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Accept Yourself is PsyBlog’s fourth online course, after The Anxiety Plan, Spark and Activate, all of which are included in the Premium Membership.
The course is designed to help you overcome barriers to self-acceptance and learn daily practices that promote emotional healing.
With a Premium Membership you can now access the whole of the Accept Yourself course immediately online.
A Premium Membership also gives you access to all members-only articles, premium content and other courses, as they become available.
About the course
Imagine seeing a small child falling over in the street and cutting herself.
We naturally feel compassion, a sense of warmth and understanding.
Although empathising with the child is easy, it can be hard to feel compassion towards ourselves.
Instead of accepting the self, we:
- beat ourselves up over mistakes,
- chastise ourselves for not sleeping well,
- fight with unwanted thoughts flitting through our minds,
- wrestle with traumatic memories,
- and get irritated by bodily aches and pains.
Self-acceptance makes you happy
A few years ago, a UK charity surveyed 5,000 people about ten habits that science has shown to make people happier.
The survey revealed that self-acceptance made people most happy — even compared to being positive, learning new things and being part of something bigger.
Despite its benefits, self-acceptance was the habit people were least likely to perform.
Overcome barriers to self-acceptance
We face many barriers to accepting ourselves, including:
- Surrendering control – and no one likes to feel out of control.
- Self-acceptance may feel like giving up – but it turns out that self-acceptance is not the opposite of change. It is possible to accept ourselves and to change.
- Dealing with the inner critic more gently.
Learn how to practice self-acceptance
Accept Yourself explains how to overcome barriers to self-acceptance through daily practices that promote emotional healing.
Part 1 covers accepting various parts of our lives, including:
- Accepting the body and personality.
- Accepting failure.
- Labelling self-critical thoughts.
- Accepting insomnia.
- Dealing with unwanted thoughts.
- Accepting pain and disease.
- Coming to terms with childhood trauma.
- Accepting the emotions.
Part 2 explains two ways to cultivate self-acceptance. How to use mindfulness to:
- Identify harmful patterns of thinking.
- Accept recurring thoughts.
How to use compassion training to:
- Develop the feeling of compassion.
- Direct compassion towards the self.
It also includes instructions on compassionate letter-writing and journaling.
Reclaim your peace
Acceptance is about what happens when we get to the end of the solutions road.
It means saying to ourselves, “Yes, this is the way it is.”
This revelation is the first step on a new journey.
Enroll in the Accept Yourself course and transform your thinking today.