Very Popular Drink Linked To Brain Damage (M)
The drink was linked to shrinkage in the hippocampus, an area critical for memory and other mental functions.
The drink was linked to shrinkage in the hippocampus, an area critical for memory and other mental functions.
Some people’s brains respond differently to alcohol.
Three key periods of life when this drink is particularly damaging to the brain.
The brain damage was mainly in the frontal areas and the right hemisphere of the brain.
The drink was linked to better word recall, vocabulary and higher cognition scores.
Deaths from overdoses of opioids, methadone, cocaine and heroine are at all-time highs in the US.
Hangovers are not caused by dehydration, a study has revealed.
The conclusions come from a systematic review of 35 studies involving 10,080 people.
Does drinking cause depression or depression cause drinking?
The drink is linked to 40 percent fewer neuronal connections in the emotional centre of the brain.
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