The Bad Words That Make You Stronger And More Confident (M)
Participants in the study were able to perform more push-ups after repeating these words.
Participants in the study were able to perform more push-ups after repeating these words.
Psychologists think that one of the main reasons people deceive themselves is to remain motivated in difficult situations.
For anyone who has ever done something and then immediately wondered why, this study is for you…
The impact bias is our tendency to overestimate how good (and bad) we will feel in the future — things are never as good (or bad) as we imagine.
The impact bias is our tendency to overestimate how good (and bad) we will feel in the future — things are never as good (or bad) as we imagine.
The impact bias is our tendency to overestimate our emotional reaction to future events.
Research shows that most of the time we don’t feel as bad as we expect to when things go wrong.
Similarly we usually don’t get quite the high we expect when things go right for us.
There are exceptions – such as being in a bad mood will tend to make us more realistic about future positive events – but these are far from the norm.
The impact bias pervades our lives, with studies finding that:
This research also show that people overestimate both the initial intensity of their emotional reaction, and also how long it will go on for.
The impact bias helps explain why almost anything that happened more than three months ago has no effect on our current levels of happiness.
The impact bias is a pretty reliable finding, so why does it happen?
Wilson and Gilbert (2005) find two main reasons:
Both making sense of an event as well as our tendency for focalism probably happen either completely unconsciously or at least partially unconsciously.
Consequently we often don’t realise we’re doing it.
Considering that these processes are probably unconscious it may be difficult.
But evidence does suggest two options.
When considering how a future event will affect you:
One study has suggested a way we can correct for the impact bias (Morewedge et al., 2005).
Just imagine for a moment how you would feel if you won the lottery tomorrow.
Alternatively, imagine how would you feel if someone close to you was badly injured in an accident.
Chances are that in imagining your own future feelings, you have overestimated their strength – both positive and negative.
Participants in this study were split into two groups and carried out a similar task of imagining their reactions to future events as you’ve just done.
One group were asked to recall their worst experience, while the other group were asked to recall any bad experience.
What they found was that those people who had been asked to recall their worst experience were likely to make more moderate predictions about their future feelings.
These more moderate predictions have been shown in previous research to be more accurate.
This is because people tend not to experience the extremes of emotions that they often predict for themselves.
This has serious implications for all our decisions about the future.
Are there things you need to do that you are avoiding, because you imagine they will be too painful?
Research like this shows it’s highly likely you are over-estimating the strength of your emotions.
A way around this problem is to imagine the worst related thing that has happened to you personally and evaluate the future in this context.
The fastest way to get rid of a thought is not necessarily the best.
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