Children Love These More Than Their Siblings

Children get more satisfaction from these and get on better with them.

Children get more satisfaction from these and get on better with them.

Children are more satisfied with relationships with their pets than their siblings, new research finds.

Children also seem to get on better with their pets than their siblings.

The research helps to underline the importance of pets for children

Mr Matt Cassells, the study’s first author, said:

”Anyone who has loved a childhood pet knows that we turn to them for companionship and disclosure, just like relationships between people.

We wanted to know how strong these relationships are with pets relative to other close family ties.

Ultimately this may enable us to understand how animals contribute to healthy child development”

The researchers surveyed 12-year-olds from 77 families.

Mr Cassells continued:

‘‘Even though pets may not fully understand or respond verbally, the level of disclosure to pets was no less than to siblings.

The fact that pets cannot understand or talk back may even be a benefit as it means they are completely non-judgmental.

While previous research has often found that boys report stronger relationships with their pets than girls do, we actually found the opposite.

While boys and girls were equally satisfied with their pets, girls reported more disclosure, companionship, and conflict with their pet than did boys, perhaps indicating that girls may interact with their pets in more nuanced ways.’’

Dr Nancy Gee, a study co-author, said:

“Evidence continues to grow showing that pets have positive benefits on human health and community cohesion.

The social support that adolescents receive from pets may well support psychological well-being later in life but there is still more to learn about the long term impact of pets on children’s development.”

The study was published in the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology (Cassells et al., 2017).

This Sort of Child Abuse Just As Harmful As The Physical Kind

Around one-third of children around the world suffer this type of abuse.

Around one-third of children around the world suffer this type of abuse.

Emotional abuse of children can be just as harmful as physical abuse, a new study finds.

Emotional abuse includes behaviours like intimidation, humiliation and rejection.

Around one-third of children around the world suffer emotional abuse, which is far more common than physical abuse.

Professor David Vachon, the study’s first author, said:

“…although people assume physical abuse is more harmful than other types of abuse, we found that they are associated with similar consequences.

These consequences are wide-ranging and include everything from anxiety and depression to rule-breaking and aggression.”

The researchers studied 2,300 children who attended a summer camp over 20 years.

The children were from low-income families and aged between 5 and 13-years-old.

The results overturned some common assumptions, Professor Vachon explained:

“We also tested other assumptions about child maltreatment, including the belief that each type of abuse has specific consequences, and the belief that the abuse has different consequences for boys and girls of different races.

We found that these assumptions might also be wrong.

In fact, it seems as though different types of child abuse have equivalent, broad, and universal effects.”

The research should help change how people think about child abuse, Professor Vachon said:

“One implication, is that effective treatments for maltreatment of any sort are likely to have comprehensive benefits.

Another implication is that prevention strategies should emphasize emotional abuse, a widespread cruelty that is far less punishable than other types of child maltreatment.

One plan is to examine the way abuse changes personality itself — does it change who we are?

The point is to go beyond symptoms and ask whether abuse changes the way we tend to think, feel, and act.”

The study was published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry (Vachon et al., 2015).

Image credit: Vale

How Pressure To Be On Social Media 24/7 Affects Well-Being

The effect of pressure to be on social media 24/7 on young people’s mental state.

The effect of pressure to be on social media 24/7 on young people’s mental state.

Pressure to be available 24/7 on social media is linked to depression, anxiety and poor sleep amongst teenagers.

Adolescents who are emotionally invested in social media have worse psychological well-being, a new study has found.

They typically felt under pressure to react and respond to texts and posts immediately.

Dr Cleland Woods, the study’s lead author, said:

“Adolescence can be a period of increased vulnerability for the onset of depression and anxiety, and poor sleep quality may contribute to this.

It is important that we understand how social media use relates to these.

Evidence is increasingly supporting a link between social media use and wellbeing, particularly during adolescence, but the causes of this are unclear.”

The study included 467 teenagers who were asked about their social media use and levels of anxiety and depression.

Dr Woods said:

“While overall social media use impacts on sleep quality, those who log on at night appear to be particularly affected.

This may be mostly true of individuals who are highly emotionally invested.

This means we have to think about how our kids use social media, in relation to time for switching off.”

The study was presented at the British Psychological Society annual conference 2015 in Manchester, UK.

Social media image from Shutterstock

This Tweak To School Week Actually Improves Academic Performance

The change to the school week that surprisingly improves children’s academic performance.

The change to the school week that surprisingly improves children’s academic performance.

A four-day school week increases young children’s academic performance, a new study finds.

Researchers were surprised to discover that a four-day week did not have any detrimental effects on academic performance.

Dr Mary Beth Walker, one of the study’s authors, said:

“What interested me about our results is they were completely opposite to what we anticipated.

We thought that especially for the younger, elementary school kids, longer days on a shorter school week would hurt their academic performance because their attention spans are shorter.

Also, a longer weekend would give them more opportunity to forget what they had learned.”

Instead, though, math scores were higher for fourth- and fifth-grade students.

Reading scores were unaffected by a switch to a four-day-week.

Some schools in rural areas of the US already operate on four-day weeks to lower costs.

Typically, though, for the four-day week the school day was longer to meet minimum teaching requirements.

Dr Walker said:

“We thought the longer days might give teachers an opportunity to use different kinds of instructional processes.

We also speculated that a four-day school week lowered absenteeism, so students who had dentist’s appointments or events might be able to put those off until Friday and not miss school.

We thought there might be less teacher absenteeism.

My own personal hypothesis is teachers liked it so much–they were so enthusiastic about the four-day week–they did a better job.

There’s some evidence in other labor studies that four-day work weeks enhance productivity.”

The research was published in the journal Education Finance and Policy (Anderson & Walker, 2015).

Child image from Shutterstock

22% of Children Have Underdeveloped Brains From This Social Circumstance

How parents can offset these damaging effects on their children.

How parents can offset these damaging effects on their children.

Growing up in poverty — as do 22% of children in the US — has alarming, long-term effects on the brain, new studies conclude.

This can lead to long-term problems with depression, anxiety, learning difficulties and issues dealing with stress.

Professor Joan L. Luby, one of the study’s authors, said:

“Our research has shown that the effects of poverty on the developing brain, particularly in the hippocampus, are strongly influenced by parenting and life stresses experienced by the children.”

Children from low-income families scored 20% lower on standardised tests, new research has found.

This lowered performance was linked to slow development in the frontal and temporal regions of the brain.

However, these damaging effects of poverty on the brain can be offset.

Parents from low-income families who nurture their children can reduce some of these negative effects.

Teaching parents these nurturing skills — especially those living on low incomes — may be extremely beneficial for children.

Professor Luby writes in an editorial:

“In developmental science and medicine, it is not often that the cause and solution of a public health problem become so clearly elucidated.

It is even less common that feasible and cost-effective solutions to such problems are discovered and within reach.” (Luby, 2015)

The research was published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics (Hair et al., 2015).

Image credit: ferendus

The Learned Attitude That Makes Children More Anxious and Violent

Comparison of children in 12 countries reveals the most aggressive, and why.

Comparison of children in 12 countries reveals the most aggressive, and why.

Children who expect others to be aggressive are more aggressive themselves, new international research concludes.

Professor Kenneth A. Dodge, who led the study, said:

“When a child infers that he or she is being threatened by someone else and makes an attribution that the other person is acting with hostile intent, then that child is likely to react with aggression.

This study shows that this pattern is universal in every one of the 12 cultural groups studied worldwide.”

The research compared 1,299 children in the US, Italy, Jordan, Kenya Thailand, China — 12 countries in all.

Children were given scenarios to read involving common situations that could be interpreted ambiguously.

For example, when someone bumps into you it could be an aggressive move, but it’s more likely to be an accident.

Professor Dodge explained the results:

“Our research also indicates that cultures differ in their tendencies to socialize children to become defensive this way, and those differences account for why some cultures have children who act more aggressively than other cultures.

It points toward the need to change how we socialize our children, to become more benign and more forgiving and less defensive.

It will make our children less aggressive and our society more peaceful.”

Countries where children were the least aggressive included Sweden and China.

The most aggressive children were found in Italy and Jordan.

Professor Dodge thinks the way children are socialised is key:

“The findings point toward a new wrinkle to the Golden Rule,

Not only should we teach our children to do unto others as we would have them do unto ourselves, but also to think about others as we would have them think about us.

By teaching our children to give others the benefit of the doubt, we will help them grow up to be less aggressive, less anxious and more competent.”

The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Dodge et al., 2015).

Aggressive child image from Shutterstock

Squirming Helps Kids With ADHD Learn, Study Finds

Study overturns long-held belief about how to treat kids with ADHD.

Study overturns long-held belief about how to treat kids with ADHD.

Excessive movement helps the learning of children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a new study finds.

Kids with ADHD often tap their feet, swing their legs and generally move around a lot.

This has often been considered behaviour that needs to be curbed.

New research finds, though, that excessive movement is key to their memory and helps them work on difficult cognitive tasks.

This suggests that traditional approaches to ADHD may be misguided.

Professor Mark Rapport, head of the Children’s Learning Clinic at the University of Central Florida, and one of the study’s authors, said:

“The typical interventions target reducing hyperactivity.

It’s exactly the opposite of what we should be doing for a majority of children with ADHD.

The message isn’t ‘Let them run around the room,’ but you need to be able to facilitate their movement so they can maintain the level of alertness necessary for cognitive activities.”

The study involved 52 boys, 29 of whom were diagnosed with ADHD.

All were asked to perform a series of tasks to check their working memory.

Working memory is vital to how we reason, learn and understand the world.

For example, the children had to sort out a series of letters and numbers.

While they performed the task, the children were observed and taped.

Professor Rapport explained that children with ADHD performed better when they moved around:

“What we’ve found is that when they’re moving the most, the majority of them perform better.

They have to move to maintain alertness.”

In contrast, children without ADHD performed worse when they moved around more.

The results tie in with a previous study finding that the excessive movement of hyperactive children is linked to their thinking.

When they are not thinking hard, they don’t move around so much.

The new study was published in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (Sarver et al., 2015).

Jumping child image from Shutterstock

The Environmental Factor Linked to Huge Rise in ADHD

Exposure to environmental factor increased children’s chances of developing attention problems by five times.

Exposure to environmental factor increased children’s chances of developing attention problems by five times.

Rising air pollution in urban areas could be linked to the rapid increase in diagnosis in ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), a new study suggests.

The research, published in the journal PLOS ONE, finds that prenatal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), a component of air pollution, increases the chances of children developing ADHD by five times (Perera et al., 2014).

ADHD is thought to affect 1 in 10 children and is often characterised by a distracted nature, a propensity to daydream and an inability to concentrate and complete tasks.

The new study followed 233 pregnant women in New York City over 9 years as their children grew up.

The women were all Dominican and African-American, living in and around the South Bronx, Harlem and Washington Heights areas of New York City.

The results showed that greater exposure to PAH was associated with symptoms of ADHD as the children got older.

PAH is mostly produced by the burning of fossil fuels: so it comes from many sources, including traffic, domestic boilers and some power stations.

Dr. Frederica Perera, the study’s lead author, said:

“This study suggests that exposure to PAH encountered in New York City air may play a role in childhood ADHD.

The findings are concerning because attention problems are known to impact school performance, social relationships, and occupational performance.”

It’s not yet known exactly what the link is between PAH and ADHD, although it may be related to DNA damage or disruption of the endocrine system.

This study is not the first to suggest a link between pollution and mental health problems.

Previous studies by The Centers for Disease Control have found that PAH exposure may cause lower IQ, increased anxiety and depression and even developmental delays.

This is the first study, though, to find a link between air pollution and ADHD.

Image credit: amenclinicphotos ac

This is Why Childhood Psychological Abuse Should Be As Taboo as Sexual or Physical Abuse

Large new study reveals just how harmful psychological abuse in childhood can be.

Large new study reveals just how harmful psychological abuse in childhood can be.

Children who are neglected and emotionally abused experience similar, if not worse, psychological problems than those who are sexually or physically abused.

Despite this, childhood victims of psychological mistreatment rarely receive treatment and their suffering frequently goes unidentified.

Those are the conclusions of a new study of 5,616 youths who had faced different types of childhood abuse (Spinazzola et al., 2014).

The study is published in the journal Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.

The study looked at three different types of maltreatment:

  • Psychological maltreatment: this includes both emotional abuse or emotional neglect.
  • Physical abuse.
  • Sexual abuse.

Of the youths in the study, 62% had experienced psychological maltreatment, along with other types, while 24% of the children had suffered purely psychological abuse.

Psychological maltreatment included things like using threats, debasing children, ignoring them or bullying and terrorising them.

Children were between 10 and 12-years-old at the start of the study and were followed for around six years.

The results showed that psychological abuse led to similar rates of suicidality, stress, depression, anxiety and low self-esteem as did sexual and physical abuse — in some cases more.

The links found were strongest between psychological abuse and depression, social and general anxiety disorder and substance abuse.

Children who suffered both psychological and physical/sexual abuse had the worst outcomes.

Dr. Joseph Spinazzola, the Executive Director of the Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute, and the study’s lead author, said:

“Child protective service case workers may have a harder time recognizing and substantiating emotional neglect and abuse because there are no physical wounds.

Also, psychological abuse isn’t considered a serious social taboo like physical and sexual child abuse.

We need public awareness initiatives to help people understand just how harmful psychological maltreatment is for children and adolescents.”

Almost 3 million children in the US experience some kind of maltreatment each year.

Usually it is from a parent, family member or primary caregiver.

Image credit: Ardinnnn

Human Children Grow Up So Slowly Due to Large Brains, Study Finds

Why children grow at the pace of reptiles rather than mammals.

In comparison to many of its closest relatives, the human child takes a long time to grow up and require a correspondingly high degree of parental investment.

Human infants are more like reptiles than mammals in the amount of time it takes for them…

Why children grow at the pace of reptiles rather than mammals.

In comparison to many other closely-related species, the human child takes a long time to grow up and requires a correspondingly high degree of parental investment.

Human infants are more like reptiles than mammals in the amount of time it takes for them to reach maturity.

A new study finds that one reason is the enormous amount of energy that the brain requires as it grows.

Christopher Kuzawa, first author of the study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, explained:

“Our findings suggest that our bodies can’t afford to grow faster during the toddler and childhood years because a huge quantity of resources is required to fuel the developing human brain.

As humans we have so much to learn, and that learning requires a complex and energy-hungry brain.”

The study reached this conclusion by pooling data from MRI and PET studies which measure both the brain’s volume and its glucose uptake (Kuzawa et al., 2014).

These show that at the moment when children’s bodies grow the least — on average, at four-years-old — their brains are eating up the highest percentage of glucose.

At four-years-old, that means 40% of the child’s total energy expenditure is being used by its brain.

The findings support the theory that children take so long to mature because of the energy-intensive task of growing a massively over-sized brain.

Over-sized, that is, in comparison to the brain-to-body weight ratio of other species (ants, for example, also have massive brains in comparison to their body-weight).

Kuzawa continued:

“After a certain age it becomes difficult to guess a toddler or young child’s age by their size.

Instead you have to listen to their speech and watch their behavior. Our study suggests that this is no accident.

Body growth grinds nearly to a halt at the ages when brain development is happening at a lightning pace, because the brain is sapping up the available resources.”

“The mid-childhood peak in brain costs has to do with the fact that synapses, connections in the brain, max out at this age, when we learn so many of the things we need to know to be successful humans.”

Image credit: dogwatcher

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