain part of the processing, and it can’t work.”

→ Continue reading: Memory and Recall: 10 Amazing Facts You Should Know

Image credit: Davey Van Lienden

The Genetic Predisposition to Focus on the Negative

Around 50% of Caucasians have the ADRA2b gene variant.

Around 50% of Caucasians have the ADRA2b gene variant.

Some people are genetically predisposed to spot negative events automatically, according to a new study published in Psychological Science (Todd et al., 2013).

A gene called ADRA2b seems to cause people to take particular note of negative emotional events.

The study’s lead author, Professor Rebecca Todd explained:

“This is the first study to find that this genetic variation can significantly affect how people see and experience the world. The findings suggest people experience emotional aspects of the world partly through gene-coloured glasses — and that biological variations at the genetic level can play a significant role in individual differences in perception.”

The study used a phenomenon called ‘attentional blink‘ and involved participants looking at a series of positive, negative and neutral emotional words. Those who had the ADRA2b gene variant were more likely to perceive the negative emotional words than those without it.

Positive emotion words, though, were perceived by those with and without the gene to the same degree.

This could help explain why it is that some people seem particularly predisposed towards seeing the negative aspects of the world around them, while it passes others by.

Of course, we all need to spot very strong emotional stimuli around us–like a loved one in pain or anger and aggression in others–but paying too much attention to negative events can obviously make us unhappy.

Not only is the gene linked to differences between people in their attention, but also to memory. People with the gene likely also find negative events are enhanced in their memories.

It may mean that people with the gene are more likely to suffer from uncomfortable flashbacks to negative memories or even posttraumatic stress disorder.

Statistically, around 50% of Caucasians have the ADRA2b gene variant, but the rates are much lower in other ethnicities.

As with many genes, though, they interact with the environment: their effect on our individual psychology is partly determined by our upbringing, those around us and how we choose to think and act.

Just because there is a gene that influences our starting point, that doesn’t stop us having some control over where we end up.

→ Want to change your habits of thought? Check out my book ‘Making Habits Breaking Habits: How to Make Changes That Stick‘. Out in paperback in the US on Dec 10.

Image credit: Kevin McShane

Our Genes Respond Positively to The Right Kind of Happiness

The right kind of happiness doesn’t just feel great, it also benefits the body, right down to its instructional code.

The right kind of happiness doesn’t just feel great, it also benefits the body, right down to its instructional code.

New research suggests the right kind of happiness can change the code that defines our very being: our genes.

The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, examined the pattern of gene expression within the cells responsible for fighting off infectious diseases and defending the body against foreign materials (Fredrickson et al., 2013).

The 80 participants in the study also reported their levels of two different types of happiness:

  1. Feeling good or hedonic happiness: the kind you get from straightforward self-gratification, like having a good meal, or buying yourself a new car.
  2. Doing good or eudemonic happiness: the kind you get from working towards a noble goal and searching for meaning in life.

Stronger expression of antibody genes

What the researchers found was that people experiencing different mixtures of both types of happiness felt equally happy. For conscious experience, neither type of happiness beat the other.

A difference emerged, though, at the genetic level. In those with higher levels of ‘doing good’ happiness, there was a stronger expression of antibody and antiviral genes.

In contrast, people with higher levels of feeling good happiness had weaker expression of antibody and antiviral genes.

Steven Cole, one of the authors of the study explained:

“What this study tells us is that doing good and feeling good have very different effects on the human genome, even though they generate similar levels of positive emotion. Apparently, the human genome is much more sensitive to different ways of achieving happiness than are conscious minds.”

So, while doing good and feeling good both make us feel happy, it’s doing good that benefits us at the genetic level.

The lead author, Professor Barbara L. Fredrickson, suggests that:

“We can make ourselves happy through simple pleasures, but those ’empty calories’ don’t help us broaden our awareness or build our capacity in ways that benefit us physically. At the cellular level, our bodies appear to respond better to a different kind of well-being, one based on a sense of connectedness and purpose.”

Image credit: Dennis Holzberg

4 Dark Sides To The Pursuit of Happiness

Fake smile? Here’s how to avoid four hurdles on the road to happiness.

Fake smile? Here’s how to avoid four hurdles on the road to happiness.

Healthy people want to be happy.

And there’s little doubt about all the benefits of positive emotions. Amongst other things, they make us more sociable, allow us to think more flexibly and they’re associated with better physical and psychological health.

It’s little wonder that pursuing happiness has become a modern obsession, an obsession that psychologists have mostly encouraged (see: 10 Easy Activities Science Has Proven Will Make You Happier Today).

But, like any emotion, it has it’s time and place. Happiness comes and goes with the ups and downs of everyday life and too much emphasis on being happy all the time can be a problem.

Yale University’s Dr June Gruber has spent years researching happiness and has found that sometimes, at the extremes, the search for happiness can go wrong. But where are those extremes?

Gruber and her colleagues have looked at positive and negative emotions in particular and identified four dark sides to the pursuit of happiness (Gruber et al., 2013), each of which shows that sometimes the pursuit of pure happiness can go wrong:

1. Too much

It might seem crazy to talk about ‘too much’ happiness, but, like gorging on chocolate, you can have too much of a good thing.

Along with overall life satisfaction, happiness is about the balance between positive and negative emotions that you experience every day. To thrive, we need both the positive and the negative.

It’s an interesting observation that we have a name for some of the people who don’t experience negative emotions: we call them psychopaths.

That’s not to say that anyone who is too happy is a psychopath, but there are interesting parallels.

There are also interesting parallels between the experience of too much positive emotion and mania. Manic people sometimes go into happiness overdrive—taking all kinds of risks in their exuberance—with disastrous consequences for their professional and social lives.

Even putting aside those with personality disorders, there’s evidence that being too happy can lead to important negative outcomes.

Negative emotions provide us with all kinds of important signals: that we are breaking society’s rules, that we are in danger or that the risks we are taking are too big. Without these warning signals we’d get ourselves into a lot more trouble.

In other words: unpleasant as they are, we occasionally need to feel bad. It’s part of our very being.

2. Wrong time

If we need our bad feelings sometimes, then when?

Broadly, we need them when things go wrong. Without those appropriate negative emotions, things can go awry. Here are a few examples:

  • People who are too happy don’t see the warning signs of dangerous people or situations and may be more ready to trust when they shouldn’t. It’s no wonder that happier people also tend to be more gullible.
  • The fear response prepares the body for fight or flight: but with a silly happy smile on their face, it’s less likely they’ll get away quickly or win the fight.
  • People often think more systematically when they are experiencing negative emotions. Conversely happiness makes you think everything is OK and to carry on as normal.

In certain situations, then, negative emotions, like anger and benign envy, are the right response, and can even help motivate us in situations where it’s required.

So, happiness is a wonderful feeling, but isn’t always the appropriate and most effective response to a situation. Sometimes negative emotions turn out to be much more useful.

3. Wrong way

It’s one of the great ironies of life that sometimes the more you pursue happiness, the further away it gets.

And this is backed up by some studies showing that when people make a special effort to make themselves happy, they actually feel less happy as a result.

One study in which people tried to force themselves to be happy while listening to a piece of music found that they were less happy than those who just listened without making any special effort.

Part of the problem is feeling disappointment with our own feelings. If I specifically try to feel happier, and it doesn’t work, it is particularly disappointing, and makes me feel worse than if I just let the emotions come as they will.

None of this means that pursuing happiness is a waste of time—it just has to be done in the right way. As June Gruber puts it:

“Pursuing happiness may lead to positive outcomes if people are given the right tools to do so. Tools that may lead to lasting increases in happiness and well-being include flexible and adaptive emotion regulatory abilities, greater awareness of what will make oneself happy, and engagement in happiness-enhancing activities rather than directly pursuing happiness.”

4. Wrong type

So, how can there be a wrong type of happiness? Surely happiness is happiness is happiness? It all feels the same.

Well, not quite. Take the simple example of flying off on your holidays: there’s excitement, expectation, a strong feeling of wanting to get started. You can’t wait to get there and start exploring. This is happiness that’s all about arousal and feeling excited.

Then there’s the sort of happiness when you are sitting in the garden after a hard day’s work and a good meal. You feel satisfied and content. The sun is setting, the trees are rustling; there’s the distant sound of relaxed laughter. This type of happiness is all about calmness, relaxation and the feeling of a job well done.

Set against these ‘good’ types of happiness, here are a couple of examples of the wrong type:

  • Pride that’s undeserved: this is the kind of pleasure that, for example, school-yard bullies seem to take in doling out random violence on others. Although they may get pleasure in the moment, though, in the long-term this leads to guilt and embarrassment.
  • Culturally inappropriate: culture can partly determine how we experience happiness. For example, amongst Chinese people, the sense of happiness in terms of contentment is more culturally valued than the European-American sense of happiness as excitement and adventure. There’s some evidence that being out of step with prevailing cultural values of what happiness is can be damaging.

June Gruber summarises it like this:

“Types of happiness that engender negative social consequences or that are in conflict with a culture’s norms do not appear to have exclusively positive long-term effects and may even have negative effects.”

Happiness from meaning

“It is possible to have too much happiness, to experience happiness in the wrong time, to pursue happiness in the wrong ways, and to experience the wrong types of happiness. In such cases, happiness may not be adaptive and might even lead to harmful consequences.” (Gruber et al., 2013)

Instead life should be about having a sense of purpose that is personally meaningful, about developing strong relationships with others and about giving and receiving support.

Happiness is likely to come along the way to these more long-term goals and not by the pursuit of pleasure on its own.

Image credit: Mr Van Meelen

People Are Happier When They Do The Right Thing

Communities that pull together in a crisis are happier.

Communities that pull together in a crisis are happier.

What has happened to people’s happiness all around the world as they’ve faced the economic crisis? How have they coped with job losses, less money coming in, the sense of despair and lack of control over a nightmare that seems to have no end?

That’s the question that Helliwell et al. (2013) ask in a new paper in the Journal of Happiness Studies.

They guessed that one answer is one of the oldest in human civilisation: by pulling together.

Pulling together, though, has a new fancy name: social capital. Here are the kinds of things which tell you whether a group of people have ‘social capital’:

  • How many people do volunteer work in the community?
  • How many people have done a favour for a neighbour in the last month?
  • How many people have given a little money to charity (about $25)?
  • How many people regularly have meals together as a family?

These go on and on, but you get the general idea. It’s essentially doing nice things for other people around you; they don’t have to be that dramatic like donating a liver, just little boyscout-type activities count.

They then looked at a huge amount of data on both social capital and happiness across 255 metropolitan areas in the US and drew this conclusion:

“…communities with greater social engagement are happier than otherwise equivalent communities and that life evaluations fell by less, in response to unemployment increases, in those communities with high levels of a broad measure of social engagement.”

So social capital has a protective effect: by pulling together through doing little things for each other, people helped keep their spirits up during the economic crisis.

Happy countries

Helliwell et al. (2013) also found the same when they compared between countries, not just between US metropolitan areas. They divided countries into those which had become happier since the crisis, those which remained about the same and those that had become less happy.

In the group of countries with falling levels of happiness (which includes the US but not the UK):

“We saw that average happiness drops were far greater than could be explained by their lower levels of GDP per capita, suggesting that social capital and other key supports for happiness were damaged during the crisis and its aftermath.”

In contrast, South Korea is a country whose average levels of happiness have rocketed up since the economic crisis. This is partly because the economy has recovered remarkably well, but maybe also because of policies that have encouraged social capital. Here’s the President of South Korea explaining:

“Korea has already proposed a new way forward from the global crisis. […] We decided to share the burden. Employees chose to sacrifice a cut in their own salaries and companies accepted to take cuts in their own profits because they wanted to save their employees and co-workers from losing their jobs.”

More than social: pro-social

The explanation for these effects is that humans are fundamentally pro-social so:

“…they get happiness not just from doing things with others, but from doing things both with and for others. Despite a wealth of findings that those who do things for others gain a bigger happiness boost than do the recipients of generosity, people underestimate the happiness gains from unselfish acts done with and for others”

Image credit: Shena Pamella

Why Do We Enjoy Listening to Sad Music?

Sad music creates a contradictory mix of emotions that are pleasant to experience.

Sad music creates a contradictory mix of emotions that are pleasant to experience.

According to a new study by Kawakami et al. (2013), sad music is enjoyable because it creates an interesting mix of emotions; some negative, some positive. In their study, they found that:

“…the sad music was perceived to be more tragic, whereas the actual experiences of the participants listening to the sad music induced them to feel more romantic, more blithe, and less tragic emotions than they actually perceived with respect to the same music.”

They reached this conclusion by asking…

“…44 volunteers, including both musicians and non-specialists, to listen to two pieces of sad music and one piece of happy music. Each participant was required to use a set of keywords to rate both their perception of the music and their own emotional state.”

The key to enjoying sad music is that although we perceive the negative emotions, our felt emotions aren’t as strong as these perception. Perhaps this is because:

“Emotion experienced by music has no direct danger or harm unlike the emotion experienced in everyday life. Therefore, we can even enjoy unpleasant emotion such as sadness. If we suffer from unpleasant emotion evoked through daily life, sad music might be helpful to alleviate negative emotion.”

Although we can’t currently explain the cathartic effect of sad music—or indeed sad art in general—perhaps:

“…we initially experience negative emotion, such as sadness, and subsequently experience pleasant emotion because of the rewarding effect of enjoying art. Thus, the experience of listening to sad music may ultimately elicit pleasant emotion.”

This is just one of the psychological reasons why music is important.

You can also try the experiment for yourself. Here is one of the pieces they used in the research, it’s Glinka’s “La Séparation” in F minor. How does it make you feel?

Image credit: Scott Schiller

How Our Emotions Work

Do anger and envy have upsides? Does keeping busy make us happy? Why is regret so powerful? These and much more…

Do anger and envy have upsides? Does keeping busy make us happy? Why is regret so powerful? These and much more…

Emotions aren’t just things that happen to us, they are vital components of how we reason, motivate ourselves, think about the past and future and how we communicate with others.

Our emotional selves are sometimes remarkably resilient, sometimes out of control and often difficult to understand. Good feelings inevitably fade, while negative ones can stay with us forever.

To help explore your emotional side, here are my top articles from PsyBlog on the psychology of emotions:

  1. Does Keeping Busy Make Us Happy? – People dread being bored and will do almost anything to keep busy, but does keeping busy really make us happy?
  2. The Upside of Anger: 6 Psychological Benefits of Getting Mad – We tend to think of anger as a wild, negative emotion, but research finds that anger also has its positive side.
  3. 12 Laws of the Emotions – Emotions follow their own rules, like that of situational meaning, habituation, closure and concern.
  4. The Psychological Immune System – We get over bad moods much sooner than we predict, thanks to the covert work of the psychological immune system.
  5. What “The Love Bridge” Tells Us About How Thoughts and Emotions Interact – How much control do you have over your emotions?
  6. The Power of Regret to Shape Our Future – Why people are reluctant to exchange lottery tickets, but will happily exchange pens.
  7. 4 Ways Benign Envy is Good For You – Feeling green with envy? If it’s the right type of envy, maybe it’s no bad thing…
  8. Duchenne: Key to a Genuine Smile? – Experiments cast doubt on the classic marker of a genuine smile.
  9. The Surprising Power of an Emotional ‘Memory Palace’ – Can a ‘memory palace’ help you recall happier times, even when life is hard?
  10. 4 Life-Savouring Strategies: Which Ones Work Best? – We can increase our positive emotions and life satisfaction by using the right mix of savouring strategies.
  11. The Psychology of Nostalgia (in under 300 words) – Nostalgia has been rehabilitated from a disease of the mind to a beneficial emotional experience.
  12. 4 Dark Sides To The Pursuit of Happiness – Fake smile? Here’s how to avoid four hurdles on the road to happiness.
  13. Depression: 10 Fascinating Insights into a Misunderstood Condition – Ten insights into a very common and widely misunderstood condition.

Image credit: Alvaro Tapia

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