The emotion helps people enjoy the positive aspects of each day even more.
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The emotion helps people enjoy the positive aspects of each day even more.
Despite worries for the future, elderly Japanese developed a type of ‘quiet hope’.
Despite worries for the future, elderly Japanese developed a type of ‘quiet hope’.
An attitude of gratitude keeps people feeling hopeful despite the challenges of aging.
Being thankful helps people to feel more optimistic, especially when experiencing difficulties and anxieties related to getting older.
The conclusions come from a study of people in their 80s and 90s in Japan.
Despite worries for the future, people developed a type of ‘quiet hope’.
Dr Iza Kavedzija, the study’s author, said:
“As people move through life, through their later years, many experience a sense of loss.
But this time for them also offers opportunities to reflect more on life, with a heightened realisation of their interconnections with others.
If one habitually invokes the involvement of others and their role in one’s life, one is reminded how much other people have helped them, in countless small and more substantive ways.
The same events seem different when one focuses on how others have helped.”
The anthropological study was carried out in the city of Osaka.
Dr Kavedzija found that older people experienced many common worries about aging: such as developing dementia or becoming a burden on their children.
They accepted this uncertainty, though, and remained actively involved with the wider community.
That involvement fed a sense of confidence and security.
Key to this was thinking about the past with gratitude, Dr Kavedzija said:
“An attitude of gratitude was embedded in older peoples’ recollections of the past, but also allowed them to think about the present in a hopeful way.
A world in which one has received much good will from others is a different place than one in which one has experienced loss, even if the facts of life are the same.
Gratitude in Japan can be seen to a large extent as a recognition of how much one relies on others as one moves through life.
Gratitude highlights feelings of interdependence in the social world.”
Older people were thankful for those who had played a significant role in their lives.
They were thankful for their partners, families, the opportunity to work and lead a full a life.
Dr Kavedzija said:
“While people in Japan might hesitate to say they are happy, gratitude is mentioned frequently.
Through appreciation, dependence on others is not seen as simply a burden or a potential source of embarrassment, but also as moving and deeply meaningful.
Meaningful relationships and encounters with others comprise a valuable foundation for what Japanese people call ikigai, or that which makes life worth living.”
The study was published in the journal Anthropology & Aging (Kavedzija, 2020).
Gratitude requires someone to understand the gift and the actions of the person giving it.
Neuroscientists have gained insights into how gratitude operates from an unexpected source.
Neuroscientists have gained insights into how gratitude operates from an unexpected source.
Gratitude can be extraordinarily beneficial to the mind.
It can increase wellbeing and health, as well as bolster relationships (see: 10 Ways Gratitude Can Change Your Life).
Now neuroscientists have gained insights into how gratitude operates from an unexpected source.
The testimonies of Holocaust survivors have been used to track gratitude in the brain.
Dr Glenn Fox, who led the study, said:
“In the midst of this awful tragedy, there were many acts of bravery and life-saving aid.
With the Holocaust, we only typically associate the awful things.
But when you listen to the survivors, you also hear stories of incredible virtue, and gratitude for the help they received.”
For the research 23 people who had no connection to the Holocaust were shown Holocaust survivors’ testimonies.
These briefly explained how Nazism and the persecution arose, about the Internment, the Final Solution and the Liberation.
People in the study were then given stories to read, while imagining they were the survivors.
These encouraged participants to think about typical acts of kindness that occurred, such as:
“You have been sick for weeks.
A prisoner who is a doctor finds medicine and saves your life.”
With brain scans, the neuroscientists were able to track the circuits involved in gratitude.
Researchers found that the areas activated included those processing reward, fairness, moral cognition and self-reference.
These include the ventral- and dorsal- medial pre-frontal cortex, as well as the anterior cingulate cortex.
Dr Stephen Smith, USC Shoah Foundation Executive Director, said:
“When they gave testimony to USC Shoah Foundation many Holocaust survivors told us that they found reason to be grateful, whether it was because of a stranger offering a bit of food or a neighbor providing a place to hide.
These small acts of generosity helped them hold on to their humanity.
That Glenn has been able to use testimonies in his incredible research on gratitude shows why it is so important to preserve the voices of people who lived through these dark times.”
The study was published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology (Fox et al., 2015).
• Read on: 10 Ways Gratitude Can Change Your Life
Healthier hearts aren’t just about diet and exercise, the mind can help too.
Healthier hearts aren’t just about diet and exercise, the mind can help too.
Being grateful helps patients recover from heart failure, a new study finds.
On top, two previous studies have found that optimistic people have healthier hearts and that a strong sense of purpose may lower heart disease risk.
In the new study, Dr Paul J. Mills and colleagues studied how gratefulness affected people suffering from asymptomatic heart failure.
He said:
“We found that more gratitude in these patients was associated with better mood, better sleep, less fatigue and lower levels of inflammatory biomarkers related to cardiac health.”
The study looked at people who had developed a heart problem — like having a heart attack — but who did not have other typical symptoms (shortness of breath or fatigue).
The researchers wanted to see what could help them avoid getting worse.
Once heart disease develops symptoms, the chances of death are five times higher.
So the researchers asked patients about their spiritual well-being and how grateful they were in everyday life.
Gratefulness involves noticing and appreciating the positive aspects of your life.
Dr Mills said:
“We found that spiritual well-being was associated with better mood and sleep, but it was the gratitude aspect of spirituality that accounted for those effects, not spirituality per se.”
Some heart patients were specifically asked to write down three things they were grateful for each day.
They did this most days over a period of eight weeks.
Dr Mills explained the results:
“We found that those patients who kept gratitude journals for those eight weeks showed reductions in circulating levels of several important inflammatory biomarkers, as well as an increase in heart rate variability while they wrote.
Improved heart rate variability is considered a measure of reduced cardiac risk.
It seems that a more grateful heart is indeed a more healthy heart, and that gratitude journaling is an easy way to support cardiac health.”
The gratitude study was published in the journal Spirituality in Clinical Practice (Mills et al., 2015).
Heart image from Shutterstock
Study asked some commuters to make an effort to speak to strangers, while others sat in solitude.
Study asked some commuters to make an effort to speak to strangers, while others sat in solitude.
There are two unwritten rules on public transport: don’t talk and don’t make eye contact.
Everyone has a scare-story about the results of opening up and talking to strangers.
There’s the one about the guy who treats a polite hello as permission to spew out his whole life-story or the woman who looks personally offended and turns her back.
Especially when commuting with others on public transport, it often seems to safer to stay in your bubble of solitude.
Are we right to be quite so wary, though?
According to a new study by shunning the company of strangers we could be missing out on a vital little lift to our day (Epley & Schroeder, 2014).
Across nine separate experiments, researchers at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, asked ordinary commuters on public transport to either:
Despite predicting that talking to strangers would be the least pleasant experience, when commuters were asked afterwards, it actually turned out to be the most pleasant experience.
One of the study’s authors, Professor Nicholas Epley, explained:
“Connecting with strangers on a train may not bring the same long-term benefits as connecting with friends, but commuters on a train into downtown Chicago reported a significantly more positive commute when they connected with a stranger than when they sat in solitude.”
The fact that this was the opposite of what they expected is fascinating. Epley continued:
“This misunderstanding is particularly unfortunate for a person’s well-being given that commuting is consistently reported to be one of the least pleasant experiences in the average person’s day.
This experiment suggests that a surprising antidote for an otherwise unpleasant experience could be sitting very close by.”
The authors conclude by saying:
“Being civil toward distant others or random strangers is typically believed to benefit others—society at large or those who are befriended.
The results of our experiments, however, join a growing body of research suggesting positive consequences of prosociality for oneself.
Whether it is spending money on others versus oneself, behaving equitably rather than selfishly, or expressing gratitude versus disdain, prosociality seems not only to benefit others but also to benefit oneself.
On an increasingly crowded planet, misunderstanding the benefits of social engagement could be increasingly problematic.
At least in this respect, the hedonist who seeks happiness and the idealist who seeks civility should choose the same path.” (Epley & Schroeder, 2014).
New positive psychology exercise helps remind you of meaning and value in your life.
The science of happiness has brought us all kinds of fascinating new ideas and techniques for feeling better.
There are now many simple activities that have been proven to increase your well-being, including counting your blessings, spending on experiences not stuff, visualising your best possible self and many more.
Here’s another to add to the list.
It’s based on the idea that happiness is boosted by being grateful for what you have.
Unfortunately we often ignore what we have in the rush through everyday life.
One way of combating this is to take photographs of whatever is important to you as a reminder. Here are the instructions for ‘mindful photography‘, by positive psychology experts Jamie Kurtz and Sonia Lyubomirsky:
“Throughout the course of the day today, you will take photographs of your everyday life. […] think about the things in your life that are central to who you are. If you wanted someone to understand you and what you most care about, how would you capture this? While this is highly personal, some examples might include sports equipment [or] a memento from a favorite time spent with your romantic partner [..]. Have your camera or camera phone handy and take at least 5 photographs of these things today.”
Since camera phones are so ubiquitous now, people have the tendency to take photos of anything and everything. Choosing about five things, though, will help you resist that impulse and focus in on what’s important and what you have to be grateful for:
“We believe mindful photography to be effective because it helps people examine their everyday lives in a way that they normally do not – namely, through the lens of a camera, with an eye out for beauty, meaning, and value.”
Image credit: Zuhair Ahmad
One of the greatest challenges to achieving happiness through gratitude is routine, familiarity and habit.
One of the greatest challenges to achieving happiness through gratitude is routine, familiarity and habit. We behave as if the things we enjoy now – health, job, family and friends – will continue forever, despite knowing it’s impossible. Usually only a change of some kind really captures our attention.
Continue reading “Gratitude Enhanced by Focusing on End of Pleasurable Experience”
This post explains how to use the results of the survey of your character strengths.
This post explains how to use the results of the survey of your character strengths.
You may like to have your character strengths survey results to hand while thinking about these questions. Head over to the VIA Survey website to recap your strengths, or take the test if you haven’t done so already. This previous post explains the background.
One common exercise is a discussion of your signature strengths with another person. Talk with someone you trust about which strengths strike you as more authentically associated with yourself. One thing you might discuss or have a think about is:
Sometimes it’s possible to be too courageous, too curious or even too kind. The trick is determining when to use which strength. Try to think of situations in which you’ve used your strengths successfully and times when you’ve used them unsuccessfully. Is there any pattern? If there is, what is this telling you? Schwartz and Sharpe (2005) argue that practical wisdom can only be reached through practice. There’s no substitute for exercising your strengths in the right way, and understanding why.
Negative points are easier to spot in others as well as in ourselves. As a result some people find it difficult to talk, or even just think about their strengths. It may also be partly cultural: Americans tend to be more comfortable discussing positivity, whereas other cultures like the British can be turned off by all this ‘happy-clappy’ positivity.
That’s fine, so instead of focusing on the top 5 character strengths, concentrate on the bottom of the list. These are your least strong strengths – I hesitate to say weaknesses because the survey isn’t concerned with rooting out weakness, it’s solely concerned with strengths. Still, those ‘strengths’ are at the bottom of the list for a reason.
Weakness can also be found in strengths if those strengths aren’t used in a balanced way. For example some people take critical thinking to extreme and end up highly cynical, finding it hard to see anything positive in the world. Similarly prudence is a highly admirable character strength, but too much prudence can lead to a boring and isolated life. Recognising the dangers inherent in some strengths can also be beneficial.
The strengths can be described on two dimensions: first on whether they are self or other-focused strengths, and second on whether they are strengths of mind or strengths of heart. Self-focused strengths include curiosity, self-regulation and zest, while other-focused strengths include modesty, kindness and forgiveness. Strengths of mind include open-mindedness, self-regulation and modesty, while strengths of heart include gratitude, hope and zest.
People are more likely to have signature strengths that are close on these two dimensions. For example people whose strength is perspective are also likely to have a love of learning. Similarly someone whose strength is kindness is also likely to be particularly forgiving. Do your strengths cluster together in this way, or are they more disparate?
[Your task is slightly hampered here by not being able to see all the strengths laid out along the dimensions – unfortunately I don’t have access to a copy I can use here. You’ll have to use your ingenuity to work out which strengths are closely related.]Yes, but that doesn’t mean they’re meaningless. All the questions in the VIA survey ask about positive traits, so there is clearly a bias in the way (most) people will respond. Naturally people tend to see themselves in a relatively positive light and so will tend to answer in the affirmative for most questions. For example, it’s an extremely rare person that says they have no morals or no curiosity at all.
The point with this survey is that as long as the response to every question isn’t exactly the same, then it will reveal something about your character. That variability between ‘very much like me’ and ‘most of the time’ reveals something. Using this variability the survey can work out which traits are most applicable and which least.
More generally, though, why should we only believe others when talking about their deficiencies, but not when point out their strengths?
Certainly. You can think about your strengths in relation to all the major areas of your life:
Image credit:
Research suggests this exercise is beneficial if carried out on a regular basis.
A week ago I suggested a simple gratitude exercise as an evidenced-based way of improving your mood over the long term. Research suggests this exercise is beneficial if carried out on a regular basis. So this is your reminder to set aside a couple of minutes today to be thankful for what you’ve got.
Continue reading “Better Mood From Gratitude: 1 Week Reminder”
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