The Weirdest Way People Communicate Their Happiness

One more reason why happiness is so infectious.

One more reason why happiness is so infectious.

People communicate their happiness to others through their perspiration, a new study finds.

There are chemical compounds in sweat, it turns out, that can be detected by others.

Previous studies have shown that we can smell fear and disgust in sweat — but happiness has been more of a gray area.

Professor Gün Semin, a psychologist at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, who led the study, said:

“Our study shows that being exposed to sweat produced under happiness induces a simulacrum of happiness in receivers, and induces a contagion of the emotional state.

This suggests that somebody who is happy will infuse others in their vicinity with happiness.

In a way, happiness sweat is somewhat like smiling — it is infectious.”

For the study people watched videos that were designed to elicit emotional reactions.

At the same time they had sweat pads taped under their armpits.

Women — whose sense of smell is generally stronger than men — were then asked to smell the sweat samples.

When asked consciously, the women could not tell the different between ‘happy sweat’, ‘fearful sweat’ and ‘neutral sweat’.

But here’s the clever bit.

The researchers also recorded their faces to monitor their unconscious reactions to the sweat samples.

What they saw was that when women smelled the ‘happy sweat’, the muscles in their face moved to indicate a smile.

The researchers controlled for all sorts of other possible explanations, such as the intensity of the smell.

Professor Semin said:

“This is another step in our general model on the communicative function of human sweat, and we are continuing to refine it to understand the neurological effects that human sweat has on recipients of these chemical compounds.”

Imagine what will happen once perfume manufacturers get onto the fact that happiness can be communicated by smell…

The study was published in the journal Psychological Science (de Groot et al., 2015).

Smell image from Shutterstock

The Bizarre Reason Conservatives Are NOT Happier Than Liberals

CConservatives may say they are happier than liberals but that’s not the whole truth.

Conservatives may say they are happier than liberals but that’s not the whole truth.

While conservative say they are happier, it’s liberals who act and look happier, according to a new study.

The research questions the modern myth that conservatives are happier than liberals.

The key difference in this study is in how happiness was measured.

Professor Peter Ditto, one of the study’s authors, explained:

“If you want to know how happy someone is, one way to do it is to just ask them, and this logic has been relied upon heavily in research on subjective well-being.

But another way to think about it is that happy is as happy does, and looking at happiness-related behavior avoids the issue of someone striving to present him- or herself as a happy person.”

Liberals look and sound happier

The researchers analysed huge amounts of data from all sorts of sources.

They included millions of words from Congressional records of known conservatives and liberals.

They also included posts to Twitter and LinkedIn which were categorised as liberal or conservative by links to organisations with clear viewpoints.

For example, users who like Fox News are likely to be conservative, while users who like Planned Parenthood are likely to be liberal.

They found that liberals were more likely to use positive language while writing and talking.

Liberals were also were more likely to be smiling in photographs.

Sean Wojcik, the study’s first author, said:

“We were surprised by how consistently happiness-related behavior was predicted by having a liberal political ideology.

We saw similar patterns of emotional language and smiling behavior among Congress members, Twitter users and LinkedIn users.”

So, why is it that when asked in surveys, conservatives claim to be happier than liberals?

Mr Wojcik explained:

“People tend to report all kinds of traits and abilities in an overly favorable way.

If you ask people to rate themselves across almost any set of positive traits — intelligence, social skills, even driving ability — most will rate themselves above average.

We observed that effect to be stronger among conservatives than liberals.”

The news isn’t all bad for conservatives, though, Mr Wojcik said:

“There’s research saying that self-enhancement is related to improved social relations, productive and creative work, and other beneficial outcomes.”

The study is published in the journal Science (Wojcik et al., 2015).

Smiling woman image from Shutterstock

Ten Essential Psych Studies of 2014: Making Narcissists Empathise, Memory Boosting Spice And More…

In 2014 we learned which habits make you feel happy, the emotion which lasts the longest and much more…

In 2014 we learned which habits make you feel happy, the emotion which lasts the longest and much more…

1. How to get a narcissist to feel empathy

Narcissists usually aren’t much interested in other people’s suffering or, for that matter, any of other people’s feelings.

But a study published this year found that narcissists can be made to feel empathy, if given a nudge in the right direction (note: throughout this article, follow the links for more info).

Erica Hepper, the study’s author, explained:

“If we encourage narcissists to consider the situation from their teammate or friend’s point of view, they are likely to respond in a much more considerate or sympathetic way.”

It’s not that narcissists can’t feel for others it’s that they need reminding, Hepper said:

“…narcissists’ low empathy is automatic (instead of consciously suppressed or under-reported), and also that perspective-taking induces genuine change in the way that narcissists process a distressed person’s experience.”

Continue reading “Ten Essential Psych Studies of 2014: Making Narcissists Empathise, Memory Boosting Spice And More…”

8 Weight-Loss Tips That Might Surprise You

Some of these tips on weight loss and comfort food, exercise, the emotions and more might surprise you.

Some of these tips on weight loss and comfort food, exercise, the emotions and more might surprise you.

1. Look at loads of pictures of food

It’s the most unlikely weight-loss trick ever: looking at endless pictures of foods can make them less enjoyable to eat, a recent study has found.

While a few photos might enhance the appetite, contrary to what you’d expect, people are actually put off the taste by looking at loads of pictures of food.

Professor Ryan Elder, who led the study, which is published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, said:

“In a way, you’re becoming tired of that taste without even eating the food.

It’s sensory boredom — you’ve kind of moved on. You don’t want that taste experience any more.”

2. Play Tetris (or similar)

Just three minutes of playing Tetris can reduce cravings for food, cigarettes and alcohol, according to a new study published in the journal Appetite.

The psychologists conclude that Tetris, a retro tile-matching puzzle game, may provide a visual distraction which helps people control their cravings.

One of the study’s authors, Professors Jackie Andrade, explained:

“Episodes of craving normally only last a few minutes, during which time an individual is visualising what they want and the reward it will bring.

Often those feelings result in the person giving in and consuming the very thing they are trying to resist.

But by playing Tetris, just in short bursts, you are preventing your brain creating those enticing images and without them the craving fades.”

Candy Crush will probably do the same job.

3. Stop ‘exercising’, start having fun!

A strange thing happens when people start exercising to lose weight.

Despite burning more calories, they frequently fail to shed the pounds.

One reason people give is that they start eating more.

But, a new study finds, when exercising just for fun, people don’t eat so much afterwards.

The reason for this difference seems to be in how framing exercise affects people’s search for rewards:

“Engaging in a physical activity seems to trigger the search for reward when individuals perceive it as exercise but not when they perceive it as fun.”.

So the best advice is: stop ‘exercising’ and go out and have fun.

4. Comfort food doesn’t comfort you

Contrary to what most people believe, comfort food does not improve a low mood, a new study has found.

The research, published in the journal Health Psychology, found that people who ate nothing recovered from a bad mood just as quickly as those who ate their preferred comfort food.

The researchers concluded:

“We found no justification for people to choose comfort foods when they are distressed.

Removing an excuse for eating a high-calorie or high-fat food may help people develop and maintain healthier eating habits, and may lead them to focus on other, food-free methods of improving their mood.

You don’t need comfort food to feel better; the mind will do the trick all on its own if you give it time.”

5. A protein-rich breakfast reduces food cravings

New research shows that eating a good breakfast — particularly one rich in protein — boosts a critical neurotransmitter, which may lower food cravings later in the day.

Dr. Heather Leidy, an assistant professor of nutrition and exercise physiology who led the study, said:

“Our research showed that people experience a dramatic decline in cravings for sweet foods when they eat breakfast.

However, breakfasts that are high in protein also reduced cravings for savory — or high-fat — foods.

On the other hand, if breakfast is skipped, these cravings continue to rise throughout the day.”

6. Why sleep deprivation leads to junk food craving

Recent research from UC Berkeley scanned the brains of 24 participants after both a good, and a bad night’s sleep.

After disturbed sleep, there was increased activity in the depths of the brain, which is generally associated with rewards and automatic behaviour.

The frontal lobes, just behind and above the eyes, which help provide self-control, were less active.

The finding may help explain why the sleep-deprived are more likely to give in to calorific temptations.

One of the study’s authors, Matthew Walker, explained:

“”What we have discovered is that high-level brain regions required for complex judgments and decisions become blunted by a lack of sleep, while more primal brain structures that control motivation and desire are amplified.”

7. Diets make you less happy overall

A new study of almost 2,000 overweight and obese adults in the UK has found that those who lost weight were unhappier than those who remained within 5% of their original weight.

Although they were physically healthier four years later — with lower blood pressure and reduced risk of heart disease — those who lost weight were likely to be less happy.

Dr. Sarah Jackson, the study’s lead author, pointed out that the reason may be that diets tend to make you miserable:

“Resisting the ever-present temptations of unhealthy food in modern society takes a mental toll, as it requires considerable willpower and may involve missing out on some enjoyable activities.

Anyone who has ever been on a diet would understand how this could affect well-being.”

8. Pay attention to your emotions

Learning to pay attention to your emotions is a more powerful weight-loss strategy than greater nutritional knowledge, a new study finds.

A group of people were given a nutritional knowledge course and they were taught to recognise basic emotions in both themselves and other people.

At the end of the training session participants were asked to choose a snack.

Those who had had the emotion training were more likely to choose the healthier option.

The study’s authors concluded:

“With a better understanding of how they feel and how to use emotions to make better decisions, people will not only eat better, they will also likely be happier and healthier because they relate better to others and are more concerned with their overall well-being.”

Image credit: Ryan Wiedmaier

5 Easy Activities Proven To Enhance Life (Perfect for Thanksgiving)

Five prosocial activities proven to be perfect for boosting happiness and well-being.

Five prosocial activities proven to be perfect for boosting happiness and well-being.

There’s one key thread that links these five simple ways of feeling happier and enhancing life.

It’s unselfish behaviour that is not only good for us but also for the people around us.

They’re great reminders for this time of year…

1. Sleep to feel grateful

People who feel more grateful are happier with their lives, have more hope and more positive attitudes.

But how can you feel more gratitude?

One option is to get a little more sleep because sleep makes people feel more grateful, according to a University of California study.

Dr. Amie Gordon, who led the study said:

“…our research […] is the first to show that everyday experiences of poor sleep are negatively associated with gratitude toward others — an important emotion that helps form and maintain close social bonds.”

The knock-on effects of getting more sleep are felt by all the family, Dr. Gordon explained:

“…people reported feeling less appreciated by their partners if they or their partner tends to sleep poorly, suggesting that the lack of gratitude is transmitted to the partner.”

2. Notice a kind gesture

It’s easy to take other people for granted.

But, being grateful to others partner for any little kindnesses they do can make all the difference to a relationship.

Research by Dr. Sara Algoe and colleagues, found that gratitude helps to maintain intimate relationships.

Algoe said:

“Feelings of gratitude and generosity are helpful in solidifying our relationships with people we care about, and benefit to the one giving as well as the one on the receiving end.

Gratitude triggers a cascade of responses within the person who feels it in that very moment, changing the way the person views the generous benefactor, as well as motivations toward the benefactor.

This is especially true when a person shows that they care about the partner’s needs and preferences.”

So, say thank you to those around you.

3. Give away time to feel time-rich

It may sound counter-intuitive, but psychological research shows that when people give away their time, they actually feel they have more time themselves.

Not only that, explain the study’s authors Michael Norton and Elizabeth Dunn:

“In fact, giving time away alleviates people’s sense of time famine even more than receiving unexpected windfalls of free time.”

And that is apart from the good feelings you engender in other people.

4. Give away money to feel wealthy

It’s not just giving away time that makes you feel good.

Studies from all around the world, in India, Canada, South Africa and the US, consistently tell us that, paradoxically, giving away money makes people feel more wealthy.

Again, that’s apart from the gratitude that people feel towards you.

5. Buy experiences to be happy

At a time of year when many people are buying goods, according to the psychological research it might be better to spend on experiences.

Clothing, jewellery and electronic gadgets are all very well, but it’s often a concert, vacation, or meal out that lives long in the mind.

Experiences are also easier to talk about with others, which is another way they continue to give us pleasure long after they are over.

• Want more suggestions? Read on: 10 Ways Gratitude Can Change Your Life & 4 Step Gratitude Plan and 10 Easy Activities Science Has Proven Will Make You Happier Today.

Image credit: Sam Stanton

How to Feel Happy Just By Walking Differently

Our mood clearly affects how we walk, but how does our walking style affect our mood?

Our mood clearly affects how we walk, but how does our walking style affect our mood?

It’s well-known that when we’re in a good mood, our style of walking tends to reflect how we feel: we bounce along, shoulders back, swinging our arms in style.

Sometimes, just from our gait, it’s more obvious to other people how we feel than to ourselves.

Now, a new study finds that it also works the other way around: people who imitate a happy style of walking, even without realising it, find themselves feeling happier (Michalak et al., 2015).

The study had participants walking on a treadmill after looking at a list of positive and negative words.

While on the treadmill each person’s gait and posture was continuously measured and fed back to them visually.

On the screen they had to try and move a bar either one way or the other by changing their walking style.

Although they didn’t realise it, walking in a happy way made the bar move in one direction and walking in a depressed way moved it the other.

Nikolaus Troje, who co-authored the study, explained:

“They would learn very quickly to walk the way we wanted them to walk.”

Afterwards, they were asked to write down as many of the positive and negative words that they’d been shown earlier.

Those who’d been walking in a happy, upbeat way remembered more of the positive words, suggesting they were happier.

The study also found that those who walked in a slumped, round-shouldered, depressed way, remembered more of the negative words.

This ties in with research on people who are depressed: they have a strong tendency to remember negative events, rather than the positive.

A bias towards recalling negative events is part of the vicious cycle that perpetuates a depressed state of mind.

Troje continued:

“If you can break that self-perpetuating cycle, you might have a strong therapeutic tool to work with depressive patients.”

So: shoulders back, swing those arms, and let’s see you bounce along!

Image credit: Robert Couse-Baker

These Everyday Foods Have a Powerful Connection With Mental Wellbeing

Eating these foods is associated with greater optimism, happiness, higher self-esteem and better relationships.

Eating these foods is associated with greater optimism, happiness, higher self-esteem and better relationships.

Consuming fruit and vegetables could be just as good for your mental wellbeing as it is for your physical health, a new study finds.

The study of 14,000 people in the UK found that the more fruit and vegetables they consumed, the higher their mental wellbeing (Stranges et al., 2014).

Mental wellbeing is about more than just not being depressed: it means positively feeling good.

People with higher mental wellbeing are more optimistic, happier, have higher self-esteem and better relationships with others.

Dr Saverio Stranges, the study’s first author, said:

“Along with [not] smoking, fruit and vegetable consumption was the health-related behaviour most consistently associated with both low and high mental wellbeing.

These novel findings suggest that fruit and vegetable intake may play a potential role as a driver, not just of physical, but also of mental wellbeing in the general population.”

The results showed that amongst those who ate five or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day, 33.5% had high mental wellbeing.

Amongst those who only ate one portion per day, this figure dropped to just 6.8%.

Other lifestyle factors were also important, but only not smoking was as consistently associated with higher wellbeing as fruit and vegetable consumption.

Although this study only tells us that fruit and vegetable consumption and higher mental wellbeing are associated, other studies have shown a stronger connection.

One asked participants to log how much fruit and vegetables they ate over a 21-day period, as well as their mood (White et al., 2013).

The researchers found that eating more fruit and vegetables one day predicted better mood the next day.

There is also much evidence linking fruit and vegetable consumption with better physical wellbeing, so increased mental wellbeing is not a stretch.

Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown, one of the study’s co-authors, concluded:

“Mental illness is hugely costly to both the individual and society, and mental wellbeing underpins many physical diseases, unhealthy lifestyles and social inequalities in health.

… [high] fruit and vegetable intake could [enable] people to enhance their mental wellbeing at the same time as preventing heart disease and cancer.”

Image credit: Tetsumo

New Study Affirms 4 Very Old-Fashioned Guidelines for a Good Marriage

New research on 1,000 Americans over 5 years upholds some age-old rules about marriage.

New research on 1,000 Americans over 5 years upholds some age-old rules about marriage.

For a high quality marriage, have fewer sexual partners beforehand and, when you meet the right person, invite at least 150 people to your wedding.

These are two findings of a new report from the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia (Rhoades & Stanley, 2014).

The research followed over 1,000 Americans across five years as they got married and had children.

Of the original group, 418 participants got married and the report’s authors looked at how all sorts of factors — like their relationship history and when they cohabitated — affected the quality of their marriages.

Here are the four main findings from the study:

1. Have fewer sexual partners before marriage

The received wisdom amongst the younger generations is that experience of different relationships before marriage doesn’t do you any harm.

However, this new research finds otherwise.

The average number of sexual partner people reported having before marriage was five.

But 23% of people had slept with just one person and it was these people who tended to have the highest quality marriages.

For women, the more men they had slept with before saying “I do”, the less happy they were with their marriages.

As one of the study’s authors, Dr. Galena Rhoades, put it:

“In most areas, more experience is better. You’re a better job candidate with more experience, not less.

When it comes to relationship experience, though, we found that having more experience before getting married was associated with lower marital quality.”

In the report they write:

“More experience may increase one’s awareness of alternative partners.

A strong sense of alternatives is believed to make it harder to maintain commitment to, and satisfaction with, what one already has.”

Apparently, what happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas.

2. Commit to marriage before moving in together

People who either got married before moving in together or committed to getting married when they moved in together had better marriages, the study found.

This may be because ‘sliding’ into living together can make it difficult to get out of a relationship that isn’t really right.

On the other hand, if moving in together is treated as part of the road to marriage, it is taken as a more serious step.

It is better, the authors argue, to take moving in together as a very serious commitment, rather than just a handy way of saving on the rent.

3. Invite at least 150 guests to your wedding

Amongst those who had big, formal weddings, 41% of them achieved a high quality marriage.

In comparison, amongst those who did not have a formal ceremony, just 28% went on to have high quality marriages.

Even the number of guests at the ceremony was associated with marriage quality, with 150 turning out to be a decent round number.

The authors speculate that the more people that witness a marriage, the more seriously the two people take the commitment.

4. Have children after getting married

One of the most disastrous factors for a marriage in this research was having children before getting married.

Amongst college-educated couples, only 3% of those who had a child before marriage went on to have a high quality marriage.

However, of those who got married before having a child, 44% went on to have a high quality marriage.

Sliding versus deciding

The study’s co-author, Professor Scott Stanley, explained that there was too much sliding through traditional relationship transitions, without the requisite commitment:

“We believe that one important obstacle to marital happiness is that many people now slide through major relationship transitions — like having sex, moving in together, getting engaged or having a child — that have potentially life-altering consequences.

Another way to think about ‘sliding versus deciding’ is in terms of rituals.

We tend to ritualize experiences that are important.

At times of important transitions, the process of making a decision sets up couples to make stronger commitments with better follow-through as they live them out.”

Image credit: Francesca Palazzi

The Happiness Equation: It Can Predict How Good You Will Feel Moment-by-Moment

The vital role expectations play in our happiness is revealed by data collected from 18,420 people worldwide.

A mathematical equation which can predict our moment-by-moment happiness has been developed by researchers at University College London.

The equation (below) was based on a study of just 26 people playing a simple game involving risks and rewards…

The vital role expectations play in our happiness is revealed by data collected from 18,420 people worldwide.

A mathematical equation which can predict our moment-by-moment happiness has been developed by researchers at University College London.

The equation (below) was based on a study of just 26 people playing a simple game involving risks and rewards (Rutledge et al., 2014).


The equation was then tested on data collected from 18,420 people all around the world through a smartphone app.

The app tracked people’s momentary happiness and found that their mood didn’t just result from what they were doing, but also their expectations and how they felt beforehand.

Based on recent events and their expectations, the equation could predict how happy people would feel in the moment.

Dr Robb Rutledge, lead author of the study, said:

“We expected to see that recent rewards would affect moment-to-moment happiness but were surprised to find just how important expectations are in determining happiness.

In real-world situations, the rewards associated with life decisions such as starting a new job or getting married are often not realised for a long time, and our results suggest expectations related to these decisions, good and bad, have a big effect on happiness.”

In building the mathematical model, the researchers also imaged the brains of participants.

Activity in two particular areas of the brain was associated with higher levels of happiness: the ventral striatum and the insula.

The ventral striatum is the reward centre of the brain, containing a high concentration of dopamine neurons.

The insula, meanwhile, is vital for a range of functions, including the regulation of emotions like happiness.

Expecting to feel good

The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, strongly highlighted the importance of expectations in how happy we feel.

Rutledge continued:

“Life is full of expectations — it would be difficult to make good decisions without knowing, for example, which restaurant you like better.

It is often said that you will be happier if your expectations are lower.

We find that there is some truth to this: lower expectations make it more likely that an outcome will exceed those expectations and have a positive impact on happiness.

However, expectations also affect happiness even before we learn the outcome of a decision.

If you have plans to meet a friend at your favourite restaurant, those positive expectations may increase your happiness as soon as you make the plan.

The new equation captures these different effects of expectations and allows happiness to be predicted based on the combined effects of many past events.”

Image credit: Amir Kuckovic

How The Right Type of Materialism Can Make You Happy

All products were not created equal: some can even make you happy, new psychological research finds.

All products were not created equal: some can even make you happy, new psychological research finds.

It’s often said that always hankering after more stuff is not good for your happiness.

People who are more materialist, research has found, are more likely to be dissatisfied with life, more depressed, more paranoid and more narcissistic.

The right way to spend your spare cash is on experiences: these beat possessions in terms of our happiness.

That’s because:

  • Experiences improve with time in the memory, whereas possessions just fade and decay.
  • Experiences are difficult to compare, whereas it’s easy to see that your phone is out of date.
  • Experiences tend to be more social, and being social makes us happy.

At least, that was the received wisdom in psychology until recently.

Experiential products

Now, though, a new study has shown that not all possessions are created equal.

There are purely material items, like a piece of jewellery, and there are purely experiential items like concert tickets.

But in between are ‘experiential products’: things which ultimately help to facilitate experiences.

For example, a tennis racket enables you to experience tennis, books allow you to experience the author’s mind and interests, video games let you experience a virtual world and a guitar lets you experience music.

Researchers at San Francisco State University decided to test out how these three types of purchases affect people’s happiness (Guevarra & Howell, 2014).

To investigate, they asked people about various purchases they’d recently made and how happy these had made them.

The results were surprising.

As expected purely material purchases made people the least happy, but the experiential products made people just as happy as the pure experiences.

Ryan Howell, the study’s co-author, said:

“This is sort of good news for materialists.

“If your goal is to make yourself happier but you’re a person who likes stuff, then you should buy things that are going to engage your senses.

You’re going to be just as happy as if you buy a life experience, because in some sense this product is going to give you a life experience.”

Enriching ourselves

When they looked at the reason why experiential products were such powerful forces for happiness, it turned out that it was because they give or enable us to gain skills and knowledge.

In other words learning to play tennis, gaining knowledge from a book, even conquering a video game all provide us with a feeling of achievement.

On the other hand, experiences tended to make people happy because they were generally shared with others.

Howell continued:

“They are essentially two different routes to the same well-being.

If you’re not feeling very competent, the best way to alleviate that deprivation would be through the use of experiential products.

On the other hand, if you’re feeling lonely, you should buy life experiences and do things with others.”

Image credit: martinak15

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