[Photo by DerrickT]
When I started my first psychology course I couldn’t understand the separation between the different subjects, or disciplines, in psychology. Developmental psychologists aren’t that much different from cognitive psychologists – they both study mental events and processes – but one almost never refers to the other. Why?
My first impression was that psychology’s disciplines were simply an historical accident, whose momentum had not yet dissipated. But a series of articles I discovered on unity in psychology began to open my eyes to myriad discussion about unity in psychology.
Follow the search from the start:
- Unifying Psychology
- Unity: Gregg Henriques
- Unity: Psychology Defined
- Unity’s Enemy: Complacency
- Unity: Disorganisation in Psychology
- Unity: The Cognitive Revolution Unifies
- Unity: Fuzzy Terminology
- Unity: Psychology is the Mother of All Sciences
- Unity: A Noble Quest
- Unity: Avoiding Critical Reflection?
- Unity: Support From Cognitive Science
- Reflecting on Unity
- Unity: Toward a Useful Mass Movement