Forcing A Smile Makes You Happier (M)

The expressions on our face are not just the result of our internal states, but they can also be the cause.

The expressions on our face are not just the result of our internal states, but they can also be the cause.

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Materialism Makes You Unhappy — But This Emotion Counteracts It (M)

Happiness can be compatible with being materialistic under the right circumstances.

Happiness can be compatible with being materialistic under the right circumstances.

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33 Surprisingly Simple Things That Make People Happiest (M)

“People say that they enjoy their work, but…people are happier doing almost anything other than working.”

"People say that they enjoy their work, but...people are happier doing almost anything other than working."

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Why Some People Are Always Agreeing — Despite What They Really Think (M)

Do you know someone who always agrees, no matter what they really think?

Do you know someone who always agrees, no matter what they really think?

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Small Gifts Give Much More Pleasure Than We Predict (M)

Givers tend to focus overly on how modest the gift is, while the recipient concentrates on the warm feeling they get.

Givers tend to focus overly on how modest the gift is, while the recipient concentrates on the warm feeling they get.

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These Everyday Interactions Increase Sense Of Purpose In Life (M)

A sense of purpose is powerful as it is linked to living a longer, healthier and happier life.

A sense of purpose is powerful as it is linked to living a longer, healthier and happier life.

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