8 Insightful Social Psychology Studies: How Other People Influence Us

Kindness, cooperation, gossip, crowds, attraction —  social psychology studies provide key insights into these phenomena. 

Kindness, cooperation, gossip, crowds, attraction —  social psychology studies provide key insights into these phenomena.

In an increasingly self-centred world, it is easy to discount the influence of other people’s behaviour.

People tend to assume their own personalities, preferences and judgments are what predicts their behaviour while forgetting that we are social creatures.

By paying attention to social psychology, we complete the picture of human behaviour.

So, below are 8 psychology studies from the members-only section of PsyBlog that reveal aspects of how other people influence our behaviour — and we theirs.

(If you are not already, find out how to become a PsyBlog member here.)

  1. People Are More Cooperative Than You Think
  2. Why Acts Of Kindness Are Highly Contagious
  3. How To Open People Up To Differing Views
  4. The Hidden Purpose Of Gossip — Explains Its Powerful Impact
  5. Stress Is Contagious — But Some People Are Particularly Vulnerable
  6. Why Being In A Crowd Makes Time Pass Slower
  7. People Are Irresistibly Attracted To Similar Others — But Why?
  8. How To Ask Sensitive Questions And Get Truthful Answers


Author: Dr Jeremy Dean

Psychologist, Jeremy Dean, PhD is the founder and author of PsyBlog. He holds a doctorate in psychology from University College London and two other advanced degrees in psychology. He has been writing about scientific research on PsyBlog since 2004.

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