2 Wonderful Mental Skills That Come With Age (M)
While older brains inevitably decline, their owners automatically adopt strategies to use them more efficiently than the young.
While older brains inevitably decline, their owners automatically adopt strategies to use them more efficiently than the young.
The switches bilingual people are continuously making between languages may account for some of the cognitive advantages.
The study analysed how contestants on the British TV show ‘Mastermind’ blinked under pressure.
The study examined how overconfidence affects the public’s understanding of science.
The usual advice is to avoid thought suppression to get rid of intrusive thoughts, but this study finds the technique can work.
From mind blanks and mind wandering to precrastination, through self-deception and time perception, cognitive psychologists reveal all.
From mind blanks and mind wandering to precrastination, through self-deception and time perception, cognitive psychologists reveal all.
We are all too aware of inhabiting a thick and sometimes impenetrable forest of thoughts.
Yet their appearance or sudden disappearance often remains a mystery.
From mind blanks to mind wandering, precrastination, self-deception and time perception, cognitive psychologists have revealed that our thought processes are often even more strange than we might imagine.
For example:
All of these questions and more are explored in these 9 cognitive psychology studies from the members-only section of PsyBlog:
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When people were given any information beyond the basics, their ability to reason was severely restricted.
Solving the most fascinating quirk of vision: what you see is partly a memory.
Challenge the stereotype before it becomes internalised.
The obsession with more is built into our language.
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