The Anxiety Plan: 42 Strategies For Worry, Phobias, OCD and Panic (Course)

The Anxiety Plan course will help you regain freedom from anxiety, transform your thinking and make lasting changes.

The Anxiety Plan is an online course that is included in the Premium Membership.

The course is designed to help you regain freedom from anxiety, transform your thinking and make lasting changes.

With a Premium Membership you can now access the whole of The Anxiety Plan course immediately online.

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The Anxiety Plan course

Severe anxiety is a trap that can destroy your quality of life.

It stops you from doing the things you want and enjoying everyday aspects of life.

Years of research shows that the most powerful way to change the emotions is to change the way we think about them.

Within everyone is the capability to live well — but learning to do so is not always easy.

This is not a ‘think-positive’ style course: it is a realistic and rational course about dealing with anxiety.

It will help you transform your thinking and make lasting changes.

It is possible to discover the capability within yourself to live well.

Start now.

A practical, easy to read self-help guide

This anxiety course is all about doing and changing.

It encourages a focus on changing your thoughts, behaviours and responses to situations.

There are numerous short sections with many action points.

It contains no theory and very little technical psychological information.

However, it is based on the latest anxiety research.

The points will be useful for anyone experiencing common anxiety problems.

The aim is to help you to see your anxiety differently.

Covers all the main anxiety issues

This anxiety course covers the most common types of anxiety issues and how to deal with them.

These are:

  • Generalised anxiety and worry: for people who constantly worry about a wide range of issues, rather than something specific.
  • Social phobia: for people who feel that social anxiety is blocking them from getting the things they want: relationships, promotions or just human contact in general.
  • Specific phobias: for those with fears of things like the environment, snakes, spiders, enclosed spaces, blood, injections and so on.
  • Panic: for people experiencing intense fear, including a very strong physical reaction and the sensation of being about to die or losing complete mental control.
  • OCD: for people experiencing intrusive thoughts that are repulsive to them and possibly engaging in repetitive behaviours.

Each section contains specific strategies that are most useful for each type of anxiety issue.

These, along with the general guidance for anxiety issues, can all help.

This anxiety course can help you

This four-part anxiety course describes scientifically-proven strategies for dealing with anxiety.

Most are derived from a type of long-established technique called ‘cognitive-behavioural therapy’ (CBT).

This has been used for many years to successfully help people improve their lives.

Part 1: Changing thoughts

  • Changing damaging self-talk like catastrophising, black and white thinking and noticing the negative.
  • Guidance on how to accept thoughts that cannot be changed.
  • Exercises to help you monitor your thoughts.
  • Ways to escape from ingrained habits of thought.

Part 2: Changing behaviours

  • Conduct simple behavioural experiments to explore and deal with your anxiety.
  • Learn to face fears that may have plagued you for years.
  • Understand how to take risks in everyday life.

Part 3: Strategies for specific anxiety issues

  • Generalised anxiety and worry.
  • Social phobia.
  • Specific phobias (such as fear of spiders, blood or flying).
  • Panic.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Each section has specific exercises tailored for that type of anxiety.

Part 4: Keep going

Coping with common problems that people face in trying to make progress with their anxiety, including:

  • Choosing targets for your plan.
  • Tracking your progress.
  • Solving common problems.

Practical exercises

Throughout the course there are 42 practical exercises designed to help you change your perspective on anxiety.

They are designed to help you:

  • Identify the way thoughts interact with behaviours and emotions.
  • Deal with the tendency to avoid situations.
  • Address negative self-talk.
  • Learn to take small risks.
  • Incorporate mindfulness into everyday life.
  • Sort ‘hypothetical’ fears from fears about real events.
  • Maintain these changes over time.

Enroll in The Anxiety Plan and transform your thinking today.

Author: Dr Jeremy Dean

Psychologist, Jeremy Dean, PhD is the founder and author of PsyBlog. He holds a doctorate in psychology from University College London and two other advanced degrees in psychology. He has been writing about scientific research on PsyBlog since 2004.

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