10-Minute Daily Habit Slashes Depression Symptoms 20% (M)

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This Therapy Halves Depression Relapse Rates — Even Ten Years Later (M)

Older adults see lasting benefits from the therapy even a decade after treatment.

Older adults see lasting benefits from the therapy even a decade after treatment.

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This Positive View Of Depression Says It Is Sometimes A ‘Useful State’

One way that depression could be ‘good’ for you comes from a radical positive view of depression.

One way that depression could be ‘good’ for you comes from a radical positive view of depression.

People who are depressed find it easier to let go of goals that are hurting them, research finds.

Depression could be a useful mechanism to stop people doing things that are making them unhappy.

For example, depression could stop people from:

  • working too hard,
  • taking on too many commitments outside work,
  • or aiming for an impossible goal.

Unobtainable goals could spark bouts of depression, which then encourage the person to give up.

This unusual view of depression as a ‘useful’ state comes from a paper published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.

For the study, some people who were depressed and some who were not were asked to solve some anagrams.

The trick was that some of the anagrams could not be solved.

Ms Katharina Koppe, the study’s first author, explained:

“These unsolvable tasks represented unattainable goals, which it was necessary to give up as soon as possible in order to use the time effectively.”

The results showed that people who were depressed spent less time on the unsolvable anagrams than the control group.

However, depressed people spent the same amount of time on the anagrams that could be solved — showing they still pushed on with tasks that could be completed.

Professor Klaus Rothermund, who co-authored the study, said:

“The general lack of motivation that is typical of many patients with depression apparently gives rise to a greater ability to abandon goals, and one could use this in therapy.”

Giving up on an impossible task is clearly beneficial — as long as the unattainable goal is replaced with something meaningful that can be achieved.

Ms Koppe said:

“If we stop seeing depression simply as a psychological burden, which just needs to be removed through therapy, we might also be able to use the patient’s crisis as an opportunity for personal development.”

The study was published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry (Koppe et al., 2016).

These Feelings May Be Early Signs Of Memory Loss

The more mental health problems people had early on, the greater their memory problems in later life.

The more mental health problems people had early on, the greater their memory problems in later life.

Episodes of depression early in life are linked to memory loss later on, research finds.

People who experience depression and anxiety in their 20s, 30s and 40s tend to develop memory problems in their 50s.

It suggests depression might lead to dementia in later life.

Tackling depression and anxiety in young adulthood may help to reduce memory problems as well as the risk of dementia.

Approaches such as meditation, exercise and maintaining strong relationships can all help.

Dr. Darya Gaysina, study co-author, said:

“We found that the more episodes of depression people experience in their adulthood, the higher risk of cognitive impairment they have later in life.

This finding highlights the importance of effective management of depression to prevent the development of recurrent mental health problems with long-term negative outcomes.”

The conclusions come from a study that followed over 18,000 babies born in 1958, who have been followed into adulthood.

The results showed that the more mental health problems people had early on, the greater their memory problems in later life.

A single episode of depression or anxiety had little effect later on.

However, two or three episodes in their 20s, 30s or 40s were linked to worse memory function in their 50s.

Ms Amber John, the study’s first author, said:

“We knew from previous research that depressive symptoms experienced in mid adulthood to late adulthood can predict a decline in brain function in later life but we were surprised to see just how clearly persistent depressive symptoms across three decades of adulthood are an important predictor of poorer memory function in mid-life.

…this research should be a wake up call to do what you can to protect your mental health, such as maintaining strong relationships with friends and family, taking up physical exercise or practicing mindfulness meditation—all of which have been shown to boost mental health.”

The study was published in the The British Journal of Psychiatry (John et al., 2019).

The Sleep Schedule That Increases Depression Risk

Getting seven or eight hours is not enough, study finds.

Getting seven or eight hours is not enough, study finds.

Sleeping irregular hours increases the risk of depression, even if the total amount of sleep is sufficient, research finds.

People who sleep and wake at different times are just as likely to suffer depression as those who do not get enough sleep overall.

The findings highlight how important it is to maintain regular hours of sleep — on top of getting enough total sleep.

Irregular sleep schedules may cause mental health problems by disrupting circadian rhythms, the researchers suggest.

Circadian rhythms are the natural sleep-wake cycles of the body.

Sleep may be more restorative when it coincides with melatonin production and lower core body temperature, which are two circadian rhythms which help the body prepare for sleep.

For the study, researchers tracked over 2,100 young doctors as they battled through their first year of training after completing medical school.

Trainee doctors are well-known to experience highly irregular work schedules, along with reduced time for sleep.

Psychologists gathered information about their sleep and wake patterns through wearable devices.

Ms Yu Fang, the study’s first author, said:

“The advanced wearable technology allows us to study the behavioral and physiological factors of mental health, including sleep, at a much larger scale and more accurately than before, opening up an exciting field for us to explore.

Our findings aim not only to guide self-management on sleep habits but also to inform institutional scheduling structures.”

The results showed that trainee doctors with the most variable sleep schedules scored the highest on depression tests — they also had the worst moment-to-moment mood.

Professor Srijan Sen, study co-author, said:

“These findings highlight sleep consistency as an underappreciated factor to target in depression and wellness.

The work also underscores the potential of wearable devices in understanding important constructs relevant to health that we previously could not study at scale.”

Parents of young children will be well aware of the damaging effects of irregular sleep schedules on mental health.

Ms Fang joked:

“I also wish my 1-year-old could learn about these findings and only wake me up at 8:21 a.m. every day.”

The study was published in the journal npj Digital Medicine (Fang et al., 2021).

This Common Misconception About Depression Is Repeated By Many ‘Experts’ (M)

One reason so many people cannot understand their depression is the way that professionals talk about it.

One reason so many people cannot understand their depression is the way that professionals talk about it.

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The Facet Of Introversion That Is Linked To Higher Depression Risk

Depression is more than just the experience of negative emotions, like sadness and anxiety.

Depression is more than just the experience of negative emotions, like sadness and anxiety.

People who have difficulty experiencing positive emotions are at greater risk of depression, research finds.

A lack of ‘positive affectivity’ is one aspect of the personality trait of introversion.

People with low levels of positive affectivity tend to lack cheerfulness and optimism and they can be lethargic and distressed.

Their brains also typically have lower levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine, leading to a ‘flatter’ emotional state.

Introvert vulnerability

The conclusions come from a study of 2,942 adults who were followed over four years.

All were given tests of depression and aspects of the personality trait of extraversion: sociability, activity and positive affectivity.

People who are high in positive affectivity tend to be more confident, energetic, alert and enthusiastic.

Positive affectivity is an aspect of extraversion — so a lack of it is linked to being an introvert.

The authors explain the results:

“…trait depression had a large association with lack of positive affectivity, while trait social anxiety showed moderately strong associations with both low sociability and lack of positive affectivity.”

Social anxiety was also linked to the personality trait of low positive affectivity, the authors write:

“…socially anxious individuals reported fewer everyday positive emotions and positive events than did non-anxious individuals.

In contrast to other anxiety conditions, excessive social anxiety seems to be associated with diminished positive subjective experiences.”

Work on positive emotions

One way to combat depression and anxiety may be by working on positive emotions, along with targeting negative emotions.

The authors write:

“…boosting positive emotionality may be a treatment goal not only in the treatment of depression but also in the treatment of social anxiety.

It has recently been shown that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is associated with increased experience of momentary positive emotions as well as greater appreciation of, and enhanced responsiveness to, pleasant daily-life activities in persons vulnerable to depression.

Moreover, engaging in kind acts has been found to increase positive affect in socially anxious individuals.”

The study was published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences (Spinhoven et al., 2014).

This Dietary Change Reduces Depression Risk

Hundreds of studies have linked a better diet with improved mental health.

Hundreds of studies have linked a better diet with improved mental health.

Adding more fibre to the diet is linked to a lower risk of depression.

Dietary fibre is mostly found in legumes, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Fibre is commonly recommended for a healthy diet as it reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer.

But it has also repeatedly been linked to a lower risk of depression.

The latest findings come from a study of almost 6,000 pre- and post-menopausal women.

The results showed that in pre-menopausal women higher fibre intake was linked to a lower risk of depression.

The link was not, however, seen in post-menopausal women.

Higher fibre intake improves the diversity and richness of the gut’s microbiota.

Dr. Stephanie Faubion, director of the The North American Menopause Society, said:

“This study highlights an important link between dietary fiber intake and depression, but the direction of the association is unclear in this observational study, such that women with better mental health may have had a healthier diet and consumed more fiber, or a higher dietary fiber intake may have contributed to improved brain health by modulating the gut microbiome or some combination.

Nonetheless, it has never been more true that ‘you are what you eat,’ given that what we eat has a profound effect on the gut microbiome which appears to play a key role in health and disease.”

Diet and mental health

Hundreds of studies have linked a better diet with improved mental health.

For example, studies have shown a link between a diet rich in vegetables, nuts, fruits and fish and a lower risk of depression.

Raw fruits and vegetables in particular have been linked to better mental health.

Avoiding a high-fat diet can reduce depressive behaviour in mice.

Reducing the intake of common inflammatory foods including fast food, cake and processed meats reduces the risk of depression.

Similarly, cutting down on refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, white rice and soda, may lower depression risk.

All sorts of positive dietary changes, including weight loss, fat reduction and nutrient boosting diets, have been shown to improve mental health.

The study was published in the journal Menopause (Kim et al., 2020).

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